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Sac iz kognizine  
Sac iz '''kognizine''' ip misi spanixa.  The woman knows Spanish.
Sac az '''nowine''' ip mani ap misa.  The man knows the woman.
Sac iz '''vidine''' ip misi ap mana.  The woman saw the man.
Sac iz '''smelise''' ip misi flora.  The woman smelled a flower.
''Subordinate Predicates''
'''Atisu''' ap mana husi, sac iz atine ap misa deri.  When the man came home, the woman was there.
Sac iz nay vidise ip mani nobada, '''wakisu''' ha awi.  The man didn't see anybody, (so) he walked away.
Embedded Predicates
Sac iz vidise ip misi atanua ava ip tri.  The woman spied the bird in the tree. (The woman spied the bird being (at) in the tree.)
Sac iz
Reduced Predicates
Reduced Predicates translate as a relative clause.  They function similar to an adjective in English.
ap talan mana  the tall man
ap engran misa  the angry woman
ap dedan mana  the dead man
ap dedas mana  the dying man (the died man)
ap dedal mana  the killed man
ap butufan flora  the beautiful flower

