
From Linguifex
< Module:siwa-noun
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local data = {}

local sub = mw.ustring.sub

decl_data["i-a-s"] = {
	params = {
		[1] = {},
setmetatable(decl_data["i-a-s"], {__call = function(self, args, data)
	local stem = args[1]
	table.insert(data.categories, "Siwa a-declension nouns")
	data.forms["nom"] = {stem}
	data.forms["gen"] = {
		(sub(stem, -3, -2) == "mm" and sub(stem, 1, -4) .. "mġa") or
		(sub(stem, -2, -2) == "m" and sub(stem, 1, -3) .. "mġa") or
		(sub(stem, -2, -2) == "n" and sub(stem, 1, -3) .. "nka") or
		(sub(stem, -2, -2) == "p" and sub(stem, 1, -3) .. "pra") or
		(sub(stem, -2, -2) == "t" and sub(stem, 1, -3) .. "tra") or
		(sub(stem, -3, -2) == "vv" and sub(stem, 1, -4) .. "gga") or
		(sub(stem, -3, -2) == "lk" and sub(stem, 1, -4) .. "lkka") or
		(sub(stem, -3, -2) == "rk" and sub(stem, 1, -4) .. "rkka") or
		(sub(stem, -3, -2) == "sk" and sub(stem, 1, -4) .. "skka") or
		(stem .. "ka")
	data.forms["ine"] = {stem .. "ą"}
	data.forms["ill"] = {stem .. "as", stem_i .. (stem_i == stem and "is" or "s")}
	data.forms["ela"] = {stem .. "ai"}
	data.forms["ade"] = {stem .. "ō"}
	data.forms["all"] = {stem .. "ō"}
	data.forms["abl"] = {stem .. "ō"}

return data