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High Valyrian


  • (Post-Classical) IPA(key): [tyɾoˈsiːha]


From Tyros + -īha.


tyrosīha (equative tyrosīhāpa, comparative tyrosīhykta, superlative tyrosīhāje)

  1. Tyroshi, of or from Tyrosh


Declension of tyrosīha (class I)
Prepositive lunar solar​ terrestrial aquatic​
sg or col pl or pa sg or col pl or pa sg or col pl or pa sg or col pl or pa
nominative tyrosīha tyrosīhi tyrosīhys tyrosīhys, tyrosīhyz tyrosīhon tyrosīha tyrosīhor tyrosīrha
accusative tyrosīhe tyrosīhī tyrosīhi tyrosīhī tyrosīhon tyrosīha tyrosīhor tyrosīrha
genitive tyrosīho tyrosīho, tyrosīhot tyrosīho tyrosīho, tyrosīhot tyrosīho tyrosīho, tyrosīhot tyrosīrho tyrosīrho, tyrosīrhot
dative tyrosīho, tyrosīhot tyrosīho, tyrosīhot tyrosīho, tyrosīhot tyrosīho, tyrosīhot tyrosīho, tyrosīhot tyrosīho, tyrosīhot tyrosīrho, tyrosīrhot tyrosīrho, tyrosīrhot
locative tyrosīhā tyrosīho, tyrosīhot tyrosīhȳ tyrosīhī tyrosīho, tyrosīhot tyrosīho, tyrosīhot tyrosīrho, tyrosīrhot tyrosīrho, tyrosīrhot
instrumental tyrosīhos tyrosīhos tyrosīhos tyrosīhos tyrosīhos tyrosīhos tyrosīrhos tyrosīrhos
comitative tyrosīhon, tyrosīhom tyrosīhon, tyrosīhom tyrosīhon, tyrosīhom tyrosīhon, tyrosīhom tyrosīhon, tyrosīhom tyrosīhon, tyrosīhom tyrosīrhon, tyrosīrhom tyrosīrhon, tyrosīrhom
vocative tyrosīhus tyrosīhis tyrosīhys tyrosīhys, tyrosīhyz tyrosīhos tyrosīhas tyrosīhos tyrosīhas
    Postpositive lunar solar​ terrestrial aquatic​
    sg or col pl or pa sg or col pl or pa sg or col pl or pa sg or col pl or pa
    nominative tyrosīha tyrosīhi tyrosīhys tyrosīhyzy tyrosīhon tyrosīha tyrosīhor tyrosīrha
    accusative tyrosīhe tyrosīhī tyrosīhi tyrosīhī tyrosīhon tyrosīha tyrosīhor tyrosīrha
    genitive tyrosīho tyrosīhoti tyrosīho tyrosīhoti tyrosīho tyrosīhoti tyrosīrho tyrosīrhoti
    dative tyrosīhot tyrosīhoti tyrosīhot tyrosīhoti tyrosīhot tyrosīhoti tyrosīrhot tyrosīrhoti
    locative tyrosīhā tyrosīhoti tyrosīhȳ tyrosīhī tyrosīhot tyrosīhoti tyrosīrhot tyrosīrhoti
    instrumental tyrosīhosa tyrosīhossi tyrosīhosy tyrosīhossi tyrosīhoso tyrosīhossi tyrosīrhoso tyrosīrhossi
    comitative tyrosīhoma tyrosīhommi tyrosīhomy tyrosīhommi tyrosīhomo tyrosīhommi tyrosīrhomo tyrosīrhommi
    vocative tyrosīhus tyrosīhis tyrosīhys tyrosīhyzys tyrosīhos tyrosīhas tyrosīhos tyrosīhas