Šinax Netagin

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Sinach Netagin exists in a state of diglossia with Modern Standard Netagin (MSNtg). It exists in a sprachbund with Shalaian, Modern Windermere, Gwnax and other Bjeheondian languages.

Grammatical changes from Classical Netagin include:

  • SAuxVO word order
  • Loss of grammatical gender and case
  • Loss of triliteral morphology
  • Loss of verbal binyan inflection, and use of verb-derived nouns (both old verbal nouns and less direct derivations, including reborrowings from CNtg) as verbs
  • Relative clauses are resumptive
  • As a result of Jespersen's cycle, negation uses a negative absolutive marker dean derived from the Classical connegative determiner de.
  • SEA style serial verbs
  • Emphatic -mik (< miek)

Modern Netagin people usually have Classical Netagin names

Inspiration: Crannish, Togarmite


Parts of speech


VNtg has only one set of pronouns.

1sg 2sg 3sg 1pl 2pl 3pl
m. f. n. exclusive inclusive
li naj nas nis ťů ťiem nybi nus


Present tense: subject + ma + verb + object (the verb is usually etymologically a VN)

Li dean ma qyšnaz, xambe kve ma qalůť.
1SG NEG PRES obey, when that PRES bad
I do not obey others when it's wrong.

CNtg my becomes an oblique case marker, prepositions form from relational nouns



Folk Netagin "piyyutim" use the same rhyming criteria as Classical Netagin "piyyutim", but they use weight-agnostic meters and are composed in Vernacular Netagin.