< Schlaub
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- ntzog (to speak)
- hab hab (onomatopoeia for laughter)
- Kuh-Kuhn 'cuckoo'
- Kuh 'pigeon'
- pfeib 'to cook'
- Zaun 'boundary, border'
- Plaub 'feather'
- aub 'to be obvious'
- ab 'question particle; ouch'
- Ad 'liver'
- Ag 'silver'
- Äu 'vine'
- Äub 'ship'
- Schräh 'military'
- ndxeis 'to grow'
- Tleib 'student'
- Ra-Xid Tleib is a member of parliament
- schmaub 'to change'
- lob X (particle) 'way to go, X' / 'long live X'
- ub - dear, beloved, precious
- U - school, esp. university
- U Te Mple (Earth) Temple University (Earth!Hlou just uses whatever results in the funniest spellings)
- U Wis Gän Sien (Earth) University of Wisconsin
- U Pän (Earth) UPenn
- U Dre Xe (Earth) Drexel U
- Schäu (Earth) Seoul
- I - instant, moment
- bis I - as soon as
- Ä - ploughshare, plough
- E - skirt
- Trlo - troll
- räh - small
- hahn - big
- Bub - a philosopher
- Schmleg Schmlin — composer using regular temperament theory
- Taum = smoke
- schmaß schmub = fun (from Spaß and spoob)
- An Schnrub = a Schlaub poetic meter with 8 syllables per line
- Kaub = star
- lub = to love
- dub = black
- Mpfa = land
- Vug = to learn
- do dos = to do wrong
- Schnaud = elephant
- schon = ago
- schon glaub Schlaub = 9 years ago
- Mbäd = tool, instrument
- Mbäd Rein = musical instrument
- Se = road
- Laub = leaf
- Schlaub = year
- Nob = gift
- Schmaug = dragon
- nkeiß Mbob = welcome ("receive face")
- Glei = fringe, edge
- gleib = low
- blau = rare
- glau = beautiful
- wein = alas
- wein ___ = how unfortunate is ___ (e.g. wein xan = woe is me)
- Ndleiß Beig Gluhn Schnoh = opulent luxury (lit. gold, gem, carmine, spice)
- Jub-Jub = species of predatory bird
- jein = dunno
- Pfin Wus = tomorrow
- wus wus = farther and farther into the future, indefinitely
- Nkeiß zied bis zu Mlub Pfin Schuß tzau! = Happy birthday!
- schlieg schlieg = to flutter
- mpfein = to love
- Ngu = brick
- flau = sad
- Schläub = sleeve, husk
- Blieb-Blas = butterfly
- Ploß = son
- Sen = year of age
- mblen = brown
- dsoh = to keep
- Glahn-Dlies = car
- dsaub = to discuss
- blag = to suckle
- Schrud = musical note
- schlaß = to decide
- Wug = thing; word, speech
- Huß = earth
- Gle Dän = kingdom
- Gle Mba = republic
- väus = beautiful
- Väus Nlab = mathematics
- Väus Ndob = anthropology
- Väus Drä Jun = biology
- glud = read
- schräd = to write
- pleb = common, frequent
- Aug = sheep
- Schlei = horse
- Dän = king
- Schwed = god
- blö = to trace
- Xin = eye
- wiß = flat
- Schwiß = plain
- Nän = water
- flub = to fail
- glub = to dream
- dzah = copula
- dzeib "to sizzle"
- Zeib "lyre"
- Seib "frost"
- xeib "radiant"
- schreib "to scratch"
- Möb = city; market
- mläus = to strum
- raug = find
- Mlob = use
- Ntzuh Vöhn Schraus Ndob = the best laid schemes of mice and men (lit. mice's schemes and men's plans)
- Nrus = winter
- Schmin = autumn
- Pfein = summer
- xäub = yellow
- mpfe = red
- Rein = music (as an art)
- Ndob Rein = composer
- Glon = musicology
- Ve = group
- Ve Rein = orchestra, ensemble
- Ve Glon = society of music (not an orchestra or ensemble)
- Fe = iron
- ba = to come
- Eib = part
- ndöß = to worship
- Txab = (colloquial) man, male
- Ved = (colloquial) woman, female
- Ntzog = language
- tsein = cold
- gleb = to choose
- Gein = tree
- Fleid = ray
- Mpluhn = honor
- schlaub = warm, temperate
- Tsieb = reed
- Schnas = sound
- schub = poor
- gluh = to heal
- mpag = narrow
- vög = good
- tuß = beautiful
- schuhn = sick
- Te Mpeh = tempeh (Te = cake, Mpeh = soy)
- gauß = to prove, to check
- Nub = seed, (slang) noob
- Schleg = place
- Schlähn Vei = tribe; nation-state
- Lab = dog
- nohn = to go
- Pfaub = stone
- lieg = to tell a lie; (obsolete) to express
- lau = to plant
- laun = smile
- Laud = shoe
- laug = to knit
- laus = to receive
- Lauß = wrinkle
- Ngaus = anise
- dehn = to twist in a screwlike motion
- e.g. ein Äu ndxeis dehn = the vine grows in a twisting motion
- jun = to live
- Kon = flute
- Txo-Ka = conjoined
- Kla - marimba
- Drad - square, diamond
Earth countries
- Mpfa A-Me-Ri-Ka - USA
- Mpfa Ka-Na-Nda - Canada
- Mpfa Me-Xih-Go - Mexico
- Mpfa Deid-Schlähn - Germany
- Mpfa Hän-La - Greece
- Mpfa Ruß - Russia
- Mpfa Ji-Scha-Ä - Israel
- Mpfa Hän-Guh - South Korea
- Mpfa Txon-Schö - North Korea
- Mpfa Dröb-Gos - China
- Mpfa Te-Wä - Taiwan
- Mpfa Ni-Höb - Japan
- Mpfa Vihn-Nä - Vietnam
- Mpfa Tei - Thailand
- Mpfa Kie-Me - Cambodia
- Häb-Gös - Hong Kong
Trician countries
- Mpfa Klo-Fan - Clofabolocin
- Mpfa Schlaub
- Mpfa Glub - Gloobland
- Pas-Lon-Sub-Räd - Palosuran
- Scheiß/Schiß = shit; very bad
- Scheiß! = Shit! Fuck!
- Scheiß nre X (lit. Shit upon X) = fuck X
- glob Scheiß! = eat shit, go fuck yourself
- Ein Glahn Dlies naus dzah Scheiß! = This car is shit!
- Scheiß nre ein Schräd höß in Ntzog Schmöb! = F the Hmong RPA!
- Scheiß bis Gohn Scheiß = "asshole" or "shitty situation" but stronger, lit. "shit in a room of shit"
- Xeiß/Xiß is a variant, derived fron the Bän Ntli dialect Schjeiß.
- scheiß/schiß = to shit
- jeb = (stronger than fuck in English) to have sexual intercourse with (e.g. Xan jeb Ma zied! /ʃa˨˩ je˥˥ ma˧˧ s̪ɨ˧˩/). This word has a lot of euphemisms for it e.g. just with a different vowel (job, jäb, jöb, ...) which are also vulgar.
- jeb Ma! = go fuck yourself
- Äub Schräh Mpfa Ruß, jeb Ma (ship military land Russia ...)
- zäug = useless
- Schlag zäug! = Y'all are useless!
- nrieß Trlöb Schmie (lit. rotten tromba marina) = very useless