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Morphology is the most complex part of Old Tíogall. Much of Proto-Talmic morphology survives in Old Tíogall. However, Old Tíogall is most notorious for its verbal absolute-conjunct allomorphy.





Independent forms:

Person túsain "I pray"
(non-prefixed stem)
torenis "I bloom, flourish"
1SG túsain < tussanis
ní·túsa < nīs tussan
2SG túsair < tussaris
ní·túsar < nīs tussar
toreris aelliris cacsyris
3SG.M tussamis toremis aellimis cacsymis
3SG.F tussasis toresis aellisis cacsysis
3SG.N tussas tores aellis cacsis
1EX tussamēs toremēs aellimēs cacsymēs
1IN tussantis torentis aellintis cacsyntis
2PL tussasces toresces aellisces cacsysces
3PL tussatis toretis aellitis cacsytis

Dependent forms (shown with nīs 'not'):

Person tussanis "I pray"
torenis "I bloom, flourish"
aellinis "I love"
cacsynis "I eat"
(ablaut stem)
1SG nīs tussan nīs toren nīs aellin nīs cacsyn
2SG nīs tussar nīs torer nīs aellir nīs cacsyr
3SG.M nīs tussam nīs torem nīs aellim nīs cacsym
3SG.F nīs tussasi nīs toresi nīs aellisi nīs cacsysi
3SG.N nīs tussa nīs tore nīs aelli nīs cacsy
1EX nīs tussamē nīs toremē nīs aellimē nīs cacsymē
1IN nīs tussant nīs torent nīs aellint nīs cacsynt
2PL nīs tussasce nīs toresce nīs aellisce nīs cacsysce
3PL nīs tussat nīs toret nīs aellit nīs cacsyt