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Morphology is the most complex part of Old Tíogall. Much of Proto-Talmic morphology survives in Old Tíogall. However, Old Tíogall is most notorious for its verbal absolute-conjunct allomorphy.





In the following tables, the stressed syllable is bolded.

Person túsain "I pray"
(non-prefixed verb)
1SG sain < tussanis
ní·san < nīs tussan
2SG sair < tussaris
ní·sar < nīs tussar
3SG.M saiṁ < tussamis
ní·sa < nīs tussam
3SG.F sae < tussasis
ní·sae < nīs tussasi
3SG.N tussas tores aellis cacsis
1EX tussamēs toremēs aellimēs cacsymēs
1IN tussantis torentis aellintis cacsyntis
2PL tussasces toresces aellisces cacsysces
3PL tussatis toretis aellitis cacsytis