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big: stéith
small: mionn (from Latin "minimus")
long: maol
short: tlámh
wide: raoi
narrow: cuacharta
thick: scúil
thin: h-áfhl
woman: fháixe, na bhfáixe
man: beathra, na mbeathra
child: stíotha, na stíotha
mother: eimhnidh
father: aithnidh
wife: sleith-fháixe
husband: sleith-beathra
brother: feadhan
sister: saon
fish: déimhe
bird: chuar
dog: lior
louse: h-úmhdha
snake: fhaost
worm: gán
tree: dóish
forest: ríne
stick: cuath
fruit: thamha
seed: páilbh
leaf: aisc
root: dhóife
bark: cior
flower: leog
grass: rúiche
rope: bhuaid
skin: geabh
meat: ceith
blood: shóbha
bone: reist
fat: suille
egg: cé
horn: nairth
tail: haoi
feather: gcoít
hair: núcha
head: snith
ear: dígh
eye: fheirn
nose: gíne
mouth: iacha
tooth: steang
tongue: dhúra
fingernail: sciofhth
foot: reithe
leg: deocha
knee: lionn
hand: flúin
arm: teanf
elbow: úraifh
wing: cheamh
belly: táile
guts: dlinneach
neck: laoiphe
back: míolbh
breast: srofht
heart: luisce
liver: steóisce
neábha 'to drink'
séic 'to eat'
tumhadh 'to bite'
scéimh 'to suck'
fiara 'to spit, to eject'
fiara néitheasach 'to vomit'
fíosha 'to blow'
stúimhe 'to breathe'
sraoth 'to laugh'
bhfeirthe 'to see'
diodh 'to hear'
teola 'to know'
bhrainne 'to think'

to smell: mbuir
fear: faoithe
to sleep: h-uaileas
to live: chaith
shadow: lunasf
to stand: eobhan
red: sím
night: ífh
ride: roghbha
word: aimhreas
star: seall
fly (insect): gofhd
north: uibhre
south: teasham
east: néil
west: spargh
wind: sithfhe
to come: eiseoth
to (preposition): eis
in (preposition): la
with (preposition): ro
illness: mhúr
snow: seor
frost: seoraí
heat: paeth
river: gangá (from Camalanàbha)
island: misheafh
asafoetida: lorsa


dance: from An Bhlaoighne "dannsa" (to move to a beat), from "dann" (beat; imitative of a drum) + -tha/-the verbalizer (-nnth- becomes -nns-)