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# Kanji Strokes Meaning On Kun
241 2 town section; measure word chō hinoto
242 5 generation sei or se yo
243 6 both ryō teru, futatsu
244 5 master, main shu nushi or omo
245 9 ride no-ru
246 4 beforehand yo arakaji-me
247 8 abstract thing ji koto
248 5 serve shi tsuka-eru
249 5 other ta hoka
250 5 substitute dai or tai ka-waru or yo
251 7 dwell su-mu
252 使 8 use shi tsuka-u
253 9 leader kei kakari or kaka-ru
254 10 double bai
255 6 whole zen matta-ku
256 8 tool gu sona-eru or tsubusa-ni
257 5 copy sha utsu-su
258 6 row retsu
259 7 help jo tasu-keru
260 10 diligence ben tsuto-meru
261 11 move ugo-ku
262 12 win shō ka-tsu
263 4 change ka ba-keru
264 4 ward ku
265 7 doctor i iya-su or i-suru
266 5 leave kyo or ko sa-ru
267 4 anti- han so-ru
268 8 take shu to-ru
269 8 receive ju u-keru
270 5 number yobina or sake-bu
271 6 confront mu-kau
272 7 you; monarch kun kimi
273 8 flavor mi aji or aji-wau
274 8 fate, life mei inochi
275 8 harmony; Japanese wa yawa-ragu or nago-yaka
276 9 article hin shina
277 10 employee in
278 11 commerce shō
279 11 question mon to-u or ton
280 7 slope han saka
281 5 center ō
282 8 begin shi haji-meru
283 8 committee i yuda-neru
284 6 protect shu mamo-ru
285 6 cheap an yasu-i
286 8 fix tei or jō sada-meru
287 8 fruit; reality jitsu mi or mino-ru
288 9 guest kyaku
289 10 Shinto shrine or prince (princess) kyū miya
290 宿 11 inn shuku yado or yado-ru
291 12 cold kan samu-i
292 7 opposite, against tai aite or soro-i
293 7 office kyoku tsubone
294 9 roof oku ya
295 8 shore gan kishi
296 10 island shima
297 6 state shū su
298 11 ledger chō tobari
299 5 flat hei or byō tai-ra or hira
300 8 happiness saiwa-i or shiawa-se
301 9 degree do tabi
302 10 warehouse ko or ku kura
303 10 yard tei niwa
304 6 style; ceremony; numerical formula shiki
305 7 role yaku
306 9 wait tai ma-tsu
307 9 hurry kyū iso-gu
308 10 breath soku iki
309 11 bad aku waru-i
310 12 sad hi kana-shii
311 13 thought
312 13 idea i
313 13 feel kan
314 8 place sho tokoro
315 5 hit da u-tsu
316 7 throw na-geru
317 9 pick up hiro-u
318 9 hold ji mo-tsu
319 9 finger shi yubi or sa-su
320 8 release hana-su
321 16 organize sei totono-eru
322 10 trip ryo tabi
323 11 tribe zoku
324 8 long ago seki or shaku mukashi
325 9 shine shō
326 12 hot sho atsu-i
327 13 dark an kura-i
328 6 melody; curve kyoku ma-garu
329 6 possess a-ru
330 8 clothes fuku
331 12 period of time ki
332 8 board han or ban ita
333 9 pillar chū hashira
334 10 root kon ne
335 12 plant shoku u-eru
336 13 business gyō
337 14 appearance sama
338 15 horizontal ō yoko
339 16 bridge kyō hashi
340 6 next ji tsugi or tsu-gu
341 12 tooth shi ha
342 6 death shi shi-nu
343 5 ice hyō kōri
344 7 decide ketsu ki-meru
345 8 oil yu abura
346 8 wave ha nami
347 8 pour chū soso-gu
348 8 swim ei oyo-gu
349 9 ocean
350 10 stream ryū naga-reru
351 10 extinguish shō ki-eru or ke-su
352 11 deep shin fuka-i
353 12 warm on atata-kai
354 12 harbor minato
355 12 lake ko mizūmi
356 12 hot water yu
357 13 China kan
358 9 charcoal tan sumi
359 8 thing butsu or motsu mono
360 11 ball kyū tama
361 5 reason yū or yu  yoshi
362 5 say shin mō-su
363 9 world kai
364 10 farm hata or hatake
365 9 sick byō yamai
366 10 departure hatsu
367 12 climb tō or to nobo-ru
368 5 skin hi kawa
369 5 dish bei sara
370 9 mutual ai
371 9 prefecture ken ka-keru
372 10 true shin ma
373 12 wear chaku ki-ru or tsu-ku
374 12 short tan mijika-i
375 9 sharpen ken to-gu
376 5 salute rei
377 9 deity shin or jin kami
378 11 festival sai matsu-ri
379 13 luck fuku
380 9 second byō
381 7 research kyū kiwa-meru
382 11 chapter shō
383 12 juvenile warabe
384 11 whistle teki fue
385 11 ordinal dai
386 12 writing brush hitsu fude
387 12 class hito-shii
388 15 box hako
389 9 rank kyū
390 11 end shū o-waru
391 14 green ryoku midori
392 14 practice ren ne-ru
393 6 sheep hitsuji
394 9 beauty bi utsuku-shii
395 11 learn shū nara-u
396 8 someone sha mono
397 8 nurture iku soda-tsu
398 8 suffer ku kuru-shii or niga-i
399 10 luggage ka ni
400 12 fall raku o-chiru
401 12 leaf ha
402 16 medicine yaku kusuri
403 6 blood ketsu chi
404 8 express hyō omote or arawa-su
405 13 poem shi uta
406 調 15 tone chō shira-beru
407 15 discuss dan
408 7 beans tō or zu mame
409 9 lose fu ma-keru or o-u
410 10 awaken ki o-kiru
411 13 path ro ji
412 7 body shin mi
413 11 revolve ten koro-bu
414 12 lightly kei karu-i
415 13 agriculture
416 7 repay hen kae-su
417 9 follow tsui o-u
418 9 send oku-ru
419 10 fast soku haya-i
420 11 progress shin susu-mu
421 12 play aso-bu
422 12 carry un hako-bu
423 11 part bu
424 11 metropolis to or tsu miyako
425 10 distribute hai kuba-ru
426 10 liquor shu sake or saka
427 9 heavy, gravity; pile jū or chō omo-i or kasa-neru
428 13 iron tetsu
429 14 silver gin shirogane
430 12 open kai hira-ku or a-ku
431 10 institution in
432 12 sunshine hi
433 12 storey kai kizahashi
434 12 gather shū atsu-maru
435 9 surface men  omote or tsura
436 18 topic dai
437 12 drink in no-mu
438 16 public building kan tate
439 14 station eki
440 14 nose bi hana
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