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See also:
For strong and irregular verbs, the past and perfect are given. For irregular nouns, the plural is given.
Small words indicate fixed combinations.
Abbreviations used on this page include:
- a adjective
- adv adverb
- conj conjunction
- det determiner
- intj interjection
- n noun
- num numeral
- postp postposition
- prep preposition
- pron pronoun
- vc copula
- vi intransitive verb
- vm modal verb
- vr reflexive verb
- vt transitive verb
a num one; det a, an
oss afnē adv tonight
afning n evening
agterr prep behind
agtrig a located in the back; velar
ahyt n union
akerr n field
all pron all, everything
allmig a general, common
oss allpē pron everywhere
allpig a common, ubiquitous
alltingiss pron everything
alltyt pron always
almyzē n precious stone, gem, jewel
anderr vt to change
andrig a other, different
anē pron each, every
anglī n angel, inhabitant of the sky
aper, iperti, giopert v seem, appear, look like, turn out; aper oss apparently do, turn out to
appoll n apple
aprig a seeming, apparent
arr a poor
arrm n arm
artē n doctor, healer
asboll n meatball
atall n singular
oss atē adv only; on one's own
atig a only, sole
atiglyk adv only
atimm vi, vt breathe
atjē n bridge
atming n breath
attoll n nobility
attlig a noble, of or pertaining to nobility
aug adv too, also, as well
aukig a clumsy, awkward
aupig a open, free
ausbarr, birrti aus, ausgiborrt vt give birth to
ausbiga, bigigti aus, ausbigisst vt avoid
ausbigatig a elusive
ausbigating n avoidance
ausbikopp vt sell out
ausbikopping n sale
ausbiring n hangover
ausbisik vt heal, cure
ausbisiking n medicine (discipline)
ausbrant, brinti aus, ausgibront vt put out a fire (takes the burning building as its object)
ausbranter n firefighter
ausbranthaus n fire station
ausbranting n fire service
ausbryt vt expand, enlarge
ausbyig a lonely
ausdankig oss prep despite
ausdwyn oss v leave, go away from
ausfrag vt answer, reply
ausfraging n answer, reply
ausgibirt a hungover
ausgijʉngtnē n adult, grown-up
ausgioggt a neutral, impartial
ausgiriggt a illegal
ausgyg, gigti aus, ausgigiggt vr shave
aushyf vt lose (an object)
ausirr vt annoy, upset
ausjʉng vi grow up
ausklirr vt undress
ausklúk vt betray
ausklúker n traitor
ausklúkig a treacherous, misleading
ausklúking n treason
auskryg, krigti aus, asgikriggt vt conquer
auskryging n conquest
auskyk vt summarise
auskykig a clear, structured, organised
auskyking n overview, summary
auslannt n countryside
auslanntig a rural
auslellk vt forgive; vr start over
auslellking n forgiveness; restart, second chance
ausleting n inconvenience, unease; disease, illness
auslis vt lose (a match or a battle)
auslúg vi go down, set
auslʉk v fail, not succeed
auslʉking n failure
auslyzing n defeat
ausmak, mikti aus, ausgimikkt v derive; conclude
ausmaking n derivation; conclusion
ausmogg vt forbid, prohibit
ausmogging n prohibition, ban
ausogging n neutrality, impartiality
ausperk vt forbid, make impossible
ausperking prohibition, ban
ausqyf, qifti aus, ausgiqifft vt strangle
ausqyving n strangulation
ausriggt vt illegalise
aussik vi recover (from an illness)
ausslap, slipti aus, ausgislippt vi wake up
aussliggt vt watch, guard
aussliggting n watch, guard
ausslom vt postpone, delay
aussloming n delay
aussort vt sort
aussorting n sorting
ausstamm oss v be descended from
ausstamming n ancestry, descent
austekk vt take over
ausvirrig a approximate
ausvúr vt bring out; vi vomit
auszell oss vi brag about
auszellig a arrogant, egoistic
auszelling n arrogance, egoism
auszi oss vi be careful with
ausziig a careful
auszúk vt, vi research
auszúking n research
auszwyl v receive, accept
aut a old
autrēmann n elderly person
autresshaus n retirement home
auzē n outside
avort, avirti, agivirt vi unite, become one
avorting n unification
azē n meat
azyter n carnivore
azytig a carnivorous
banann n banana
bank n bench, seat
barbrē n barbarian
barr, birrti, giborrt vt carry, wear
bass, basser n base, foundation
bassig a basic, fundamental
bassstauf n raw material; chemical element
batt n bath
bau v build
ben n leg
berrg n mountain
bibatt vr bathe
bidryg vt get someone drunk
bidrygt a drunk; (of beverages) containing alcohol
bidrygtness n alcohol, alcoholic beverages
bidyg vt invent, come up with
bidyger n inventor
bidyging n invention
bidwyn vt hide
biellp vt spell
biellping n spelling, orthography
bif vi shake, vibrate
bifing n vibration
bifrag vt ask, request
biga, bigigti, bigisst vi move
bigaut vt, vi mine
bigautighyt n mine
bigauting n mining
bigef, bigifti, bigifft vt lend
bigift vt poison
bigifting n poisoning
biginn vt begin, start
bigraup vt make fun of
bigryf v understand
bigyving n loan
bihang oss depend on, rely on
bihangtnē n condition, requirement
bihangtnig a required, necessary
bihauf vt lead, govern
bihaus vt house
bihauvig a political
bihauvighyt n politics
bihauving n government
bihauzing n housing
bihellf vt protect
bihorr vt listen to
bihúf vt need
bihúvig a needed, necessary
bihúvighyt n need, necessity; condition, requirement
biirr vt annoy
bikis vt vote for
bikizing n election
biklagg vt complain about
biklúk vt cover
biklúkig a covering
biklúking n cover, wrapping
bikomm, bikimmti, bikimmt vi get (X bikomm (oss) Y = Y gets X)
bikopp vt sell
bikryg vt attack, invade
bikryging n attack, invasion
bikyk vt pay attention to
bikykig a attentive
bikyking n attention
bilaut vi sound
biles, bilasti, bilisst vt collect
bilif vt respect
biliss vt list, sum up
bilivig a respectful, polite
biliving n respect, politeness
bilyg, biligti, biliggt vi emit light, radiate, shine
bilyt vi, vt drive (a car)
bilyter n driver
bilytossmogging n driving licence
bilyzing n collection
bimamm vt raise (children)
bimamming n upbringing
bimerr vt sharpen
binog vt maintain, preserve
binoging n preservation
binug oss vt supply with (X binug Y oss Z = X supplies Y with Z)
binuging n supply
binugt a satisfied
bipal vt decide, determine
bipaler n determiner, article
bipyl vi, vt shoot arrows (X bipyl Y = X shoots arrows at Y)
bipyn vt hurt
bipratt vt tell; talk about, explain
bipratting n explanation
biprʉlt a in trouble
biqyf, biqifti, biqifft vt cause to suffocate
biqyt vt lose (an object)
bir n beer
birauk vi, vt smoke
biriggt vi be just, be honest, be reasonable; vt treat with justice
briggtig a just, honest, reasonable
biriggting n court case
bisgap vt keep (animals)
bisgaping n animal husbadry
bisgillt vt protect
bisgillting n protection
bisgiss vt design, draft, sketch
bisgissing n design
bisgisst a sketchy
bisgoll vi go to school, study, be a student
bisgoller n student, pupil
bisgolling n education
bisgon vt clean, wash
bisgryf vt write about, describe
bisiff vi, vt count, calculate
bisiffing n calculation; arithmetics
bislap, bislipti, bislippt vi fall asleep
bislyt vt finish, complete
bislyting n completion
bispell vt play
bisperr vt hope for
bispog vi, vt spit on
bisser a strange, bizarre
bistamm vi begin, originate, arise
bistoll vr settle, take residence
bistraf vt punish
bistryf vt murder, kill
bistryver n murderer
bistryving n murder
bitarrp vt settle, populate, colonise
bitarrping n colonisation
bitrau vt trust
bitrauig a trustworthy, reliable
bitrauing n trust
bitt n bit, part
bittig a partial
oss bittrē adv to the right
bittrig a right (side)
bittrighyt n right-hand side
bitú vt cause, make happen
bitúing n consequence
biveg, bivagti, bivogt vt weigh
bivell vi go to bed
bivills vi turn around, go back, return
bivillsing n return, homecoming
bivragg vt confirm
bivrimm vt change for the worse, ruin, spoil, vandalise
bivrimming n vandalism
bivurr vt burn
biwalg vt disgust
biwet, biwati, biwotē vt remember; remind; inform
bizē n fly
bizegg vt tell, explain
bizegging n explanation
bizyt vi continue; stay, remain
bizytiglyk adv still
blanig a important
blanighyt n importance
blass vi blow
blau a, n blue
blot n blood
blúm n rose
bly a happy
blyhyt n happiness
boll n ball, sphere
bom, bomer n tree
borr vi be born
bos a angry
boss, bosser n forest
brant, brinti, gibront vi burn
brappling n gibberish
brappol vi speak gibberish
brok, brikti, gibrikkt vt break
brot n bread
brʉk n fracture, crack; separation
brʉktall n fraction, rational number
brʉtē n sandwich
brútē n brother; (plural only) family, relatives
brúthyt n family
bryk vt use
brykig a fragile; usual, common
bryking n use
bryn a, n brown
bryt a wide, broad
bʉk n book
bʉkhaus n library
búlē n onion
búm vi explode
búmig a explosive
búming n explosion
búmstauf n explosive
bur n neighbour
bʉr n bear
búr n farmer
búrhaus n farm
Bʉrnlannt n Bearland
Bʉrnlannts a Bearlandic, n the Bearlandic language
burr v happen, occur
burring n event
búzē n anger
by prep near, close to
bydrukk vt stress, emphasise
bydrukking n stress, emphasis
byiglyk adv nearly, almost
bykē n letter, message; notebook
bylt, bylter n image (abstract)
byltī n image, picture, drawing
oss bynē adv almost
byryk n colony, vassal state
byt pron both; byt X oss Y both X and Y
bytekk vt summarise
bytekking n summary
byterr vt improve
dag, dager n day
dakk n roof
dakkkammerr n attic
dank vt thank; dank oss ji thank you, danknē oss thanks to
darf oss, dirfti, gidirrft vi dare
darfig a brave, courageous
darfighyt n bravery, courage
darfing n arrogance
darross pron therefore
dass num thousand; conj that
dasspass, dasspasser n a length unit of about 730 m
dē det the, this, that; pron it, this, that (demonstrative); which, that (relative)
denkt vi think
di pron that, those
dif vt steal
difer n thief
difing n theft
dill vt divide
dillē n member
dilling n division, partition
dir n animal
dirr pron there
ditt pron this, these
dittag adv today
dorrk a dark
dorrkhyt n darkness
dot n death; v kill
dotig a dead
drink vt drink; vi drink alcohol
dritig a sad
driting n sadness
drukk vi, vt puss, press
drukking n pressure
drygē n drunkard, alcoholic
dryging n alcoholism
dryt vt turn, rotate
dryting n rotation
dúl n goal, purpose, reason, intention; dúl oss vi mean
dúlig a meaningful, useful
dúling n meaning
dúrg prep by (always followed by ē-form)
durr n door
dʉs adv so, therefore
dwass n fool, idiot
dwassig a foolish, stupid
dwassing n foolishness, stupidity
dwyn vi disappear
dygē n light
dyging n thought
ef ... solls/oss adv as ... as (ef X solls/oss Y = as X as Y)
ellpē n beech; letter; (plural only) alphabet
ellpossgiryt a alphabetic, in alphabetic order
ellpossryting n alphabetic order
emm pron him
et, ati, giotē vt eat
eting n meal; (usually plural) food
fak adv often
fakk n square; compartment, section
fall, fillti, gifollt v fall; n fall; case, situation, instance; grammatical case
fallry, fallryess n column
fann prep from
fatt n foot
fattboll n football
faut n mistake, error
fautig a wrong; fake
fautighyt n wrongness
ferr, ferrtē, firrst a far
ferrat vt bridge; solve
ferrating n solution
ferrbikomm vt get, acquire
ferrburr vi happen by coincidence; ferrburr oss happen to
ferrburring n coincidence
ferrdryt vt twist, bend; make wrong
ferrdúl vt define
ferrdúling n definition
ferrdwyn vt remove, delete, destroy
ferrē n quarter of an hour
ferrfill vt increase, multiply
ferrflút vt influence
ferrflútig a influential
ferrflúting n influence
ferrga, gigti ferr, ferrgigisst vi forget (X ga ferr oss Y = Y forgets X)
ferrgiburrt a coincidental
ferrgigisst a advanced, complicated
ferrgiriggt a legal
ferrhass vr hurry
ferrkall vt paint
ferrkarrt vt map
ferrkell vt cost
ferrkellings n (plural only) costs, expenses
ferrkryg vi rebel, protest
ferrkryger n rebel
ferrkrygig a rebellious
ferrkryging n rebellion
ferrlellk vt spoil, ruin
ferrlellkig a afwul, terrible
ferrles, lasti ferr, ferrgilisst vt study
ferrletig vt facilitate, make easier
ferrletiging n tool
ferrlinnt vt refresh, renew
ferrlinnting n refreshment, renewal
ferrlyk vt compare
ferrlykig a comparable, similar
ferrlyking n comparison; equation
ferrlyzing n course, study
ferrmas vt surprise, amaze
ferrminn vt decrease, minimise
ferrminning n decrease
ferrnikkt vt deny
ferrnyg vt refuse
ferrnyging n refusal
ferrogg vt be biased, have prejudices
ferrogging n bias, prejudice
ferrplikk vt replace
ferrplikking n replacement
ferrpratter n telephone
ferrrif vt fully supply, saturate
ferrriggt vt legalise
ferrsgau vt show
ferrsgill vt distinguish
ferrsgilling n distinction, opposition
ferrsgrikk vt scare, startle
ferrsgryf, sgrifti ferr, ferrgisgrifft vt rewrite, edit
ferrslaff vt be addictive
ferrslaffig a addictive
ferrslaffing n addiction
ferrslyt vt lock up, imprison
ferrtwig vi be mistaken
ferrvark vi sail, travel by boat
ferrvort, virti ferr, ferrgivirt vt, vr develop
ferrvorter n developer
ferrvortig a developing, under development
ferrvorting n development
ferrwak vt wake
ferrwaker n alarm clock
ferrynt vt end, finish
ferrzwart vi conspire
ferrzwarting n conspiracy
fill, mirr, filless a many, much
fillfatt n centipede
filltall n plural
fillter a several
fingrī n finger
finnt, fannti, gifonnt v find, discover
finnting n discovery
fiss, fisser n fish
flaff vi whisper
flaffing n whisper, whispering
flagg n flag
flik vi fly
fluk vi swear (an oath)
fluking n oath
flúrē n flower
flút vi flow
flútdwass n alcohol, ethanol
flúter n liquid
flútig a liquid
flúting n flow, current
flútzilvirr n mercury
follg oss, fillgti, gifillgt vi follow
follgig oss prep according to
follk n people, population
follkbipalig a democratic
follkbipalighyt n democracy
follkhyt n culture
follkhytig a cultural
form, former n shape, form; variant
forr num four
forrgúkē n quadrilateral
forrzytē n square
frag n question; vt ask
frau n woman
frauig a feminine
fryf vi, vt rub
fryfing n friction
fryflaut n fricative
fu n whistle; flute
fúlē n leaf
fúrt n castle, fortress
ga, gigti, gigisst vi go
gaut n gold
gautig a valuable, expensive
gef, giifti, gigifft vt give
giburrtness n history
gifft n gift, present
gift n poison
giftig a poisonous, toxic
giftighyt n toxicity
gill a, n yellow
gimmf vi marry
gimmfing n wedding, marriage
ginn vi begin, start
ginning n beginning, start, origin
ginntyt n prehistory
ginnvaut n jungle, old-growth forest
giprattness n spoken language
girr n female friend
girrst n barley
gisgrifftness n literature; written language
gisst n spirit, soul; mind, conscience
gistrī adv yesterday
giwellt a excellent
glút vi glow
glúter n ember
glúting n glow
glyvig a straight; (mathematics) even
glyving n straightness
gott n god
gotthyt n the four gods
gottig a divine, holy
gragglyk adv willingly
grass n grass
grat n degree, level
grathyt n scale, measurement
graunt n ground, earth
grauntbifing n earthquake
grauntkammerr n cellar
graup n joke
grauping n humour
graut a great, strong, mighty, powerful
grauthyt n strength, power, influence
grautig a important, influential
grautiglyk adv mainly, predominantly
grautze, grautzyess n ocean
grens, grenser n border, limit; outside
grottē n cave
grún a, n green
grúp n group; (mathematics) set
grúping n group, category; division into groups
grúplirring n set theory
grút vi grow, increase, rise
grútig a growing, increasing
grútiglyk adv more and more, increasingly
grúting n growth, increase, rise
gryk, gryker n pair of trousers
gryt a, n grey
gʉgtē n small farming village, hamlet
gúk n corner, angle
gúl n feast; party
gʉmlē n fruit (often pluralised)
gúring n role, function
gut a good
gutgissting n common sense
gutig a of good quality
gutighyt n quality
gybess n (plural only) area, region
gybesslirring n geography
gygē n beard
gygfrau n witch
gyn pron no, none
gynazer n vegetarian
gyt n goat
haff n harbour, port
haj intj hi, hello
hallf a half
hallfhyt n half
hallfylē n peninsula
hang, hignti, gihongt vi hang
hangig a dependent
hant n hand
hantig a handy, useful
hantsgryving n handwriting
haping n hunger
harē n (a single) hair
harrt n heart
hart a hard
hass n wood
hassig a in a hurry
hassing n hurry
hatlē n berry
hauf n head
haufmann n chief, leader
haufstatt n capital
haus, hissē n house
haustúings n (plural only) housework; homework
hautē intj goodbye
hekoll vt hate
hetkling n hate
hell n the underworld, the place where the dead go to
hellf vt help
hellfig a helpful; useful
hellfighyt n tool; helpfulness
hellfing n help
heppt, haptē, gihapt vt have
herkimming n return
herkomm, herkimmti, herkimmt v return, come back
hermak vt repair, restore; reconstruct
hertraff vt meet again
hertú vt repeat
hertúig a repetitive
hertúing n repetition
herwet, herwati, herwotē vt remember, recall
herweting n memory
herzegg, herzaggti, herziggt vt repeat, say again
hi pron he
hiess pron his
oss hillē adv completely
hillig a whole, complete, entire
hilltall n integer
hillvē n hill
hillvig a hilly; rough
himmell n sky
himmlig a of or pertaining to the sky; fucking, damn (emphasises the following noun)
hirr pron here
hirrig a local, from or belonging to here
hirrst n autumn, fall
hirrstig a harsh, severe
ho a high
hobrútē n uncle
hohyt n height
holaut n vowel
holl n hole
hollig a hollow; full of holes
homamm n grandmother
hopapp n grandfather
hozʉs n aunt
horr vt hear
horrig a audible
horring n hearing
horrt num hundred
oss hotē adv above, upstairs
hotig oss prep above; more than, over
hu pron how (asks for a manner)
huing n manner, way; grammatical mood
hulyk pron how, why (asks for an explanation)
hʉn pron them (only refers to people)
hús n pub, café
hyē intj hey, hello
hyjē n shark
hyl vi cry
hylig a sad
hymig a secret
hymighyt n secret
hytig a warm, hot
hytighyt n warmth, heat
hyving n (usually plural) possession, property
ig pron I
illg n elk
imann pron someone
imē n unknown person
imig pron some (only refers to people)
inngisst v inspire
inngisstig a inspiring
inngissting n inspiration
innhúzē n piece of furniture
innhyf vt contain
innslap, slitpi inn, inngislippt vi fall asleep
inntig a true, actual
inntigyt n fact
inntiglyk adv indeed
innvúr vt bring in, enter
innwak vi wake up
irgiss pron somewhere
iss, wast, giasst vc be
itē n unknown thing
itig pron some (not used for people)
itiss pron something
iww n century
ja intj yes
jagglyk adv the opposite of "not"
jaggt vt hunt
jaggter n hunter
jaggting n hunt
jaggplʉker n hunter-gatherer
jar n year
jardag n birthday
jarginning n spring
jarynting n autumn, fall
ji pron you (singular)
jiess pron your (singular)
jis pron you (plural)
jʉng a young
jʉngē n boy
jʉnghyt n youth
kall n colour
kallig a colourful
kalling n paint
kammerr n room, chamber
kart n card
karvē n carbon
karrtē n map
kass n cheese
katt, katter n kat
kaut a cold
kauhyt n cold (low temperature)
kauting n cold (illness)
kell vt pay
kellig a expensive
kelling n price
ken vt know (a person)
kennī, kinness n dog
keppvogg n a large flightless bird endemic to Bearland
kettē n dick
ketthauf n asshole
kiks n king
kikshyt n power, monarchy
kiksig a royal
kiksryk n kingdom
kill n throat
killig a uvular
kimmig a upcoming, future
kimmigē n future
kimming n coming, arrival; future
kinn n chin
kis vt choose; vote
kising n choice; election; vote
klagg vi complain
klagging n complain
klirr n piece of clothing, cloth
klirring n clothing
klúk n coat, cloak
klurr vt paint
klurrer n painter
klyn a small
klyning a unimportant, irrelevant
knirr vt cut
knirrē n pair of scissors
knugoll oss vi hug
knyf n knife
kogg n bullet, projectile
koll vt connect, link
kolling n connection, link
komm, kimmti, gikimmt vi come
konin n rabbit
kopp vt buy
koppig a cheap
kopping n trade
korrt a short
kotts vi vomit
kra a big, large
krahyt n size
oss krútē adv seriously, gravely
krútig a (of people) cruel, ruthless; (of places and situations) harsh, unpleasant, inhospitable
kryg n war
krymē n curve
krymig a bent, curved
krys n cross
ku, kuer n cow
kunn vi be possible
kunnig a possible
kunnighyt n possibility
kʉprē n copper
kúrvē n corpse, body
kuss vm can, be able to
kyk, kikti, gikikkt vt look at, watch
kynt, kynter n child
kypē n market, shop
Kystē n the fire god
lag vi laugh, smile
lagig a happy, cheerful
laging n laugh, smile
lak a low
laklaut n consonant
lamp, lamper n lamp, candle, source of light
lampig a luminescent, emitting light
lamping n lighting
lang a long
nikkt oss langē adv no longer, not anymore
langhyt n length
langig a slow
lannt n land, country, state, nation
lat a late
latiss a last
lauf n traveller, pedestrian
laut n sound
lautgrúp n syllable
lautig a loud
lautighyt n loud noise; loudness, volume
lef vi live, be alive
leflirring n biology
lellk a ugly
lellkhyt n ugliness
les, lasti, gilisst vt read
letig a easy, simple
letighyt n ease, simplicity
lif vt love
lifgirr n girlfriend
lifvrinnt n boyfriend
lig vi lie, tell lies
liger n liar
liging n lie, untruth
linntē n spring
linntig a fresh, new
lipp n lip
lippig a labial
lipplē n spoon
lirr vt learn
lirring n knowledge, study, science
liss, lisser n list
lisster vi suffer
lisstrer n victim; (grammar) object
lisstring n suffering
livig a dear
living n love
lop vi walk
lúgē n air
lúghaff n airport
lúnauslúging n moonset
lúnē n moon
lúnosslúging n moonrise
lʉkig a fun; lucky
lʉking n fun; luck
lʉklyk adv fortunately
lútē n lead (metal)
ly a lazy
lyē n princess
lyflúgē n oxygen
lyhyt n laziness
lygē n ray of light
lyging n light; radiation
lygt oss vi seem like, look like
lykig a similar
lyt vt lead
lyter n leader
lytig a administrative
lytighyt n administration
lyting n management, governing board
lytjē n milk
lyving n life
lyzing n lesson
mak, mikti, gimikkt vt make, create
making n creation; act of creating; thing which is created
mamm n mother
mammig a motherly, maternal
man pron one
mann n man
mannig a manly, male, masculine
mar conj but
mattē n mat, carpet
maus, missē n mouse
maussperr n spine of a hedgehog
mazig a amazing, extraordinary, incredible
mell a vague, unclear
mellhyt n vagueness
merrig a sharp
mess n mess, chaos
messig a messy, chaotic
mi pron me
miess pron my
miks vt mix
oss miksī adv at random; interchangeably
miksing n mix
minnig a less, fewer
mirē n dragon
mirr a more
mittlē n middle, center
mittlig a average; central
mittling n average
mogg vm may, be allowed to
mogglig a plausible, possible
moggling n plausibility
mojj a beautiful
mojjhyt n beauty
oss morrē adv tomorrow
morrig a early
morrighyt n morning
múlē n corn, grain, flake
múlig a hard, difficult
múlighyt n difficulty
múling n minor problem, obstacle
mʉllē n mill
mʉllmann n miller
mʉnnt n coin
mʉnnting n money
mut vm must, have to
oss mutē adv properly, correctly
mutig a compulsory, obligatory
mutighyt n duty
oss mygē adv to a reasonable or acceptable degree
mykē n cinnamon
mys, myzer n girl
naggt n night
nam n name
namsgryf vi sign
namsgryving n signature
nass prep to, toward
nasstekk vt take for oneself
nat prep, conj after
natferrē n the last quarter of an hour
naug adv rather
naus n nose
nauzig a nasal
nauter pron never
nikkt adv not
nikktig a negative, denying
niktig oss prep without
niktū prep without
nimē pron no-one, nobody
nippē num nine
nirgiss pron (colloquial) nowhere
nitglyvig a odd (of numbers)
nithangig a independent
nithangighyt n independence
nitreklig a irregular
nitreklighyt n irregularity
nitstellig a unimaginable
nittellig a uncountable
nittellighyt n uncountability
nittúig a passive, idle
nitvagtig a impatient
nitverker n unemployed person
nitverkig a unemployed
nitverkighyt n unemployment
nityntig a infinite
nityntighyt n infinity
nitzytig a nonexistent, absent
nitzytighyt n nonexistence, absence
niw a new
niwess n news
niwhyt n newness; news item
no intj no
nogig a remaining, still existing
nogiglyk adv still
oss nojjē adv never
norrlig a normal, common
norrtē n north
norrtig a northern
norrtsgyning n aurora borealis, northern lights
nu adv now
oss dē nuē adv at the moment, currently
nugig a enough
nʉllē n hole
nʉllig a hollow, empty
nyē ... oss conj neither ... nor
nygig a (mathematics) negative
nygtall n negative number
nytimē pron (somewhat archaic) no-one, nobody
nytirgiss pron nowhere
nyvē n level
ogg, ogger n eye
ogging n sight
oggqatsing n something extremely ugly
oss ojjē pron sometime, once, ever
onndrig oss prep under
oppfig a obvious
orr n ear
oss prep of, with, on, to, for; n ox; conj or; if, because
ossbitraut a trusting
ossfinnt, fannti oss, ossgifonnt vt discover
ossfinnting n discovery
ossgibirt a tipsy
ossgigiggt a bearded
ossgijart a (pejorative) aged, elderly
ossginn vi appear
ossgyf, gifti oss, ossgigifft vt command, order
ossgyving n command, order
osshorr vi belong
osshyf vt acquire, have
ossig a stronger, better, superior; (mathematics) positive
osskall vt paint, colour
ossklúk vt protect, hide, cover
ossklúkig a fake
ossklúkighyt n fakeness
ossklúking n cover, front
osslag vi, vt be ridiculous (to someone), make no sense
osslagig a ridiculous
osslaging n nonsense
osslang vt lengthen, extend
osslangig a protruding
osslanging n lengthening, extension
osslef vi survive
osslop vi progress
osslopig a progressive
ossloping n progress
osslúg vi rise (of the sun and the moon)
osslyving n survival
ossmogg vt allow, grant permission
ossmogging n approval, permission
ossmut vt order, command
ossmutig a compulsory, obligatory
ossmuting n order, command
ossnam vt call, name
osspass vi continue
ossrʉt vi rot, spoil, go bad
ossryg vt enrich
ossryging n enrichment
ossryt vt sort, put in order
ossryting n order, sequence
osssgerr vt protect, guard, secure
osssgerring n protection, guarding, security
ossslap, slipti oss, ossgislippt vt make someone fall asleep by being boring
ossslapig a boring
ossstamm vt descend from
ossstamming n offspring
ossstirg vt strengthen, reinforce
ossstirging n strengthening, reinforcement
osstall vt translate; n positive number
osstaller n translator
osstalling n translation
osstē n east
osstig a eastern
osstiglyk adv sometimes, occasionally
osszyt vi stick, remain
ottjo num eight
palig a definite, fixed, certain
papp n father
pars a, n purple
part n horse
pass, passer n step; a length unit of about 73 cm
pat, pater n path, road
pegging n accident; coincidence
perk vt limit, restrict
perking n limit, restriction
perrē n person, human being
perrig a human
perring n humanity, mankind
pillē n bow and arrow
pillstryp n straight line (usually collocates with the adjective glyvig)
pirr n pear
pjúkē n banana
plank n plank
plant n plant
plantyter n herbivore
plantytig a herbivorous
platt a flat
pletting n plain
plikk n place
plʉk vt pick (berries or fruit), catch (animals or fish), gather food
plʉking n bunch of fruit
pogg vm try
pogging n attempt
Polltrē n the earth god
pot n leg (particularly that of an animal)
pottē n pot
pratt vt talk, speak (takes the language as its object; the topic of the conversation is preceded by the preposition oss)
prattdúl n topic, theme
pratter n speaker
pratting n conversation, discussion
prattstryps n (plural only) vocal chords
prattstrypig a glottal
pruf vt test, try
prufing n experiment, test
prʉlē n problem
pryg vt stab, poke
prygē n needle
púr vt dig; bury
púring n funeral, burial
pyl n arrow
pyler n archer
pylig a straight
pyling n archery
pyn n pain
pynig a painful, hurtful
pyning n (often pluralised) damage
pyprē n pepper
qak n frog
qalg vt excuse, forgive
qalging n excuse, forgiveness
qats vt insult
qatsing n insult
qinnē n queen
qinnig a beautiful, excellent
qitt n ink
qittvʉggē n pen, quill
qoll n jellyfish
qyf, qifti, giqifft vi suffocate
qyflúgē n nitrogen
qytig a gone, missing
rak, rikti, girikkt vt hit, crash into
raking n crash
rat n wheel
rauk n smoke
raukig a smoky
reklig a regular
reklighyt n regularity, pattern
rekling n law
rekoll n rule
riggt n right, justice, law
riggtig a just
riggtighyt n justice
riggthaus n court, courthouse
riggtmann n judge
riverr n river
ronnig a round; ronnig oss prep around
ronnighyt n surroundings
ronning n circle
rot a, n red
rup vt call
rʉss vi rest
rʉsshillvē n grave, cemetery
rʉssig a calm, quiet, peaceful
rʉssing n rest, peace
rútē n sulfur
rʉtig a rotten
ry, ryess n row, sequence
ryg a rich, wealthy
rygen vi rain
ryghyt n richness, wealth
rygness n (plural only) rain
rygnig a rainy
ryk n kingdom, country
rykig a national; royal
ryt, riti, giritt vi ride
safē num seven
sag a boring
saghyt n boringness
oss samē adv together
samig a joint, mutual, collective
samighyt n community, society; collection
sgall n skull
sgallig a bald
sgap n sheep
sgaper n shepherd
sgass n treasure
sgat vt damage
sgau oss vi look at
sgerrig a safe
sgerrighyt n safety
sgill vi differ, be different
sgillig a different, various
sgillighyt n difference
sgillt n shield
sginlyk adv maybe, perhaps
sgiss n sketch, idea, proposal
sgit vt shoot
sgiter n gun
sgiting n shot
sgoll n school
sgon a clean
sgonhyt n cleanliness
sgriff vi scream, shout
sgriffing n scream, shout
sgrikk vi be startled, be scared
sgrikkig a terrible
sgrikking n fright, fear
sgryf, sgrifti, gisgrifft vt write
sgryftall n written language
sgryftappī n desk
sgryver n writer, author
sgryving n writing, writing system; document, text
sgú, sgúer n shoe
sgʉllig a guilty, responsible
sgʉlling n guilt
sgyn vi shine
sgynig a bright
sgyning n light
sgys n poop
sgyt vt separate, split
sgyting n separation, split
oss sgyvē adv nonsensically, wrongly
sgyvig a nonsensical
siff, siffer n number, digit
sik a ill, sick
sikhaus n hospital
skopp n cupboard
sla, sliti, gislot vt hit, beat
slaff n slave
slaffing n slavery
slaggē n gender, sex
slap, slipti, gislippt vi sleep
slapig a sleepy, tired
slaping n sleep
slapkammerr n bedroom
slapp a weak
slarrfig a sloppy
sliggt a bad
sliggtgissting n lack of common sense
sliggttrauming n nightmare
slyt vt lock; fix
slytē n key
slythaus n prison
slytig a definitive, final
slyting n lock
slytlē n key
snell a quick, fast
sniww n, v snow
sniwwig a snowy
sniwwwittig a snow-white
snyt vt cut (with a knife)
snyter n knife
snytig a sharp
sokk n sock
solls conj, prep like
somm a some
sopp vt swap
sopping n swap
sort n sort, type, species
spass n space
spell, spallti, gispollt vi play; n game
spellig a playful
spelling n game, playing
sperr n spear
sperrē n hope
sperrmaus, sperrmissē n hedgehog
spog n spit; intj fuck, shit
spraking n dialect
stakk n stick, branch (of a tree)
stakking n structure; skeleton
stallpig oss prep instead of
stamm n trunk of a tree; origin; core
stammmann n ancestor
start n street
stass, stissti, gistisst vi stand
statt n city, town
stattig a urban
stattsgerrer n policeman, policewoman
stattsgerrhaus n police station
stattsgerring n police
stauf, stauver n dust, substance
stauflirring n chemistry
stell, stallti, gistollt vt image
stellig a imaginable, understandable
sten, styness n stone, rock, pebble
still a quiet, silent
stillhyt n silence
stirg a strong
stirghyt n strength, power
stoll n chair
stopp, stippti, gistippt vi stop
stoppig a stupid
stopplaut n stop consonant
straf n punishment
strafbistryving n capital punishment
strat n tail
stryf, strifti, gistrifft vi die
stryp n strip, band
sturr vt steer, drive; govern
sturring n government
sturrrat n steering wheel
stynlygig a radioactive
stynlyging n radioactivity
styntall n prime number
styp n point, dot
styrē n star
sʉll n a type of tree
sʉmmrē n summer
supē n soup
sytē n chair, seat, throne
taggtrē n daughter
taglyk adv anyway, nonetheless
tall n language; number
talllirring n linguistics
tallrekolls n (plural only) grammar
Talnē n the sea goddess
tann adv then
tanner n dentist
tannt n tooth
tanntig a dental
tappī n table (both furniture and chart)
tarrp n village
tarrping n settlement
tauferr vi, vt do magic, make something appear by magic
taufrer n magician, wizard
tē adv too, excessively
tekk vt take, pick
tell vi, vt count
tellig a countable
telling n story
terrē n elephant
terrig oss prep through
terrpē n neighbourhood
tettig a excessive
tettighyt n excess
tingī n thing, object
tingworrt n noun
tinn num ten
tinnig a teenage
tinniger n teenager
tinnighyt n puberty
to num two
toig a divided, disagreeing
toighyt n disagreement, dispute
tokkē n chicken
tokkig a crazy
tong n tongue
torat n bicycle
torr n tower
traff, triffti, gitrifft vt meet, encounter
traffing n meeting
trauig a faithful, loyal
trauing n trust
traum vt dream
trauming n dream
tri num three
trigg vt pull
trigger n tractor
trigúke n triangle
trizytē n equilateral triangle
trʉg adv back
trʉgē n past
trʉgig a past
trʉgtyt n past tense
trybē n lobster
tryjē n shirt
tú vt do
túig a active
túing n action, activity
túmhyt n emptiness
túmig a empty
oss túntē adv to the left
túntig a left (side)
túntighyt n left side
túp n idiot
túpbir n bad beer; nonsense
oss túpē adv to a crazy degree
túpig a stupid
tʉrf vt tally
turrē n tear
tʉssig oss prep between
tʉsskimming n interruption, intermezzo
tʉsslantig a international
tʉssur n half hour
túworrt n verb
twellē n prince
twig vt guess
twillg n bell, clock
twyf, twifti, gitwifft vi doubt
twyvig a dubious
twyving n doubt
tygē prep against
tygig a opposite
tyging n opposite
tygpratt vt contradict
tygprattig a contradictory
tygpratting n contradiction
tyn n garden
tyning n agriculture
tyt n time
tythyt n moment, point in time
tytrʉg postp ago
úlgē, úlger n a type of evil bird in Berilonian mythology
ur n hour
urē n miracle
ursprygē n myth, fairytale
ʉste n voice
úvig a sober
vaggt n fur
vagt oss, vigti, givogt vi wait
vagtig a patient
vagting n patience
valt, vilti, givolt vi go for a walk, hike
vantling n walk, hike
varkē n boat
varr vt confuse, mix up
varrig a confusing
varring n confusion
varst, varster n sausage
vaut n forest
veg, vagti, givogt vt weigh
vegg n road
vegig a heavy
vell n bed
verk, varkti, givorkt vi work
verker n worker
verking n work, function, profession
verrtlē n carrot
vigatt n enemy
vigattig a hostile
vills vt switch, change
villsing n switch, change
vins vt wish
vinsing n wish
virrig a exact, precise
virrolt n world
vlurr vt knock down
vogg n bird; chicken (as food)
voggsgys n excrement of birds, guano; nonsense
vojj oss vi fight
vojjing n fight, battle
voll a full
vorr adv at the front
vorrbylt, vorrbylter n example
vorrferrē n first quarter of an hour
vorrig oss prep before
vorriww n century before the start of the Berilonian calendar
vorrlig a main, predominant
vorrliglyk n mostly, mainly, predominantly
vort vc become
voss, vissē n fox
vragg a true, correct
vragghyt n truth
vrimmig a strange, weird; foreign
vrimmighyt n strangeness, weirdness
vrimmlannt n foreign country
vrimmtall n foreign language
vrinnt n friend
vryt a free
vrythyt n freedom
vrytig a peaceful, calm
vrytighyt n peace
vug vt add
vʉggē n feather; pen, quill
vugig a extra, additional
vuging n addition
vúr vt bring
vurr n fire
vurrkarvē n charcoal, ash
vy num five
vyn n wine
wakig a awake
walgig a disgusting
walging n disgust
wann pron when
warr pron where
warrm a warm
warrmhyt n warmth
wass pron what; n water
wassig a wet
werrmē pron why
westē n west
westig a western
wet, wati, giwotē vt know
wi pron who; we
will, wallti, giwollt vt, vm want
winn, wannti, giwonnt vt win
winnt n wind
wintirr n winter
wirr n weather
wirrlirring n meteorology
witt a, n white
wittness n information
woll n wool
worrt n word
worrtbʉk n dictionary
worrthyving n vocabulary
worrtsgyting n space
wyg a few, little
wyl conj while
wylig a contemporary
wys oss, wisti, giwisst vi point at, refer to
wytings n (plural only) knowledge
wytlirring n mathematics
wyzing n reference
y n egg
yē ... oss conj either ... or
ygiss a own
ygisshyt n trait, characteristic
yglyk adv actually, in fact
yk, yker n oak
yklē n acorn
ylē n island
ylessgrúp n archipelago
ylessryk n island nation
oss ymē adv agreeing with each other
ynt vi end, finish; result
yntig a finite
yntighyt n finiteness
ynting n end, finish; result
ys n ice
ytē n idea
ytga, gigti yt, ytgigisst vt go out, leave
ythaus vi move, change residence
ytkis vt choose, select, pick
ytkryg, krigti aus, ausgikriggt vt expel
ytkyk, kikti yt, ytgikikkt vt have a view of
ytkyking n view, scenery
ytpratt vt pronounce
ytpratting n pronunciation
yzē n iron
yzēpart n car
yzēvegg n railway; train
yzēveggryter n train; train driver
yzēvogg n aeroplane
zanig a healthy
zaning n health
zang, zingti, gizongt vi, vt sing
zangig a musical
zangighyt n musicality
zanging n music
zangvogg n songbird
zant n sand
zarvē n an alcoholic drink made from the berries and leaves of the sʉll tree
zautē n south
zautig a southern
zautsgyning n aurora australis, southern lights
ze, zyess n sea
zē pron she
zegg, zaggti, giziggt vt say
zeggworrt n adjective
zell pron on one's own, by oneself
zellbistryf, bistrifti zell, zellbistrifft vr commit suicide
zellbistryving n suicide
oss zellē adv even
zellig a same
zess pron they; her
zet vt put, place, set
zeting n setting, background
zett num six
zettpot n insect
zettting n a length unit of about 1.2 cm
zi vt see
ziggtē n face
zilvirr n silver
zin vi make sense
zinig a sensical
zitt vi sit
zoll n sun
zollauslúging n sunset
zollosslúging n sunrise
zoss adv so, like this/that
zott n salt
zúk vt search, look for
zúking n search, quest
zʉkrē n sugar
zʉll vm will
zʉllg a such
zún n son
zʉs, zʉser n sister
zwammp n mushroom
zwan, zwaner n swan
zwart n sword
zwem, zwamti, gizwomt vi swim
zwerrē n school
Zwirē n the sky goddess
zworrt a, n black
zwyl vt send
zwyg a weak, soft
zwytī n sweat
zy pron her
zyging n sentence
zygnē oss prep according to
zytē prep since
zytī n side, page
zytigē n fact