Contionary:До̄л Уъсма̄не

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До̄л Уъсма̄не (Dōl Uˤsmānjef

  1. Ottoman Empire
    Подкәст дыкӏтӏуъ гьәфтэ двитӏӣъэ̄, сәэ мавдӯъсы тӏэ̄лерәш нә̄ъм Ихтилә̄линсы Туркэ̄м Тӏәрнә̄м гьу синтӏухъиндэчӏсы До̄лэ̄с Уъсма̄неэ̄с гӯънтӏиъ.
    Podkäst dykʔt’uˤ häfte dwit’īˤē, säe mawdūˤsy t’ēljeräš nǟˤm Ixtilǟlinsy Turkēm T’ärnǟm hu sint’ux̌indeč’sy Dōlēs Uˤsmānjeēs gūˤnt’iˤ.
    Tune into the podcast next week, when the topic of our episode will be the Young Turk Revolution and the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire.