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ни (ni) +‎ -ер (-jer)


  • IPA(key): [njer] (post-stem stress)


нер (njer)

  1. nobody, nothing, none, noone
    Ыг пырезидент олигархәми сидинтӏ олур е хэнэ̄ш о̄мо̄м нер вит ничӏигьды гы̄рэ̄, кӏу сәмисы Америкэ.
    Yg pyrjezidjent oligarxämi sidint’ olur je xenēš ōmōm njer wit nič’ihdy gȳrē, kʔu sämisy Amjerike.
    The president and his oligarchs are ruling with more open evil by the day and nothing's being substantially done about it, I hear it's the same in America.
нер declension (1st)
sg pl
abs нер нерәм
erg нерәс нерэс
gen1 неритиъ нерәмтиъ
gen2 нерәш нерә̄м
dat нерэ нерәмәс
instr нерә̄ нерэ̄с
com нерәми
eq нерәсы