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High Valyrian

High Valyrian numbers (edit)
 ←  5 6 7  → 
    Cardinal: bȳre
    Ordinal: byllie


  • (Post-Classical) IPA(key): [ˈbyːɾe]



  1. six


Declension of bȳre (class II)
Prepositive lunar and solar​ terrestrial and aquatic​
sg or col pl or pa sg or col pl or pa
nominative bȳre bȳri bȳrior bȳriar
accusative bȳre bȳri bȳrior bȳriar
genitive bȳro bȳro, bȳrot bȳrȳr bȳrȳ, bȳrȳt
dative bȳro, bȳrot bȳro, bȳrot bȳrȳr bȳrȳ, bȳrȳt
locative bȳrē bȳro, bȳrot bȳrȳr bȳrȳ, bȳrȳt
instrumental bȳros bȳros bȳrȳs bȳrȳs
comitative bȳron, bȳrom bȳron, bȳrom bȳrȳn, bȳrȳm bȳrȳn, bȳrȳm
vocative bȳres bȳris bȳrios bȳrīs
    Postpositive lunar and solar​ terrestrial and aquatic​
    sg or col pl or pa sg or col pl or pa
    nominative bȳre bȳri bȳrior bȳriar
    accusative bȳre bȳri bȳrior bȳriar
    genitive bȳro bȳroti bȳrȳro bȳrȳti
    dative bȳrot bȳroti bȳrȳro bȳrȳti
    locative bȳrē bȳroti bȳrȳro bȳrȳti
    instrumental bȳrose bȳrossi bȳrȳso bȳrȳssi
    comitative bȳrome bȳrommi bȳrȳmo bȳrȳmmi
    vocative bȳres bȳris bȳrios bȳrīs