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From East Kyrdan *ka (“sun”), from Proto-Kyrdan *ķah (“sun”). Possibly related to Proto-Klesuic *gçəɣs “big bright light”, or *çəs “day”. Cognate with Kērsalur ka, Cirdamur ca, Old Sērsal sa, Old Ķyrdum ķasli. Related to Kalli “Sun (the name of the star)”


(Umunesal) IPA: [kɑ]


ka n inanimate declension

  1. sun (the star around which the Earth revolves).
    niwuta hur nikukha ruŋ ka – the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
  2. a symbol, a marker of stellar object names in writing, which is always silent.
    kaKalli, kaNiccayi, kaCeiŋari – Sun, Proxima Centauri, Alpha Centauri A.
  3. a star, as the centre of a star system.
    Mutuŋam Niccayi kax – the sun of Proxima Centauri b is Proxima Centauri.


Type II
singular dual plural
1st kayu kayau kame
2nd kašu kašau kašne
3rd kanu kanau kanne

Derived terms

  • Kalli – the Sun (Sol)


Alternative forms

  • ک (Western Arabic script)
  • ك (Eastern Arabic script)
  • ከ (Ge'ez script)




(Qino) IPA: /ka/


ka m.

  1. the; masculine absolutive definite article
    ka farda
    the horse


ka m.

  1. him, it (3rd person singular masculine short clitic accusative)
    ka arká.
    I see him.
  2. his, its (3rd person singular masculine short clitic genitive)
    ka mana
    his house

Usage notes

  • Definite article:
    • Comes immediately before noun. In the Arabic and Ge'ez scripts, combines to following word.
    • When the noun is qualified by a cardinal number, the article precedes and agrees with the number.
    • Nouns in oblique cases use an absolutive article.
  • The clitic genitive ka is identical in form to the absolutive masculine definite article. Confusion can be avoided by using the long clitic form kee(sh) or the non-clitic form keeshi.

Derived terms