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High Valyrian

High Valyrian phrasebook
Open book 01.svg This entry is a phrasebook entry for High Valyrian, meaning that the expression is valuable enough for learners of the language based on utility, simplicity and commonality.


  • (Post-Classical) IPA(key): [ˈqae̯dar]


qaedar aq (genitive qaedro, plural qaedri)

  1. whale


Declension of qaedar (aquatic first-declension)
Singular Plural Paucal Collective
nominative qaedar qaedri qaedrun qaedrar
accusative qaedri qaedrī qaedruni qaedrari
genitive qaedro qaedoti qaedruno qaedraro
dative qaedrot qaedoti qaedrunta qaedrarta
locative qaedār qaedoti qaedrunna qaedrarra
instrumental qaedrosa qaedrossi qaedrussa qaedrarza
comitative qaedroma qaedrommi qaedrumma qaedrarma
vocative qaedus qaedis qaedrussa qaedrarza