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High Valyrian


  • (Post-Classical) IPA(key): [ˈr̥iŋka]


rhinka (equative rhinkāpa, comparative rhinkykta, superlative rhinkāje)

  1. rough, uneven
  2. coarse
  3. (by extension) unpleasant


Declension of rhinka (class I)
Prepositive lunar solar​ terrestrial aquatic​
sg or col pl or pa sg or col pl or pa sg or col pl or pa sg or col pl or pa
nominative rhinka rhinki rhinkys rhinkys, rhinkyz rhinkon rhinka rhinkor rhinkra
accusative rhinke rhinkī rhinki rhinkī rhinkon rhinka rhinkor rhinkra
genitive rhinko rhinko, rhinkot rhinko rhinko, rhinkot rhinko rhinko, rhinkot rhinkro rhinkro, rhinkrot
dative rhinko, rhinkot rhinko, rhinkot rhinko, rhinkot rhinko, rhinkot rhinko, rhinkot rhinko, rhinkot rhinkro, rhinkrot rhinkro, rhinkrot
locative rhinkā rhinko, rhinkot rhinkȳ rhinkī rhinko, rhinkot rhinko, rhinkot rhinkro, rhinkrot rhinkro, rhinkrot
instrumental rhinkos rhinkos rhinkos rhinkos rhinkos rhinkos rhinkros rhinkros
comitative rhinkon, rhinkom rhinkon, rhinkom rhinkon, rhinkom rhinkon, rhinkom rhinkon, rhinkom rhinkon, rhinkom rhinkron, rhinkrom rhinkron, rhinkrom
vocative rhinkus rhinkis rhinkys rhinkys, rhinkyz rhinkos rhinkas rhinkos rhinkas
    Postpositive lunar solar​ terrestrial aquatic​
    sg or col pl or pa sg or col pl or pa sg or col pl or pa sg or col pl or pa
    nominative rhinka rhinki rhinkys rhinkyzy rhinkon rhinka rhinkor rhinkra
    accusative rhinke rhinkī rhinki rhinkī rhinkon rhinka rhinkor rhinkra
    genitive rhinko rhinkoti rhinko rhinkoti rhinko rhinkoti rhinkro rhinkroti
    dative rhinkot rhinkoti rhinkot rhinkoti rhinkot rhinkoti rhinkrot rhinkroti
    locative rhinkā rhinkoti rhinkȳ rhinkī rhinkot rhinkoti rhinkrot rhinkroti
    instrumental rhinkosa rhinkossi rhinkosy rhinkossi rhinkoso rhinkossi rhinkroso rhinkrossi
    comitative rhinkoma rhinkommi rhinkomy rhinkommi rhinkomo rhinkommi rhinkromo rhinkrommi
    vocative rhinkus rhinkis rhinkys rhinkyzys rhinkos rhinkas rhinkos rhinkas