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Laefêvëši has several types of numerals.

Cardinal numerals

Num. Full Clitic Num. Full Clitic Num. Full Clitic Num. Full Clitic
0 mítta - 10 šála -assi
1 -esi 11 sýša -asi 100 ǿse -essi
2 vrâ -edi 12 séva -adi 20 vrála -addi 200 vráse -eddi
3 lía -eli 13 sélia -ali 30 líala -alli 300 ljáse -elli
4 -emi 14 séma -ami 40 mâla -ammi 400 máse -emmi
5 lúe -eti 15 sélue -ati 50 lúela -atti 500 lêse -etti
6 lái -eki 16 seína -aki 60 láinala -akki 600 laínse -ekki
7 léi -eni 17 séina -ani 70 léiala -anni 700 léise -enni
8 lêja -egi 18 sélna -agi 80 lêjala -aggi 800 jálejse -eggi
9 fará -efi 19 séra -afi 90 farála -affi 900 faráse -effi

For numbers like 21, 23 and so forth, the unit comes first, followed by the ten; they're linked together by -i-, or -u- when the unit ends on -i.

  • 21: sáivrála
  • 33: líailíala
  • 66: láiuláinala
  • 67: léiuláinala
  • 105: ǿse lúe
  • 318: ljáse sélna
  • 540: lêse mâla
  • 677: laínse léiuléiala
  • 842: jálejse vrâimâla
  • 999: faráse faráifarála

Higher numbers (thousands, hundreds, millions, etc.) follow a simmilar pattern than tens and hundreds: simply add the appropriate suffix to the number.
The suffixes are:

  • thousand: -(i)nne
  • million: -(i)tte
  • billion (milliard): -(i)kke
  • trillion (billion): -(i)ffe


  • 1000: asínne
  • 2000: vrâinne
  • 7000: léinne
  • 10,000: šálainne
  • 13,000: séliainne
  • 50,000: lúelainne
  • 87,000: léiulêjalainne
  • 100,000: ǿseinne
  • 1,000,000: asítte
  • 1,000,000,000: asíkke
  • 1,000,000,000,000: asíffe

Units and tens are always written together; hundreds and units and tens are written separate unless when a suffix is added, then they're written together (but no other changes occur).

  • 189,027: ǿsefaráilêjalainne léiuvrála
  • 8,354,924: lêjaitte ljásemâilúelainne faráse mâivrála
  • 530,402,084,912: lêselíalaikke másevrâitte mâilêjalainne faráse séva

Clitic forms

The clitic forms are suffixed to nouns; there can be more than one suffix per noun.


  • (364,000) three hundred sixty-four thousand years: eróelliemiakkinne (eróelliemiakkinne)

Ordinal numerals

Ordinal numerals decline like adjectives.

Collective numerals

Formation - to the cardinal numeral add: -to (which becomes -CCo when adding to clitic forms where the -CC- is a geminate consonant of the clitic).

The following noun is in genitive plural.


  • 5: lúe → lúeto
  • 5 years → lúeto erófe
  • 5 years → eróetto

Differential numerals

Formation - to the cardinal numeral add: -nui (which becomes -CCui when adding to clitic forms where the -CC- is a geminate consonant of the clitic).

The following noun is in nominative plural.


  • 5: lúe → lúenui
  • 5 years → lúenui eróf
  • 5 years → eróettui

Multiplicative numerals

Formation from cardinal numerals, remove the final vowel and add: -jau


  • 20: vrála → vráljau

Some numbers do not follow the above rules:


To the cardinal numeral add the suffix: -sia


  • 1/4 (one fourth): sá mâsia


Decimal numerals are written with a comma (,), also called decimal comma, which differentiate full numbers from the decimal numbers.

In speech, the decimal comma is read as máru and the decimal numbers are read digit by digit.


  • 3.547: 3,547lía máru lúe mâ léi

Numerals in -pē (nominalised numerals)

Formation from cardinal numerals, remove the final vowel and add the suffix: -pē


  • 18: sélna → sélnpē

Adverbial numerals

Adverbs of frequency

Formation from cardinal numerals, remove the final vowel, if it is preceded by a consonant, geminate it (if possible), and add the suffix: -en


  • eleven times: sýśa → sýšen
  • ten times: śála → šállen

Adverbs of time

Formation from cardinal numerals, remove the final vowel and add the suffix: -þi If after removing the final vowel the word ends in -s, it turns to , onto which the normal suffix -þi is added, thus forming a geminate consonant þþ.


  • fourteenth time: séma → sémþi
  • hundredth time: ǿse → ǿþþi


Other suffixes:

  • plus: kên, -ēn
  • minus: rôn, -ōn
  • times: vrém, -ēr
  • divided: atóm, -ōm
  • to the power: nêttøla, -ttøla
  • X and a half: number+partitive dual