Lesson:Qafesona/3. My name is...

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In the following text Mikheil and Zurab meet, introduce one another and have a short conversation.

Михе́ил: До́бры динь!

Зура́б: До́бры динь! Рого́р вы йимену́йетесь?

Михе́ил: Йа йимену́йусь Михе́ил, и вы?

Зура́б: Йа йимену́йусь Зура́б, рого́р вы йима́те?

Михе́ил: До́бше, џеку́йу. И вы?

Зура́б: Йо, до́бше теж, џеку́йу. Куде́ вы жи́вете? В Тбили́сийе?

Михе́ил: Не, йа жи́ву в Кутати́сийе, але́ мой ма́тка жи́вет сде.

Зура́б: Да, йа жи́ву сде, але́ роди́лси в Йерева́не.

Михе́ил: Вы е́сте ӽа́йкски?

Зура́б: Йо, и мо́йа роди́тели йечье́ жи́вут в Ӽа́йкие. Ва́ша роди́тели сеть картве́лска?

Михе́ил: Мой ма́тка есть картве́лски и мой оти́чь был ӽа́йкски.

Зура́б: Зайи́маве!

[show]Карт Ковкаса (Map of the Caucasus)
File:Qf-lesson 1 (map).png
This map of the Caucasus region shows the places mentioned in the dialogue, amongst others, in Qafesona and English.
Qafesona Transliteration Part of speech English
до́бры динь dóbry dinǐ int hello, good day
рого́р вы йимену́йетесь? rogór vy jimenújetesǐ? phrase what is your name?
рого́р rogór adv how
йимено́ватьси jimenóvatǐsi v to be called
рого́р вы йима́те? rogór vy jimáte? phrase how are you?
йима́ть jimátǐ v to have
до́бше dóbše adv well, kindly
џеку́йу džekúju int thank you
йо jo int yes
теж tež adv also, too
куде́ kudé adv where
жить žitǐ v to live
в(е) (+LOC) v(e) (+LOC) prep in, at
не ne prep int
але́ alé conj but
ма́тка mátka n mother
сде sde adv here
да da int ah
роди́тьси rodítǐsi v to be born
ӽа́йкски hájkski adj Armenian
роди́тель rodítelǐ n parent
йечье́ ječǐé adv still, already, even, again
Ӽа́йкиа Hájkia n Armenia
картве́лски kartvélski adj Georgian
оти́чь otíčǐ n father
зайи́маве zajímave adv interesting
[show]Useful phrases
Qafesona Transliteration Part of speech English
до́бры динь dóbry dinǐ int hello, good day
до́бры йу́тро dóbry jútro int hello, good morning
до́бры ве́чер dóbry véčer int hello, good evening

Language points


In Qafesona there are no articles, that is "the" or "a(n)" - this is typical of Slavic languages. Thus "йа есмь оти́чь" can mean "I am a father" or "I am the father", in order to translate this into English context is needed otherwise it is unclear which is meant.

Personal pronouns

Number → Singular Plural
Case ↓ 1st p (I) 2nd p (you) 3rd p (he, it) 3rd p (she) 1st p (we) 2nd p (you) 3rd p (they)
Nominative йа ты он она мы вы оны
  • Personal pronouns only have singular and plural number, but no paucal.
  • "Он" is used as a masculine personal pronoun ("he") for people and "она" is used as a feminine personal pronoun ("she") for people.
  • "Он" is also used as a personal pronoun for non-human objects ("it").
  • "Вы" can be used as either a singular formal pronoun or as a plural pronoun; cf. "vous" in French.

Possessive pronouns

Person → 1st (my) 2nd (your) 3rd (his, her, its)
Case ↓ Singular Paucal Plural Singular Paucal Plural Singular Paucal Plural
Nominative мой мойа мойи твой твойа твойи йейи йейа йейе
Person → 1st (our) 2nd (your) 3rd (their)
Case ↓ Singular Paucal Plural Singular Paucal Plural Singular Paucal Plural
Nominative наш наша наши ваш ваша ваши йихи йиха йихе

Paucal number

The paucal number is a concept that will be foreign to many learners. Dictionary.com defines this as "a grammatical number occurring in some languages for words in contexts where a few of their referents are described or referred to." Amongst the Slavic languages the paucal is unique to Qafesona, however its origin is in the Common Slavic dual number and is often used in the same way, i.e. for pairs. Another language that uses the paucal is Arabic, with which Qafesona has had significant contact.

Verb "to be"

The verb "to be" in Qafesona is "быть". As in most languages, this is a key verb and is also irregular. The conjugation for the present tense is given below. Note that despite the Qafesona's paucal number, verbs only conjugation according to the singular and plural numbers and paucal subjects take plural verb conjugations.

Number → Singular Plural
Tense ↓ 1st p 2nd p 3rd p 1st p 2nd p 3rd p
Present есмь еси есть есми есте сеть


[show]Extra vocabulary
Qafesona Transliteration Part of speech English
жи́ви žívi adj alive
вы́течне výtečne adv excellently
палыхе́ palyȟé adv badly (i.e. not very well)

True or false?

Using the short text above, decide whether or not the statements below are "правдивы" ("true") or "неправдивы" ("false").

  1. Михе́ил жи́вет в Тбили́сийе.
  2. Ма́тка Михе́ила нежи́вет в Руси́е.
  3. Зура́б есть картве́лски.
  4. Зура́б роди́лси в Кутати́сийе.
  5. Роди́тели живут в Ӽа́йкие.
  6. Ма́тка Михе́ила есть картве́лски.
  7. Оти́чь Михе́ила йечье́ есть жи́ви.


Answer the following questions in Qafesona:

  1. Рого́р ты йимену́йешьси?
  2. Рого́р ты йима́шь?
  3. Ку́де ты роди́лси?
  4. Ку́де ты жи́вешь?
  5. Ты еси́ картве́лски?


Translate the following sentences into Qafesona:

  1. Hello, what's your name?
  2. My name is Vladimir.
  3. How are you?
  4. Well, thank you!
  5. My parents live in Armenia.

[hide]Qafesona lessons
Part I 1. Introduction2. Reading practice
Part II 3. My name is...4. My family5. Myself6. Travel7. On holiday