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The full letter name is used for declining, and the short form (omit the parenthesized part) is used for spelling out words. The alphabetical order is as follows:
The full letter name is used for declining, and the short form (omit the parenthesized part) is used for spelling out words. The alphabetical order is as follows:

*D: ''do''
*X: D (''do'')
*R: ''re''
*Ⱶ: R (''re'')
*M: ''mi''
*Ŧ: M (''mi'')
*F: ''fa''
*Ꙟ: F (''fa'')
*S: ''sol''
*ᖵ: S (''sol'')
*L: ''la''
*Π: L (''la'')
*T: ''ti''
*L: T (''ti'')
*G: ''go''
*Σ: G (''go'')
*P: ''pe''
*H: CH (''che'')
*N: ''nar''
*Ш: P (''pe'')
*V: ''vi''
*И: N (''nar'')
*B: ''ba''
*Ⳙ: V (''vi'')
*C: ''ce''
*Ꝟ: TH (''tha'')
*Z: ''zu''
*Ỻ: B (''ba'')
*I: ''i''
*Ǝ: C (''ce'')
*E: ''e''
*Џ: Z (''zu'')
*A: ''a''
*Ɥ: H (''ha'')
*O: ''o''
*Ꝩ: I (''i'')
*U: ''u''
*Ʞ: E (''e'')
*X: ''ces'' (a ligature of C and S)
*Λ: A (''a'')
*Δ: O (''o'')
Alphabetical order: Ꙟ ᖵ Π L X Ⱶ Ŧ Σ Ӈ Ш И Ⳙ Ꝟ Ỻ Ǝ Џ Ɥ Ꝩ Ʞ Λ Δ Ξ Ʇ (f s l t d r m g ch p n v th b c z h i e a o u y)
*Ξ: U (''u'')
*ᒣ: Y (''y'')
(x /ks/: Ɐ)  
*Ɐ: X (''ces'') (a ligature of C and S)

For sake of aesthetics, in the romanization only proper names are capitalized.
For sake of aesthetics, in the romanization only proper names are capitalized.


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