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There are some good words...
*[[Aoma#Prepositions|Table of prepositions]]
*[[Aoma#Derivational_Morphology|Derivational morphology]]
{|class="wikitable sortable"
!Aoma || English meaning || Explanations
|Excuse me,
|When approaching or asking
|Pardon me,
|More polite than suvako
|Sovamo Vosokusik/ Aumax?
|Do you speak Westlang/ Aoma?
|Sön vom Auma.
|I don't speak Aoma.
|Jun vom ... ossi.
|I can speak little...
|Sovotu cerrää?/ Sosakomtu irrohe?
|Could You speak more slowly? Could you repeat, please?
|Nicu./ Uu.
|Yes. (I do/it is/...)
|Formal/ casual version
|Söcy./ Sö.
|No. (it isn't.)
|Formal/ casual
|See the Light! (Polite)
|Anasax gesharex!
|Good morning!
|On the lively morning.
|Ohaasax kevurex!
|Good evening!
|On the peaceful evening.
|Calakoma önuee!
|Good night!
|May stars twinkle into your dreams!
|Soni zorri hala Nityra?/ Sone ire?
|How is Your day?/ How are you?
|Halaax iwaraax. Sofoee?/Soneteki?
|I'm fine. What about you/You?
|Today the day of light. For you?
|Mil i ennihe.
|Could be better.
|It rains and blows.
|Ma ömilyre/  ösumyre/ ö'önurö/tefe.
|I'm thirsty/ hungry/ tired/ sick.
|Soni zoxu pacuu/ omikyy/ neshinu/ sautu/ hakoraa/ mukakivoo/ sopyy ketyr?
|Where is the marketplace/ harbour/ inn/ tavern/ temple/ the healers/ city gate?
|Cuxu ducaxu./ Wape ducaee/odocaee./ Pataas pakkuu.
|There on the right./ Go to the right/left./ The road will guide you.
|I take (it) well(/gladly)! (casual)
|Irrohe irrä!
|Thank you!
|It satisfies (me) well! (polite)
|You're welcome!
|This pleases me!
|May it(=Light) shine!
|Votymy Iwary (Neteki)!
|Protection of Light (for You)!
|Casual apologize
|No problem!/You're welcome!
|Casual answer
|I apologize!
|Did I hurt you? (polite)
|I forgive you!/ I'm alright!
|It was Surumta. (god of destiny)
|Be cursed!
|You're Tosh! (god of beasts)
|Jukomu tytes naee nulik/uhamik/mämmus i patik/patus/saucus/patys.
|I'd like to have soup/stew/meal and juice/mead/beer/wine.
|Could you get me...
|Sopesaran joshi zurre?
|How much is it?
|How much will I pay?
|Sotelus acesh öhalyx?
|Do you have rooms for the night?
|Nipakoma foee nas fos.
|You may call me "you".
|(T-V distinction)
|Nikoma airrete halaa ijesira forra!
|Happy birthday!
|May the day of your birth be the best!
Sortable word lists with two most fitting meanings in English. Verbs have been collected into their own list.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Aoma || Conjugation || English primary || English secondary
|  IIb
|set, place, put
|define (IPFV)
| Ia
|worship (religious)
|row (a boat)
|idle (IPFV)
|explain (IPFV)
|  Ia
|trade, exhange
|  IIa
|satisfy, please
|  IIa
|be(come) frightened, scared
|  IIa
|become (NOM → ACC)
|light (fire), inflame
|provoke, goad
|  IIa
|float (in fluid)
|  IIa
|hover, float
|rumour has it/ it is said that
|depend on
|  IIa
|leaven (dough)
|  IIa
|soak, ret
|beg, importune
|hope, wish
|  Ia
|bathe (IPFV)
|  Ia
|  Ia
|devote (IPFV)
|  IIb
|discuss, debate
|  Ia
|enjoy (IPFV)
|  IIb
|chase, pursue
|  IIa
|  Ia
|be curious
|  IIb
|interest (+DAT)
|  IIb
|  IIa
|  IIa
|hear (2nd person: j→i)
|  Ia
|move something
|  Ib
|move (oneself)
|blow (wind)
|sense, feel, perceive
|bubble, foam
|shoot, fire
|store (IPFV)
|attract, lure
|mean, convey meaning
|  IIb
|inhale, breathe in
|  IIa
|live somewhere
|  Ia
|remind, be similar to (IPFV)
|  IIa
|be willing to
|dare (IPFV)
|  IIa
|be going to
|  Ia
|think, reason
|ponder (IPFV)
|plant, bed
|  Ib
|live, be alive
|decease (PST PERF)
|  IIb
|reach for
|haes (hahes)
|  IIb
|ascend, rise
|sharpen, edge
|  IIa
|support, hold up
|  Ia
|don, put on
|wake up
|grind, powder
|practice, exercise
|vomit, puke
|be sick
|  IIa
|give birth
|  IIa
|be born
|  IIb
|gouge, engrave
|pull, drag
|con, trick
|  IIa
|can, know how to do
|be able to
|  Ia
|make (NOM→ACC), cause to be
|  IIa
|take advantage of
|lean (against)
|  IIb
|strengthen, fortify something
|  Ib
|lie somewhere
|be located
|  Ia
|  IIa
|inflect, decline, conjugate
|  Ia
|twist, turn with force
|  Ib
|throw, toss
|cast, pour
|drain, trickle, run
|  Ia
|lead, conduct
|trigger, make something to happen
|  Ia
|perform, execute, carry out
|make, produce
|  Ib
|build, construct
|copulate, have sex
|  IIb
|rob, steal
|plunder, maraud
|  Ia
|teach, lecture
|  IIb
|know, be sure
|be aware
|  Ia
|rule, manage, be in charge
|  Ib
|travel (IPFV)
|trip (someone)
|trip, stumble
|  IIa
|conspire, plot
|carry, bear
|  IIb
|scratch, scrape
|tear, rip, shred
|  IIb
|tear apart, break
|  Ib
|divide, split
|branch, fork, furcate
|  IIIb
|[[Aoma#Class_IIII|  IIII]]
|exist (IPFV)
|  Ib
|move around
|  Ia
|stymie, thwart
|  Ib
|cry, mourn
|  IIb
|  IIb
|  IIa
|change something, alter
|lie, tell an untruth
|  Ia
|trust (IPFV)
|think, believe (IPFV)
|  IIb
|  Ia
|heal, cure
|  Ib
|heal, mend
|cook, prepare
|  IIa
|miss, long (for)
|  IIb
|mine, quarry
|exploit, utilize
|  Ib
|succeed, come after
|  IIa
|grab, catch
|hold, grasp (IPFV)
|  IIb
|cling, attach very tightly
|keep, retain
|  IIa
|  Ia
|  Ib
|turn (oneself)
| IIb
|rub, abrade
|hamper, hinder (IPFV)
|  Ib
|shiver, shake
|sway, wag, swing
|  IIb
|cut, divide
|saw, cut with a saw
|  IIb
|  IIa
|call (by name)
|invoke, conjure
|  Ia
|burn something
|  Ib
|be on fire
|  IIb
|  IIa
|must, need, have to do
|force, compel
|supply, provide
|need, require
|weigh (on a scale)
|shave (beard)
|  IIb
|  Ia
|  IIb
|  IIb
|creep, worm
|move slowly
|  IIa
|  IIa
|guide, lead
|advice, instruct, show
|  IIb
|travel (far)
|act, play
|  IIb
|  Ia
|offer, serve
|  Ib
|  Ib
|wander, roam
|get lost (FUT used in every tense)
|  Ia
|  Ia
|  IIa
|say; pronounce
|opine, to have an opinion
|according to NOM, ACC is said to be
|  IIa
|select, choose
|decide (IPFV)
|  IIa
|converse, talk
|peal (sound)
|shout, yell, curse
|  IIb
|treat, handle (someone)
|hang, be suspended
|swing, sway
|hang, suspend
|  IIb
|meet through arrangement
|  IIb
|close, shut
|order, organize, arrange
|  Ia
|coddle, spoil
|  IIa
|learn (IPFV)
|  Ib
|  Ib
|precede, go before
|suppose, assume, presume
|  Ia
|foresee, foretell, predict
|  Ia
|  IIb
|plan, plot
|shatter, break
|  Ib
|doubt, question
|reflect, mirror
|  IIa
|  Ia
|repair, fix
|  Ia
|irrigate, water
|  Ib
| Ia
|poach, stew
|  Ib
|brew (especially beer-making)
|  IIIb
|smell, have a smell
|hiss, fizz
|play, divert
|amuse, entertain
|  Ia
|  Ib
|arrive (POL: belite, beleti, boletii)
|  IIa
|inquire (IPFV)
|sew, stitch
|  IIa
|celebrate, feast (IPFV)
|  Ib
|consist, be composed of
|  IIIa
|smell, sniff
|  IIa
|  Ia
|join, put together
|  Ib
|join, meet, come together
|tie, bind
|ravel, tangle
|  IIa
|make amends
|atone, expiate
|  IIb
|refuse, reject
|  IIa
|do not (see [[Aoma#Negation|the main article]])
|attach, lie side-by-side (IPFV)
|mess, muddle
|have time
|wait, anticipate (IPFV)
|reach, make it
|  IIIb
|own, possess (IPFV)
|  IIa
|distinguish, tell apart
|pile (IPFV)
|  IIb
|fear, be afraid of
|  Ia
|  Ib
|chew, chomp
|  Ia
|bite, snap
|  IIb
|scare, frighten
|  IIIa
|encounter, meet
|find out
|tend, look after, take care of
|watch out, be careful
|  IIb
|get, acquire, obtain
|  IIb
|get, receive, gain
|achieve (IPFV)
|clack, clatter
|  IIa
|annoy, irritate
|fight, combat
|wrestle (IPFV)
|  Ia
|  Ib
|  IIb
|anger, cause to be angry
|  IIIa
|  IIa
|begin, start
|  IIa
|speak, talk
|declare, proclaim, announce
|preach, sermonize
|  IIb
|exhale, breathe out
|  IIb
|bend (oneself)
|  IIa
|bend (something)
|persuade (IPFV)
|peel, hull
|try, attempt
|[[Aoma#Class_IIII|  IIII]]
|  IIa
|  IIb
|sound like
|make sound
|  IIIb
|play (instrument)
|create music
|squat, crouch
|take off, doff
|  Ib
|hide, stay hidden
|  Ia
|hide something
|  Ia
|order (+DAS +ACC/INF)
|demand (+ACC from: kAs&PREP)
|  IIb
|  Ib
|strengthen, grow stronger
|dig, mine
|investigate, examine
|  Ia
|  Ib
|  IIa
|describe (SBJV)
|  Ia
|draw, sketch
|  IIa
|  IIb
|  Ib
|  IIIb
|  IIIa
|  Ia
|  IIb
|  Ia
|swell, grow, bloat
| gorge
|  IIb
|descend, fall, go down
|derive, come from
| IIb
|drop, let fall
|defecate, excrete
|tip, push over
|fall down, fall over
|drip, leak
|release, let go of
|surrender, give up, yield, submit
|  Ib
|desire, crave, want
|hoard, be greedy for
|gulp, gobble
|end, come to an end
|end, finish, stop
|dream, see dreams
|  Ia
|hurt someone
|  Ib
|ache (IPFV)
|  IIb
|damage, destroy
|hit, punch
|  Ib
|beat, batter (IPFV)
|regret, repent
*"a" for adjective
*"a" for adjective
** "*" means that the adjective gets the same ending with its head (noun or adjective): ''mila jas'''a''''' (some water)
** "*" means that the adjective gets the same ending with its head (noun or adjective): ''mila jas'''a''''' (some water)
*"av" for adverb
*"av" for adverb
*"c" for conjunction
*"c" for conjunction
*"i" for "irregular" (some will have links)
**[[Aoma#Irregular|Some irregular verbs]]
*"n" for noun
*"n" for noun
**"t" for time nouns
**"t" for time nouns
Line 11: Line 1,843:
**[[Aoma#Personal|Personal pronouns]]
**[[Aoma#Personal|Personal pronouns]]
*"s" for special (with explanation)
*"s" for special (with explanation)
*"v" for verb
*[[Aoma#Prepositions|Table of prepositions]]
*[[Aoma#Derivational_Morphology|Derivational morphology]]

Colour divides words in Aoma by their first letter.
Colour divides words in Aoma by their first letter.

{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Aoma || Word Class || English
! Aoma || Word Class || English primary || English secondary
|- style="background: #E8E8E8"
|- style="background: #E8E8E8"
|n, D
|pure light
|light (pure)
|n, D
|n, D
|money (PL)
|generous, charitable
|n, N
|space (closed), room
|n, F
|land, region, area, place
|surroundings, environment
|n, N
|barren land
|n, M
|country, empire, nation, state
|n, N
|county, province, region
|extreme, intense
|n, D
|High Council (Lightlistener leaders)
|n, D
|cleanness, hygiene
|n, D
|Grundet (material)
|n, D
|n, D
|electrum (natural alloy)
|n, D
|platinum, white gold
|n, D
|two-headed lion
|two-headed lion
|n, M
|n, t
|n, D
|core, kernel
|n, D
|n, N
|grain, kernel
|cereal crop (PL)
|fertile (soil), fruitful
|n, F
|n, M
|adult (entitled to vote)
|n, M
|artisan (master)
|n, D
|skilled person
|n, N
|question (remaining unanswered)
|puzzling, mysterious
|n, D
|mysterium (PL)
|n, M
|n, D
|sunpath sign
|horoscopic constellation
|n, D
|temple of sky, sunpath
|constellations of sunpath
|n, D
|Spiritual World
|n, N
|number (cardinal)
|- style="background: #E8E8E8"
|- style="background: #E8E8E8"
|n, N
|doing (act)
|n, N
|blockage (often feminine)
|n, t
|n, t
|day of astrological ritual
|day of astrological ritual
|n, F
|n, F
|n, N
|boat, small ship
|n, D
|n, N
|orb, circle, disc
|plate, dish
|n, N
|n, F
|ring (jewelry)
|n, N
|hoop (especially in barrels)
|n, F
|grandmother (mother's mother)
|grandmother (mother's mother)
|n, F
|grandmother (father's mother)
|grandmother (father's mother)
|n, F
|n, D
|Mother (polite)
|n, M
|rather, quite
|n, D
|Centre (island)
|n, N
|n, N
|n, F
|we (1PL)
|n, D
|story, tale
|n, N
|owning, ownership
|n, F
|n, M
|n, F
|vast, extensive
|n, N
|cosine (angle relation)
|wide, broad
|n, N
|n, D
|title of the ruler: Böjokaa Iwaar
|n, N
|n, N
|quicksilver, mercury
|n, F
|flow, flux
|n, M
|stream, current (water)
|river (wide)
|n, N
|listen (IPFV)
|- style="background: #E8E8E8"
|- style="background: #E8E8E8"
|n, N
|mansion, large building
|district of a town (PL), wealthy
|n, D
|n, F
|Central world, Herooku
|n, D
|right (morally)
|righteous, rightful, just
|n, F
|right (allowed to do)
|n, M
|n, M
|n, F
|n, N
|n, N
|n, F
|- style="background: #E8E8E8"
|- style="background: #E8E8E8"
|n, F
|n, N
|n, N
|ghost, wight
|n, F
|n, F
|hymn, song
|n, F
|philosopher (natural)
|curious (positively)
|n, F
|game, hunted animal
|n, N
|like (IPFV enjoy)
|object (grammatical)
|n, N
|object, thing
|n, D
|n, N
|n, F
|fascination, charm
|n, F
|sister (DEF); maternal female cousin
|n, F
|right (direction)
|n, N
|n, N
|n, M
|n, D
|holy book
|n, N
|n, F
|n, N
|text, writing
|writing, script
|n, M
|brother; paternal male cousin
|n, M
|lead (element)
|n, N
|- style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|- style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|n, F
|n, M
|happiness, joy
|happy, joyous
|holy, sacred
|n, D
|god, deity
|hear (2nd person: j→i)
|big, large
|move something
|n, N
|move (oneself)
|n, D
|sense (human)
|airy, light
|n, N
|n, F
|sense, feeling
|n, M
|n, N
|fast, quick
|n, N
|n, F
|enclosure, stanchion
|n, M
|wall (of building)
|n, N
|bow (weapon)
|n, N
|n, F
|n, D
|n, N
|gun, firearm
|n, M
|n, M
|witty, quick person
|n, D
|creature of fire
|- style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|- style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|n, D
|n, N
|package, packet
|n, N
|urban, inside town walls
|n, D
|electricity (static)
|n, F
|lake (internal sea)
|n, N
|bay, gulf
|n, N
|n, F
|organ (of body)
|guts (PL)
|n, M
|fever, temperature
|n, N
|n, M
|leader (often military)
|delicious, tasty
|n, F
|taste, flavor
|n, M
|back (of human)
|n, D
|Shinesharer leader
|n, N
|spine, bakcbone
|posture, bearing
|live somewhere
|n, M
|furnace, kiln
|you (2SG)
|you (2SG)
|n, M
|- style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|- style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|n, t
|n, t
|n, D
|core spirit
|spirit (core)
|n, N
|n, N
|hill, mound
|n, M
|n, N
|n, N
|n, N
|house (DEF home)
|home (DEF)
|n, N
|plant (life form)
|n, F
|n, N
|thread, yarn
|n, N
|n, N
|lettuce, salad, eatable leaf
|n, F
|n, F
|vein, blood vessel
|n, F
|root vegetable
|n, F
|sprout, shoot
|n, N
|n, D
|reincarnation (PL)
|lively, active
|n, N
|nature, environment
|n, F
|n, M
|thought, mind
|living, alive
|n, M
|death (DEF)
|n, N
|tension, stress
|n, F
|n, M
|n, F
|string, cord
|n, F
|n, F
|robe, gown
|n, M
|string (of instrument)
|n, F
|n, N
|sine (angle relation)
|n, F
|fat, grease
|n, F
|red insect (Kermes)
|red insect (Kermes)
|fat, obese
|n, N
|blowing horn
|n, F
|horn (animal)
|n, M
|ox (DEF)
|n, F
|root (of plant)
|n, M
|grandfather (father's father)
|grandfather (father's father)
|n, M
|n, F
|- style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|- style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|honorific clitic
|honorific clitic
|n, D
|n, D
|n, N
|beak, bill
|n, N
|tip, point
|upper, up
|n, D
|great, large
|n, N
|n, F
|n, N
|n, M
|blade, cutting edge
|n, N
|n, M
|n, N
|sheath, scabbard
|n, D
|ritual, rite, ceremony
|n, D
|formal language (the most formal)
|n, N
|alcohol, booze
|n, t
|n, t
|day, this day (DEF)
|day, this day (DEF)
|today (TEMP.DEF)
|n, D
|n, F
|south (northern hemisphere)
|n, M
|n, D
|n, F
|Western world, Sword of Vortex
|n, D
|dress, suit
|n, M
|n, F
|head (of human)
|n, N
|spring (of water)
|n, N
|hat, headwear
|n, M
|main, primary
|n, F
|hood, cowl
|n, N
|n, N
|n, F
|n, N
|n, F
|n, N
|n, N
|n, F
|n, N
|pitch, tone
|n, F
|wife (DEF)
|n, F
|n, t
|n, N
|peak, top
|n, D
|n, M
|n, F
|n, t
|n, t
|month (somewhat corresponding), thirty days of sunpath sign
|month (calendary)
|thirty days of sunpath sign
|n, D
|n, t
|n, t
|segment, one sixth of the Halla-Him period (4914 days), 819 days
|segment, 819 days
|one sixth of the Halla-Him period (4914 days)
|silver (metallic)
|n, N
|gray, grey
|n, N
|tin (element)
|pewter (sometimes feminine)
|n, F
|apprentice (artisan)
|n, M
|- style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|- style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|and, also
|one (numeral)
|n, M
|singular (number)
|n, N
|dot, point
|n, F
|n, D
|n, N
|n, N
|n, F
|create, give birth
|electricity (arcing)
|n, M
|cheap, inexpensive
|n, M
|n, D
|luck, fortune
|but, however
|nevertheless, nonetheless
|n, D
|n, D
|n, N
|n, F
|free spirit
|spirit (free)
|n, M
|besides, moreover
|- style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|- style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|a few, some, little
|a few
|n, M
|pepper (sweet)
|n, N
|cup, goblet
|n, F
|bowl, basin
|n, N
|cousin (second+)
|n, t
|n, t
|year (DEF this year)
| this year (DEF)
|n, F
|west (on Grundet)
|n, M
|attencion (PL)
|n, M
|scholar (academic)
|someone, somebody
|someone else ''jonu sodu''
|many, much, very
|much, very
|n, M
|can, be able to
|dense, concentrated
|subtle, tenuous
|n, N
|ability, skill
|n, N
|shortsighted (myopia)
|n, D
|become (NOM→ACC)
|"flash": creature of light
|meteor, falling star
|- style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|- style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|n, N
|n, M
|n, D
|circumstellar region
|n, M
|n, N
|tile, slab, slate
|n, M
|n, N
|n, F
|n, D
|foundation (abstract)
|inland (or towards it)
|n, N
|stone (keku)
|hard, tough
|n, F
|jewel, gemstone
|difficult, hard
|rough, harsh
|n, F
|jewel, gem
|piece of jewelry
|n, D
|earth, ground (both substance and surface)
|dense, heavy
|dense, heavy
|red, brown
|n, N
|birthplace (PL.DEF)
|lie somewhere
|n, F
|n, M
|farmer, peasant
|n, N
|n, M
|intestine: gare ("thick", large ), tesire ("messy", small)
|n, M
|n, N
|n, N
|n, M
|n, N
|pot, jar
|n, F
|n, M
|pottery (PL)
|n, F
|n, M
|n, N
|n, M
|n, D
|empire (PL)
|n, F
|n, F
|hook (fishhook)
|n, M
|n, N
|n, N
|gender, declension (DEF)
|gender: kirina = divine gender
|n, F
|part, piece
|n, N
|snip, bit
|n, M
|n, D
|bloodline (relatives)
|n, M
|porridge (DEF)
|n, N
|n, D
|templar fire
|n, N
|habit, custom, manner
|this way, as follows (LOC)
|normal, usual
|n, F
|nature, character
|n, D
|n, D
|spirit house
|n, N
|species (animal)
|n, N
|n, N
|n, M
|class (social)
|n, D
|agency, bureau, magistrate
|n, N
|n, N
|store, shop, boutique
|n, N
|storage, warehouse
|n, N
|n, F
|n, N
|tangent (angle relation)
|n, M
|piece of furniture
|furniture (PL)
|n, N
|relatives (PL)
|n, F
|n, M
|n, D
|coitus, sex
|n, N
|shelf, rack
|n, N
|n, N
|n, F
|n, N
|sill, window board
|n, M
|n, N
|cellar, basement
|n, N
|room (of house)
|n, N
|attic, garret
|n, N
|n, F
|great room (combined living and dining room)
|n, M
|hall (large indoor space, often with columns)
|n, M
|n, N
|tree trunk
|pole, post
|n, F
|n, M
|pillar, column
|n, D
|Father (polite)
|n, D
|ancestral tree
|godwood (spiritually charged material)
|n, F
|tree, wood
|n, N
|bush, shrub
|n, M
|ebony (wood)
|n, F
|n, M
|n, F
|n, M
|bandit, highwayman
|disturbing, distracting
|n, D
|n, F
|n, F
|clothes iron, flatiron
|n, M
|n, N
|cast iron
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|n, t
|n, t
|destiny, faith (PL)
|n, N
|rod, stick, bar
|n, D
|n, F
|n, N
|n, M
|Sceptre (DEF)
|n, F
|menstruation, period
|n, N
|n, M
|tangent (line)
|n, F
|edge, rim
|n, t
|month (moon period)
|n, N
|bucket, pail
|n, F
|insight, understanding
|of course, naturally
|n, F
|blue stone (lapis lazuli)
|blue stone (lapis lazuli)
|n, N
|step, pace
|n, M
|n, D
|really, truly
|n, F
|n, M
|branch, bough
|n, N
|n, F
|oil (especially olive)
|n, M
|olive tree
|n, M
|n, M
|n, N
|n, N
|trousers, pants
|n, M
|leg (limb)
|cape, peninsula
|n, M
|n, N
|n, M
|n, F
|pregnant woman
|n, N
|n, F
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|n, D
|n, N
|nail (finger/toe)
|n, F
|palm (hand)
|n, F
|n, M
|n, N
|n, t
|n, t
|hexasegment, one sixth of a year
|one sixth of a year
|n, F
|n, N
|n, D
|[[Aoma#Irregular|v, i]]
|n, D
|be, exist
|n, D
|spell, hex
|n, N
|n, N
|isolative language
|n, N
|fork (cutlery)
|n, F
|n, M
|n, N
|ladle, dipper (DEF)
|n, F
|glass (for drinking)
|n, M
|tumbler (drinking glass)
|surely, probably, likely
|n, M
|n, N
|n, D
|n, F
|n, M
|sweat, perspiration
|n, D
|water (salty)
|tepid (depends on the region)
|n, F
|water (drinkable)
|n, N
|n, N
|n, N
|tears (PL)
|n, F
|n, F
|n, M
|n, D
|sailing, sail
|n, F
|n, M
|velum, soft palate
|n, F
|Border world, Land of Rain
|n, N
|n, F
|n, N
|suave, smooth
|n, M
|liver (organ)
|latest (superlative)
|n, D
|n, F
|daughter (DEF)
|n, N
|n, G
|n, M
|n, F
|n, M
|n, N
|n, D
|ambrosia (gods' food)
|n, N
|food, comestible
|n, F
|dinner (with family)
|n, M
|n, N
|n, M
|wound, cut, sore
|n, D
|n, N
|n, N
|n, N
|fracture (bone)
|crack (opening), cleft, notch
|n, F
|n, N
|n, F
|meal, repast
|n, N
|hermit, loner
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|n, N
|so (consequence)
|thus, therefore
|n, D
|n, N
|n, M
|mine, quarry
|n, t
|n, t
|next day
|next day
|tomorrow (TEMP)
|n, N
|back, rear
|n, N
|n, N
|postwar period
|sudden change, problems in adapting to changes
|n, F
|beautiful person
|n, F
|fragrance, aroma, perfume
|n, N
|parasite (also of people)
|n, M
|n, D
|tea (drink)
|n, F
|n, N
|n, N
|pepper (spice)
|n, D
|sphere (celestial, divine, spiritual)
|n, N
|n, F
|n, N
|n, N
|palate (hard), roof of mouth
|n, F
|sphere, ball, globe
|round, circular
|n, D
|force, strength
|n, M
|n, N
|file (tool)
|n, N
|n, F
|vibration (slight)
|n, F
|n, M
|n, M
|n, M
|n, N
|n, F
|n, M
|n, M
|tremor, shaking (strong)
|earthquake (PL)
|n, F
|n, D
|Your Shine (religious polite address)
|priest, monk, nun
|n, F
|Madam (addressing with polite verbs)
|dame, lady
|n, M
|Sir (addressing with polite verbs)
|mister, lord
|n, F
|n, M
|n, N
|n, N
|fireplace, hearth
|n, D
|n, N
|n, F
|n, F
|n, M
|n, M
|burn something
|burn, be on fire
|You (2SG.POL)
|You (2SG.POL)
|certain, sure, definite
|surely, certainly
|definitely, absolutely
|n, D
|n, F
|index finger
|key (for lock)
|n, N
|n, N
|soup, broth
|n, F
|n, F
|hair (single)
|hair (human) (PL)
|n, N
|hair of Twuhi (cirrus cloud)
|n, M
|son (DEF)
|n, M
|"nire": creature living in fire, eating its sounds
|n, D
|n, N
|n, N
|n, N
|crush, infatuation
|n, N
|corpse, cadaver
|catastrophe (PL)
|n, N
|carcass, carrion
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|n, N
|illiterate person
|ugly, foul
|left (direction)
|n, N
|wattle (skin)
|n, F
|n, M
|n, N
|insect, bug
|n, N
|n, t
|old age
|n, N
|zinc (false silver)
|n, F
|spice (medium hot)
|spice (medium hot)
|expensive, costly
|too, overly
|n, M
|n, N
|n, N
|n, F
|cold, freezing
|n, N
|n, M
|beast, creature
|n, N
|beach, shore
|n, N
|n, M
|harbour, port
|n, M
|cliff (coastal)
|n, F
|Lost world, Land of Cliffs, Ommiliacu
|n, F
|bud (of flower)
|limp, flaccid
|small, little
|n, F
|baby, infant
|n, N
|fusional language
|n, N
|n, N
|n, F
|n, M
|n, M
|disorder, chaos
|n, N
|n, F
|n, M
|n, N
|n, N
|n, N
|n, F
|nail (fastener)
|n, M
|n, F
|Northern world, Frostroot
|maybe, perhaps
|n, N
|rot (wood)
|mundane, earthly
|n, M
|noise, din
|n, M
|anyhow, in any case, regardless
|anyone (DEF)
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|n, F
|square, open area
|n, M
|n, N
|n, N
|nut, kernel
|n, N
|n, F
|n, M
|n, N
|long, lengthy
|long, a long time
|n, F
|n, M
|cart, wagon
|n, D
|n, F
|n, F
|theater, theatre
|n, N
|n, D
|compass (pointing towards Centre)
|n, N
|n, F
|n, M
|n, F
|basket (woven)
|n, F
|n, M
|n, D
|n, N
|n, N
|n, F
|wing (insect, except butterfly)
|n, N
|n, N
|n, F
|wing (of butterfly)
|n, M
|wing (non-insect)
|n, F
|fabric, cloth
|n, F
|garment, piece of clothing
|clothes (PL)
|n, M
|flag, banner
|n, M
|flag (of a country)
|n, N
|n, D
|wage, pay, salary
|n, N
|cost, price
|frugal, thrifty
|n, F
|n, D
|n, N
|nectar of flowers
|n, N
|n, F
|n, N
|n, M
|grandfather (mother's father)
|grandfather (mother's father)
|n, F
|gossip, rumour
|n, N
|n, N
|n, D
|intermundus, world between
|n, F
|middle finger
|n, N
|drill (tool)
|n, N
|cavity, hollow
|n, M
|niche, bay
|n, N
|n, N
|n, N
|n, N
|n, F
|n, M
|legume, pulse
|n, F
|down feather
|snowflake; snow (PL)
|n, N
|n, N
|n, N
|sack, bag
|n, N
|n, N
|blister, vesicle
|n, F
|breast (female)
|n, M
|n, F
|n, N
|n, F
|slow (mind)
|n, N
|arm (limb)
|manpower (PL)
|n, M
|hand (of human)
|n, F
|n, M
|n, M
|rapid (of stream)
|n, N
|box, case
|n, M
|closet, cabinet
|narrow, tight
|n, M
|block, jam
|n, N
|n, F
|n, M
|n, M
|n, M
|prison, dungeon
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|n, N
|order, arrangement
|n, N
|n, N
|n, M
|n, D
|n, N
|stripe, band
|n, N
|thin, scinny
|thin, narrow
|n, M
|uncle (maternal)
|n, N
|grill, trellis
|n, M
|n, D
|coziness (despite uneasy conditions)
|n, F
|n, M
|n, F
|n, F
|aunt (maternal)
|n, N
|n, N
|n, F
|n, N
|n, N
|n, F
|n, M
|university, academy
|n, t
|n, t
|previous day
|previous day
|yesterday (TEMP)
|n, N
|presumably, supposedly
|n, F
|for, because
|n, N
|n, N
|n, D
|area, place (sacred, ancestral)
|area (ancestral)
|place (sacred)
|n, D
|world (plurale tantum)
|world (plurale tantum)
|n, M
|scab, dried blood
|scab, dried blood
|annoying yet helpful person
|n, N
|fragment, shard
|n, M
|n, F
|n, F
|spike, thorn
|n, M
|spear, lance
|everyone (DEF)
|full, complete
|n, F
|n, F
|aunt (paternal)
|n, M
|uncle (paternal)
|gladly, willingly
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"
|someone (DEF)
|n, N
|n, M
|Council (regional representatives)
|n, M
|plain, grassland
|n, N
|plane, surface
|n, N
|n, F
|n, N
|channel, canal
|irrigation (PL)
|n, M
|representative in Sajaazy
|n, D
|reason, sense, sanity
|n, D
|probably, likely
|n, F
|n, F
|n, F
|tavern, pub
|still, even, yet
|n, N
|n, F
|n, N
|n, M
|n, F
|he (3SG.M)
|n, N
|particle, whit, mote
|dust (PL)
|n, N
|cricket, cicada
|n, N
|grasshopper, katydid, bush-cricket
|n, N
|other (determiner)
|really (?)
|n, t
|moment, point in time; event
|time, occasion (PL.TEMP + ...-GEN)
|n, N
|reason, fault
|come, arrive (POL: belite, beleti, boletii)
|n, N
|n, F
|n, M
|n, F
|curtain, drape
|n, M
|gate (DEF)
|they (3PL)
|n, N
|barrel, cask
|n, D
|n, F
|n, D
|element (classical)
|n, D
|Elemental Lord
|n, N
|smell (sense of human)
|n, D
|n, N
|n, N
|agglutinative language
|n, N
|joint (also anatomical)
|n, F
|n, M
|sorry (<''suvam'', apologize)
|excuse me
|n, N
|genitive, possessive case
|n, N
|accusative case
|n, N
|case (grammatical)
|symani acuri
|n, N
|locative case
|symani lari
|n, N
|temporal case
|symani roysysiri
|n, N
|prepositional case
|n, N
|nominative case
|n, N
|dative case
|no-one, nobody (DEF)
|still and all, no matter what
|by no means
|do not (see [[Aoma#Negation|the main article]])
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|(gender inflection: t'''u'''k'''u'''k okuse)
|n, F
|roof, ceiling
|n, M
|roof terrace
|n, N
|n, N
|west of Kaomaago
|south of Negovia
|western (from Kaomaago); southern (from Negovia)
|n, M
|ship, vessel (sailing)
|n, M
|on the contrary, while
|n, F
|little finger
|n, N
|grin (PL)
|n, M
|fang (tooth)
|n, M
|sick, ill
|n, M
|n, N
|hide, skin (animal)
|n, M
|skin (human)
|n, F
|n, M
|n, N
|n, N
|mess, tangle
|n, N
|dirt, filth
|n, D
|Your Grace (polite address)
|n, D
|emotion, sensation
|n, F
|nest, den, lair
|n, N
|n, N
|n, M
|cluster, huddle
|n, D
|n, N
|n, M
|meat, flesh
|n, D
|[[Aoma#Irregular|v, i]]
|n, N
|namely, you see
|n, N
|n, F
|jewel, piece of jewelry
|n, M
|wealth / weakness (depends on the region & speaker)
|n, N
|square (geometry)
|n, F
|lot, plot of land
|n, N
|n, F
|n, D
|n, M
|n, F
|n, M
|n, M
|border (PL)
|n, F
|n, N
|alveolum, jaw ridge
|n, M
|wall, bulwark
|n, N
|n, F
|n, N
|n, M
|n, M
|n, M
|n, M
|professional soldier
|n, M
|annoing, irritating
|n, M
|n, D
|n, N
|n, N
|struggle, demanding effort
|n, F
|n, M
|n, N
|anger, rage
|angry, irritated
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|n, N
|colour, color, hue
|essence, nature
|n, F
|n, N
|stew, casserole, chowder
|n, N
|n, F
|n, N
|n, F
|n, M
|n, F
|"yule", creature causing Divine Lights (aurora centralis)
|n, F
|"yuletide", flight of yules
|Divine Lights (plurale tantum)
|n, N
|button (on clothes)
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"
|n, F
|n, N
|big toe (DEF)
|n, N
|n, M
|n, N
|ring finger
|n, D
|foreign lands (plurale tantum)
|n, F
|bark (of tree)
|n, M
|deformed, malformed
|strange, weird
|n, N
|curve, fold
|n, D
|spell (words)
|n, M
|n, N
|sentence (PL)
|n, F
|rumour (PL)
|n, N
|n, N
|northern language
|you (2PL)
|you (2PL)
|n, N
|n, M
|shelter, protection
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|I (1SG)
|s, t
|(determiner for time before present)
|last, preceding
|[[Aoma#Irregular|v, i]]
|cooked; well done
|n, F
|apprentice (spellcaster)
|n, D
|vowel (DEF)
|n, N
|n, F
|n, F
|east (on Grundet)
|n, N
|lumb, blob
|n, N
|n, N
|cloak, cape
|woppomi (Iwari)
|n, N
|eclipse (solar)
|low, lower
|n, M
|n, N
|well (water)
|n, M
|relating to glottis (adj)
|n, t
|n, t
|days of elemental ceremony
|days of elemental ceremony
|You (2PL.POL)
|You (2PL.POL)
|n, F
|n, N
|n, N
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|n, N
|tool, instrument
|n, D
|order, command
|n, N
|laborer, worker
|n, F
|commission, assignment, task
|n, M
|work, job, profession
|n, M
|machine, device
|n, N
|printing press
|n, M
|strong, powerful
|n, M
|"hum", creature of shadows
|n, N
|it (3SG)
|n, N
|n, N
|n, N
|hoe (tool)
|n, N
|skeleton (PL.DEF)
|n, N
|fishbone, spine
|n, F
|comb (for hair)
|n, F
|n, N
|n, M
|monster (often oceanic)
|n, N
|stink, smell
|n, M
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|n, N
|n, N
|n, M
|n, N
|n, N
|n, D
|n, D
|n, N
|paint, color
|n, D
|n, N
|n, N
|n, F
|artist (visual)
|dreamer (daydreamer)
|n, N
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|bother, disturb
|silent, quiet
|n, D
|n, N
|chair, stool
|excuse me (highly polite), "May I bother?" (optative <''zaurrre'', bother)
|pardon me (highly polite)  
|"May I bother?" (optative <''zaurrre'', bother)
|n, D
|consonant (DEF)
|n, D
|culture, tradition
|n, N
|couch, sofa, divan
|refreshed, perky
|n, D
|incense, burned perfume
|n, M
|n, N
|n, F
|artisan, craftsperson
|n, N
|fly (insect)
|n, M
|n, N
|she (3SG.F)
|n, F
|group of people
|s, t
|(determiner for time after present)
|n, N
|n, N
|plow, plough
|n, F
|hardly, barely
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"
|n, N
|bookfell, parchment
|n, N
|n, F
|n, N
|n, F
|n, N
|similarly, likewise
|n, D
|value, worth
|valuable, precious
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|-style="background: #E8E8E8"  
|n, F
|pupil (eye)
|small hole
|n, F
|n, M
|outlaw, criminal
|hollow, vacuous
|n, N
|n, t
|n, D
|n, D
|darkness (pure)
|down, located beneath
|down (movement with DAT)
|n, N
|night sky
|n, M
|n, M
|n, N
|bladder (urinary)
|n, M
|pure darkness
|n, D
|dream (lucid)
|gloomy, melancholic
|violet (dark)
|n, M
|last, final
|n, N
|shadow, shade
|n, F
|n, F
|n, M
|n, N
|lowest class
|naked, nude
|n, M
|n, N
|defiled, sullied
|n, F
|n, M
|n, F
|n, M
|n, N
|pile, heap
|n, N
|club, mace, bludgeon
|n, N
|n, M
|thug, bandit
| brutal
|n, M
|n, N
|rot, decay
|n, M
|feces, excrement
|n, M
|mold (fungi)
|n, N
|tired, weary
|sad, unhappy
|n, N
|remorse, regret
|n, F
|n, M
|grief, sorrow
|tearful, sorrowful
|anti-honorific clitic
|anti-honorific clitic
|n, N
|spellcaster (evil)
|unknown threat
|n, F
|n, N
|unclean person


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