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More information about the grammar can be found in the [[Nankôre]] wiki.  Readers are directed to the sections dealing with the animacy hierarchy and familiarize themselves with the direct-inverse marking system of the copula, as well as the [[Nankôre#The_Verb_Complex|verb complex]].
More information about the grammar can be found in the [[Nankôre]] wiki.  Readers are directed to the sections dealing with the animacy hierarchy and familiarize themselves with the direct-inverse marking system of the copula, as well as the [[Nankôre#The_Verb_Complex|verb complex]].
=== Final Product ===
//***** Full Nankôre Text *****;<br/>
Yorai, rasneskoro, kantómasyak yistá', sikoryak itá';<br/>
Paishi Tipāré hakor nitá',<br/>
Šaroc, kantókor itán siyam rohpakor tānitá',<br/>
Pakornene, yuki kantó kaniskoro royuki itá',<br/>
Kaniskoro cercokor ita', ocerokor yorai ita', šoysak ita';<br/>
Nan yistá'.<br/>
|phrase = Yorai, rasneskoro, kantómasyak yistá', sikoryak itá';
| IPA = jo'ɾaɪ ɾaʃ'neʃkoɾo kan'tomaʃak jiʃ'taʔ ʃɪ'koɾjak ɪ'taʔ;
| morphemes = yorai rasne=skoro kantó-mas=yak yistá-'  si=kôre=ak itá-'
| translation =
|phrase = Paishi Tipāré hakór nitá';
| IPA = paɪʃi tɪpa:'ɾɛ ha'koɾ nɪ'taʔ
| morphemes = Paishi Tipāré ha-kór n-itá-'
| gloss = [PN] come-EVID.HEAR DIR.PST-COP-LS
| translation =
|phrase = Šaroc,  šokankór intán siyam rohpakór tānitá';
| IPA = 'ʃaɾotʃ ʃokan'koɾ ɪn'tan ʃijam ɾoɦpa'koɾ ta:nɪ'taʔ
| morphemes = šaroc, šokam-kór intá-' si=yam rohpa-kór tā-n-itá-'
| gloss = earth.HA thank-EVID.HEAR DIR.HP.PRS.COP-LS CONN=accompany form-EVID.HEAR INV.P-HP-PRS.COP-LS
| translation =
|phrase = Pakornene, kaniskoro yuki kantó kaniskoro royuki itá';
| IPA = pakoɾ'nene ka'nɪʃkoɾo juki kan'to ka'nɪʃkoɾo ɾo'juki ɪ'taʔ
| morphemes = pakor-anene, yuki kantó kani=skoro ro-yuki itá-'
| gloss = need-EVID.DUB, arm.HA happy.LA location=DEM.PROX remove-arm DIR.PRS.COP-LS
| translation =
|phrase = Kaniskoro cercokór ita', ocerokór yorai ita', šoysak ita';
| IPA = ka'nɪʃkoɾo tʃeɾ'koɾ ɪ'taʔ otʃeɾo'koɾ joɾaɪ  ɪ'taʔ ʃoɪsak  ɪ'taʔ
| morphemes = kani=skoro cerco-kór ita' ocero-kór yorai ita-' si=oysak ita-
| gloss = location=DEM.PROX dwell-EVID.HEAR narrate-EVID.HEAR DIST.PST DIR.PRS..COP-LS CONN=rain.fall.down DIR.PRS.COP-LS
| translation =
|phrase = Nan yistá'.
| IPA = nan jɪʃ'taʔ
| morphemes = Nan yis-itá-'.
| gloss = man INCH-DIR.PRS.COP-LS
| translation =
====Additional Notes====
# In intransitive clauses, the copula takes the Direct forms only.
# In transitive clauses, high animate core arguments are considered Agents by default.  Low animate core arguments acting as Agents license the Inverse marker ''ta-''; the Inverse marker cliticizes to the initial verb of the verb complex, and is prefixed to the copula; the low animate argument is thus doubly marked by the Inverse marker.
# The pronominal animacy hierarchy is: 1st >> 2nd >> 3rd.  However, note that plural 3rd person arguments outrank all singular arguments.
# The present tense, when used as a narrative tense, often refers to past events.  Adverbial markers referring to the distal past, such as ''yorai'', may thus appear with a present tense copula.
# Rather than using cases or adpositions to indicate thematic relations, Nankôre employs coverbs in verb serialization.  See [[Nankôre#Directional-Positional_Coverbs]] for additional information.
More information about the grammar can be found in the [[Nankôre]] wiki.  Readers are directed to the sections dealing with the animacy hierarchy and familiarize themselves with the direct-inverse marking system of the copula, as well as the [[Nankôre#The_Verb_Complex|verb complex]].
Abbreviations: <br/><br/>
1S = First Person Singular<br/>
ASSERT = Assertive<br/>
CONN = Connective<br/>
COP = Copula<br/>
DEM.PROX = Proximal demonstrative<br/>
DIR = Direct Voice<br/>
DIST.PST = Distal Past<br/>
EVID.DUB = Dubitative evidential<br/>
EVID.HEAR = Hearsay evidential<br/>
HA = High Animate core argument<br/>
HP = High Animate Plural core argument<br/>
INCH = Inchoative<br/>
INV = Inverse Voice<br/>
LA = Low Animate core argument<br/>
LP = Low Animate Plural core argument<br/>
LS = Low Animate Singular core argument<br/>
P = Plural<br/>
PN = Proper Noun<br/>
PRS = Present tense<br/>
PST = Past tense<br/>
S = Singular<br/><br/>

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