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* '''cu''' — expresses an instrument or a comitative argument.
* '''cu''' — expresses an instrument or a comitative argument.
*: ''July secal arbolis '''câ''' sihuri.'' "Julius cuts trees with the axe."
*: ''July secal arbolis '''câ''' sihuri.'' "Julius cuts trees with the axe."
*: ''Preferu scriviri '''cuna''' pena.'' "I prefer to write with a pen."
*: ''Prefiaru scriviri '''cuna''' pena.'' "I prefer to write with a pen."
*: ''Trubu '''cu''' Tecra.'' "I sing with Thecla."
*: ''Trubu '''cu''' Tecra.'' "I sing with Thecla."
* '''tras''' — through; among (in this case usually without article); expresses the agent in passive sentences.
* '''tras''' — through; among (in this case usually without article); expresses the agent in passive sentences.


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