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'''Mărotłism''' (''mə-ROHTS-iz-əm''; [[Eevo]]: ''Myrótxvih'', [[Windermere]]: internally called ''Rătsof Săy'ür'' 'the Path of the Law') is a Talman religion typically associated with Windermere philosopher riθ Mărotł (Eevo: ''riþ Myrótx'').
'''Mărotłism''' (''mə-ROHTS-iz-əm''; [[Eevo]]: ''Myrótxvih'', [[Windermere]]: internally called ''Rătsof Săy'ür'' 'the Path of the Law') is a Talman religion typically associated with Windermere philosopher riθ Mărotł (Eevo: ''riþ Myrótx'').
===After the Great Calamities===
Mărotłism was the ideology to win out as the Windermere Empire consolidated its power. Mărotłites rapidly took control of institutions in Talma, except in a few remote holdouts such as Nūrei. With the unification of the Lăchua Empire, Mărotłism became the state ideology. Various smaller states that were not absorbed by the empire (such as the Tigolian states, the precursors to the modern Talmic-speaking countries Skella and Anbir and Ciètluov) would become tributary states.
Early Mărotłites sought to create a humanist ideology. They attempted to justify these tenets and laws with a synthesis of myths and previous Talmic and Windermere religions.
However, the version of Mărotłism that became the official imperial ideology was significantly different from these earlier efforts. Imperial Mărotłism taught that there was effectively a God who revealed himself in nature and natural laws. Morality was hence viewed as a kind of natural law. As such Imperial Mărotłism emphasized harmony between the First and Second Movers and in general sought to justify state power.
Unfortunately, over time Mărotłism became very dogmatic and micromanaging, and more often than not was a hypocritical front for power-hungry elites.
===Mărotłism, take two===
The Mărotłian thinkers of the Fnüeng dynasty era wanted to eschew the ceremonial and superstitious excesses of the Mărotłism of the Gweats dynasty. Somewhat like Neo-Confucians, they sought to distill and "rationalize" social philosophy, and to rigorously derive it from first principles. (?)
Snialism, a mystical form of Mărotłism, also arose during this period as a reaction to the dominant ideology.

==Basic doctrines==
==Basic doctrines==


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