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In terms of its default word order, Common is an SVO language in main clauses. It is also an ergative language. SVO word order is unusual for an SVO language. As Trafalgar points out, though, Common is only morphologically ergative, through its article cases.[] Syntactically, Common is actually accusative, as they point out with the following example:
In terms of its default word order, Common is an SVO language in main clauses. It is also an ergative language. SVO word order is unusual for an SVO language. As Trafalgar points out, though, Common is only morphologically ergative, through its article cases.[] Syntactically, Common is actually accusative, as they point out with the following example:

Ja pikki(A) tene slek a skitrem(P)
''Ja pikki(A) tene slek a skitrem(P)''<br>
3.SG.DEF.ERG cat TRN.NPST.PRF.REAL eat 3.SG.DEF.ABS mouse<br>
The cat has eaten the mouse.
"The cat has eaten the mouse."

Compare this to:
Compare this to:

A pikki(S) se hitaj.
''A pikki(S) se hitaj.''<br>
The cat is sleeping.
"The cat is sleeping."

Morphologically, Common treats S the same as P - they are both in the absolutive case. But syntactically it treats S the same as A - although Common has free word order, it does have a preferred word order, which is SVO, and in that word order, both A and S appear before the verb. S is treated like A syntactically.
Morphologically, Common treats S the same as P - they are both in the absolutive case. But syntactically it treats S the same as A - although Common has free word order, it does have a preferred word order, which is SVO, and in that word order, both A and S appear before the verb. S is treated like A syntactically.


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