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The definite article is generally used in most cases, a lot more when compared to English.<br/>(section to be expanded)
=====Usage of the article=====
The definite article is generally used in most cases, a lot more when compared to English.
Personal names are not used with articles in the standard language, but it is a prominent feature of Western dialects (in the provinces of Elenasyahr and Kawéy, and parts of Milesyihars province, as well as in the (mostly extinct) dialects of the Sinope area), which have greater Greek influence and use articles in front of names anywhere except for vocative phrases; e.g. ''tási Syáhpúrí tom námirom elém.'' "I gave Syáhpúr the book."<br/>However, even in the standard language, an article is used in front of pluralized given names to denote a group of more people defined from one of them, often (depending on context) "X and their family", e.g. ''tás Freyánehes'' "Freyáná and her family/friends/colleagues/etc."

As for placenames:
As for placenames:


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