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| translation = It was the mouse the falcon seized in one fell swoop.
| translation = It was the mouse the falcon seized in one fell swoop.
Constituents can also be backgrounded.  An O argument can be moved from its usual preverbal position to an intervening position between the main verb and auxiliary.  This form of backgrounding, available only to O arguments, is known as [[Nankôre#Quasi-Noun_Incorporation|Quasi-Noun Incorporation]] (QNI).  It serves discourse functions similar to full noun incorporation found in its Minhast and Nahónda relatives, backgrounding the incorporated NP, decreasing valency, and providing additional specificity to the semantics of the main verb.  The following example of compares and contrasts the default SOV<sub>1</sub>V<sub>2</sub> word order, with that of a SV<sub>1</sub>OV<sub>2</sub>:
*Default SOV<sub>1</sub>V<sub>2</sub> Order
|phrase = Makse rihat tayôreno ta'itá
|IPA = /'makʃɛ̯ ɾi'hat ta'yo:reno taʔɪt'aʔ/
| morphemes = makse rihat ta=yôre=no  ta-itá-ʔ
| gloss = mouse.LA falcon.HA  INV=bite=SEM INV-HS.COP-LS
| translation = The mouse bit the falcon.
*Quasi-Noun Incorporation,  SV<sub>1</sub>OV<sub>2</sub> Order
|phrase = Makse yôreno rihat 'itá'
|IPA = /'makʃɛ̯ 'yo:reno ɾi'hat taʔɪt'aʔ/
| morphemes = makse yôre=no rihat  ∅-itá-ʔ
| gloss = mouse.LA bite=SEM falcon DIR-COP-LS
| translation = The mouse falcon-bit.
Quasi-noun incorporation, like the full noun incorporation found in Nankôre's relatives, Minhast and Nahónda, lowers valency, transforming transitive clauses to intransitive clauses.  '''The use of the Inverse marker is no longer needed''', as the incorporated noun has been reduced to an adjunct.  As such, the incorporated noun no longer occupies a core position. Decreasing the clause's valency reduces the saliency of the incorporated noun.

As in many SOV languages, modifiers precede their heads:
As in many SOV languages, modifiers precede their heads:


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