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Danterians typically possess two separate sets of names: the epithet-name, a more formal title consisting of a name assigned at birth with any number of epithets or parentally-related names (typically but not exclusively matronymics), analogous to a full name or prosoponym, and the mononym, a more informal single-word chosen name unique to its user, analogous to a nickname or pseudonym. Birth-names frequently end in an -a natively, and did so originally, though this practice has declined in recent times, especially with the modern increased ease of cultural osmosis. Pseudonymous foreign figures may often be given a Dãterške-style bipartite name when translated into the culture; take for example Theodor Geisel, Dr. Seuss. In Dãterške, his epithet-name would simply be Цӥёдєр Гайзл {{IPA|[t͡n̥ijɵt̬ʲoɹ k̬ajzɮ̩]}}, whereas his self-chosen mononym would likely be something like Зєұс {{IPA|/zʲoys/}} or Сус {{IPA|/sus/}}.
While the distinction between the two can largely be summarized as formal/informal, there is situationally important nuance which contributes to the usage frequency of each. For example, informality in names is almost always preferred in communist or other left-wing circles, and as a consequence of Danterlokhan having a socialistic government, the "informal" mononym takes precedence as the formal alternative in the context of politics, flipping the entire dichotomy on its head. Conversely, when dealing with a less political neighborhood organization or small municipal government, the dichotomy remains steadfast. Both names only reach a point of interchangeability in more ambiguous situations (either politically or relationally), such as while encountering political figures in public or shopping to name a few.


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