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In the speech of young urban Lifashians there is a noticeable ongoing sound change in the high vowels, where the vowels are being restructured with long ones being front and short ones being back, and then distinguishing them for roundedness. Therefore, the high vowels of those speakers ae {{IPA|[iː yː ɯ u]}}, result of the {{IPA|[i]}} → {{IPA|[ɯ]}} and {{IPA|[uː]}} → {{IPA|[yː]}} shifts.
There are various regional variations in the vowels, particularly in the diphthongization of long vowels which is a marked trait of Western and Central-Western Lifashian dialects. However, most dialects tend to maintain the same phonemic distinctions, only with different realizations.<br/>As a striking example, Helenopolitan Lifashian - one of the most spoken varieties - is famous for its long vowel breaking processes, with various possible realizations depending on stress, position in the word, and whether the following syllable contains another long vowel.
<!-- In the speech of young urban Lifashians there is a noticeable ongoing sound change in the high vowels, where the vowels are being restructured with long ones being front and short ones being back, and then distinguishing them for roundedness. Therefore, the high vowels of those speakers ae {{IPA|[iː yː ɯ u]}}, result of the {{IPA|[i]}} → {{IPA|[ɯ]}} and {{IPA|[uː]}} → {{IPA|[yː]}} shifts.-->



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