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''Léhkodé pai ko qhóqhøkos,
''Léhkodé pai ko qhóqhøkos,
''mjula keew'shtsozh oil qotitlóo;
''keewesht mjulanģ oil qotitlóo;
''darema soi slopapu'os,
''darema soi slopapu'os,
''jak rajidhé mitupurpóo.
''jak rajidhé mitupurpóo.
''Péma saitush q'papa sekhe,
''Péma saitush_q'papa sekhe,
''jevaa hifthilan gat'tishh'i,
''jevaa hifthilan gat'tishh'i,
''moŕ ól dorahpipi qóphe;
''moŕ ól dorahpipi qóphe;
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Sceptrian is a head-initial, ergative-absolutive language, i.e. the word order in clauses is mostly VAO and the head of the noun phrase is followed by adjectives and demostratives. However, poems use a more free word order, and apparently may omit vowels in various syllables. Both prepositions and postpositions are used, however. The cases of nouns are utilized in [[Sceptrian#Derivational_Morphology|derivational morphology]] so that at first glance many verbs seem to be only inflected nouns.
Sceptrian is a head-initial, ergative-absolutive language, i.e. the word order in clauses is mostly VAO and the head of the noun phrase is followed by adjectives and demostratives. The language is fusional-agglutinative, e.g. verbs are [[Sceptrian#Affixes|conjugated]], but both prepositions and postpositions are used as well and their heads are [[Sceptrian#Cases|declined]] according to the noun class. The cases of nouns are utilized in [[Sceptrian#Derivational_Morphology|derivational morphology]] so that at first glance many verbs seem to be only inflected nouns.
However, poems may have a more free word order and <!--apparently -->may omit vowels in various syllables. The apostrophe may stand for both these omissions and normal pausa.


#''léhkod-é pai ko qhó~qhøk-os
''léhkod-é pai ko qhó~qhøk-os
#:<small>ADVZ\fast-VOC MIR DIST.SG SUBJ~\is_broken\-3SG.INCEP</small>
<small>ADVZ\fast-VOC MIR DIST.SG SUBJ~\is_broken-3SG.INCEP</small>
#''léhkod-é pai keewesht mjula-n
#:<small>ADVZ\fast-VOC MIR mosaic life-GEN</small>
#''léhkod-é pai qhó~qhøg-ho klo
#:<small>ADVZ\fast-VOC MIR SUBJ~\is_broken\-3PL.FUT PRO.3PL</small>
#''léhkod-é pai qhó~qhøk-l tshel-o
#:<small>ADVZ\fast-VOC MIR SUBJ~\is_broken-3PL.GNO sand-LAT</small>
*[[Sceptrian#Particles|Verb particles]] don't always require verbs
*[[Sceptrian#Particles|Verb particles]] don't always require verbs
*Sceptrian has several ways of indicating [[Sceptrian#Possessive|possessive forms]]

#''mjula keew(e)shtsozh oil qot&lt;i&gt;~t-l-óo  
''keewesht mjula-n oil qot&lt;i&gt;~t-l-óo  
#:<small>life mosaic-PL.COM-POSS.3SG.INAL as rock~&lt;DIM&gt;-PL-LAT</small>
<small>mosaic life-GEN as rock~&lt;DIM&gt;-PL-LAT</small>
#''qhó~qhøk oil qot&lt;i&gt;~t-l-óo tshel-o
#:<small>SUBJ~\is_broken as rock~DIM-PL-LAT sand-LAT</small>
#''mjul(a) keeweshtsozh oil qot&lt;i&gt;~t-l-óo
#:<small>life mosaic-PL.COM-POSS.3SG.INAL as rock~&lt;DIM&gt;-PL-LAT</small>
*See [[Sceptrian#Prepositions|prepositions]] for the effect of noun case.
*See [[Sceptrian#Prepositions|prepositions]] for the effect of noun case.
*Some derivations utilize both reduplication and infixing
*Some derivations utilize both reduplication and affixing

''darema soi slop&lt;a&gt;~p-u-os
''darema soi slop&lt;a&gt;~p-u-os
<small>Ruler.AUG on chair~&lt;AUG&gt;-LOC-POSS.3SG.ALIEN</small>
<small>Ruler.AUG on chair~&lt;AUG&gt;-LOC-POSS.3SG.ALIEN</small>
*Sceptrian has several ways of indicating [[Scetprian#Possessive|possession]]

''jak rajidh-é mitup-u-r-p-óo
''jak rajidh-é mitup-u-r-p-óo
<small>away sudden-VOC sea-LOC-VBZ.FREQ-NMZ-LAT</small>
<small>away sudden-VOC(.ADVZ) sea-LOC-VBZ.FREQ-NMZ-LAT</small>
*Occurrence of [[Sceptrian#Apophony|apophony]] has certain rules  
*Occurrence of [[Sceptrian#Apophony|apophony]] has certain rules  

''Pé=ma saitu-sh q(ó)papa sek-he
''Pé=ma saitu-sh q(ó)pa-pa sek-he
<small>2PL.VOC=FOC DEM.PROX.ANIM-PL act-ABL come-GNO.2PL</small>
<small>2PL.VOC=FOC DEM.PROX.ANIM-PL act-ABL come-GNO.2PL</small>
*[[Sceptrian#Relative_clauses|On relative clauses]] of Sceptrian
*[[Sceptrian#Relative_clauses|On relative clauses]] of Sceptrian
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''jeva-a hifthila-n gat(o)ti-sh-h(e)i
''jeva-a hifthila-n gat(o)ti-sh-h(e)i
<small>grace-ERG heaven-GEN accommodation-INS.VBZ-PST.PFV.2PL </small>
<small>grace-ERG heaven-GEN accommodation-INS(.VBZ)-PST.PFV.2PL </small>
*Agent prefixes may be omitted
*Agent prefixes may be omitted
*Genitive forms don't agree with their heads
*Genitive forms don't agree with their heads

''moŕ ól dora-h-pi-pi qóp-he
''mo-ŕ ól dora-h-pi-pi qóp-he
<small>1PL-GEN like law-COM.VBZ-GER-ABL act-GNO.2PL</small>
<small>1PL-GEN like law-COM(.VBZ)-GER-ABL act-GNO.2PL</small>
*It is common for Sceptrian to [[Sceptrian#Derivational_Morphology|derive]] new nouns from verbs already derived from nouns
*It is common for Sceptrian to [[Sceptrian#Derivational_Morphology|derive]] new nouns from verbs already derived from nouns

''mutsh-os tsla-r-mak-Ø jódi-sh b(a)shø-t(i)-s-ji  
''mutsh-os tsla-r-mak-Ø jódi-sh b(a)shø-t(i)-s-ji  
<small>neighbour-INS.COM INCEP.1PL-HORT-give-ANTIP charity-INS VOC\wealth-ADJZ.ABE-NMZ.AN-DAT </small>
<small>neighbour-INS(.COM) INCEP.1PL-HORT-give-ANTIP charity-INS poor_one-DAT </small>
*[[Sceptrian#Irrealis|Hortative]] in Sceptrian
*[[Sceptrian#Irrealis|Hortative]] in Sceptrian
*[[Sceptrian#Voice|Antipassive]] is formed by turning the ERG agent into ABS, removing the subject/object verb suffix and changing the subject/object case into instrumental
*[[Sceptrian#Voice|Antipassive]] is formed by turning the ERG agent into ABS, removing the subject/object verb suffix and changing the subject/object case into instrumental
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*''Léh-ko-d-é'' might be glossed as ADVZ\leg-LAT-VBZ.MVT\ADJZ-VOC, but the core was translated for simplicity
*From ''leh'', ''Léh-ko-d-é'' might be glossed as ADVZ\leg-LAT-VBZ.MVT\ADJZ-VOC, but the core was translated for simplicity :)
*Same for ''b(a)shø-t(i)-s-ji'' gloss VOC\wealth-ADJZ.ABE-NMZ.AN-DAT from ''bashó''
<!--Stress is not perfect, but at least it's got some kind of a rhyme!-->
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