Proto-Atlanto-Mediterranean/Lexicon: Difference between revisions

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|a k. of berry
|a kind of berry
|a k. of bird
|a kind of bird
|a k. of bird
|a kind of bird
|a k. of bird
|a kind of bird
|a k. of bird
|a kind of bird
|a k. of bird
|a kind of bird
|a k. of (aquatic) bird
|a kind of (aquatic) bird
|a k. of bird
|a kind of bird
|a k. of bird
|a kind of bird
|a k. of bird
|a kind of bird
|a k. of bird  
|a kind of bird  
|a k. of bird
|a kind of bird
|a k. of bird *kVṗV
|a kind of bird *kVṗV
|a k. of bird *kwVtV
|a kind of bird *kwVtV
|a k. of bird *kwVtV
|a kind of bird *kwVtV
|a k. of bird *ĺVkĺVkV
|a kind of bird *ĺVkĺVkV
|a k. of bird *sVgV
|a kind of bird *sVgV
|a k. of bird *SVlwV
|a kind of bird *SVlwV
|a k. of bird *SVlwV
|a kind of bird *SVlwV
|a k. of bird *ṭVrV / *ṭVṭVrV
|a kind of bird *ṭVrV / *ṭVṭVrV
|a k. of bird (gallinacean) *KVwrV
|a kind of bird (gallinacean) *KVwrV
|a k. of bone *c`iŋu
|a kind of bone *c`iŋu
|a k. of cereal *lVnṭV
|a kind of cereal *lVnṭV
|a k. of cereal *lVnṭV
|a kind of cereal *lVnṭV
|a k. of duck *ṭVḳV
|a kind of duck *ṭVḳV
|a k. of duck or hen *ṭVḳV
|a kind of duck or hen *ṭVḳV
|a k. of fish *č`VHmV
|a kind of fish *č`VHmV
|a k. of fish *kećä 'k. of fish'
|a kind of fish *kećä 'kind of fish'
|a k. of fish *kVrV
|a kind of fish *kVrV
|a k. of fish *kVrV
|a kind of fish *kVrV
|a k. of fish *ńowŋa salmon
|a kind of fish *ńowŋa salmon
|a k. of fruit *mVsV
|a kind of fruit *mVsV
|a k. of fruit *mVsV
|a kind of fruit *mVsV
|a k. of gallinacean bird *KVwrV
|a kind of gallinacean bird *KVwrV
|a k. of grass *wVĺV
|a kind of grass *wVĺV
|a k. of grass *wVĺV
|a kind of grass *wVĺV
|a k. of grass? *cVmV
|a kind of grass? *cVmV
|a k. of horned animal *mula
|a kind of horned animal *mula
|a k. of horned animal *mula
|a kind of horned animal *mula
|a k. of insect *či̯ū́ p𝑖̯ū́𝑝a ( ~ -u)
|a kind of insect *či̯ū́ p𝑖̯ū́𝑝a ( ~ -u)
|a k. of insect *KUmV
|a kind of insect *KUmV
|a k. of insect *KUmV
|a kind of insect *KUmV
|a k. of insect *ḳUṭḳV
|a kind of insect *ḳUṭḳV
|a k. of insect *ḳUṭḳV
|a kind of insect *ḳUṭḳV
|a k. of insect *lVŋV
|a kind of insect *lVŋV
|a k. of insect *m[a]ŋi
|a kind of insect *m[a]ŋi
|a k. of insect *mVḳV
|a kind of insect *mVḳV
|a k. of insect *mVḳV
|a kind of insect *mVḳV
|a k. of insect *pUḳV
|a kind of insect *pUḳV
|a k. of insect *pVN(T)V
|a kind of insect *pVN(T)V
|a k. of insect *ṗVnǯV
|a kind of insect *ṗVnǯV
|a k. of insect, louse *ṗVnǯV
|a kind of insect, louse *ṗVnǯV
|a k. of liquid *c`UtV
|a kind of liquid *c`UtV
|a k. of onion *sUŋV
|a kind of onion *sUŋV
|a k. of predator *bVrV
|a kind of predator *bVrV
|a k. of predator *KVrdV
|a kind of predator *KVrdV
|a k. of rodent *[xq̇]wĕ[l]ʕǝ́
|a kind of rodent *[xq̇]wĕ[l]ʕǝ́
|a k. of sack *lVmV
|a kind of sack *lVmV
|a k. of tree *jVwV (*ʔVjwV)
|a kind of tree *jVwV (*ʔVjwV)
|a k. of tree *jVwV (*ʔVjwV)
|a kind of tree *jVwV (*ʔVjwV)
|a k. of tree *kojw[a]
|a kind of tree *kojw[a]
|a k. of tree *NEḳrV
|a kind of tree *NEḳrV
|a k. of tree? *ʔilVmV
|a kind of tree? *ʔilVmV
|a k. of ungulate *cVHnV ( ~ *c`-)
|a kind of ungulate *cVHnV ( ~ *c`-)
|a k. of ungulate *CVxnV
|a kind of ungulate *CVxnV
|a k. of ungulate *mVnV
|a kind of ungulate *mVnV
|a k. of vessel *ḳVwKV
|a kind of vessel *ḳVwKV
|a k. of vessel *pVNV
|a kind of vessel *pVNV
|a k. of water bird (gull?) *sVgV
|a kind of water bird (gull?) *sVgV
Line 328: Line 328:
|an insect *čă k𝑎̆𝑘i 'a k. of insect'
|an insect *čă k𝑎̆𝑘i 'a kind of insect'
Line 388: Line 388:
|ashes, burn *ṗVdwV; cf. also "Alt. "*pi̯ŏ t𝑖̯𝑜̆𝑡e ( ~ -t-, *pi̯ă t𝑖̯𝑎̆𝑡u) 'light'
|ashes, burn *ṗVdwV; also *pi̯ŏ t𝑖̯𝑜̆𝑡e ( ~ -t-, *pi̯ă t𝑖̯𝑎̆𝑡u) 'light'
Line 952: Line 952:
|bone *ʒ́VmV ? (cf. also *c`iŋu)
|bone *ʒ́VmV ? (also *c`iŋu)
Line 1,224: Line 1,224:
|chin *kenV (cf. also *kVngV)
|chin *kenV (also *kVngV)
Line 1,240: Line 1,240:
|chopped piece, to cut *ḳUṭV (cf. also *ḳVtV)
|chopped piece, to cut *ḳUṭV (also *ḳVtV)
Line 1,468: Line 1,468:
|demonstr. pronoun *mV
|demonstrative pronoun *mV
|demonstr. pronoun *mV
|demonstrative pronoun *mV
|demonstr. pronoun *ṭV
|demonstrative pronoun *ṭV
|demonstr. pronoun *ṭV
|demonstrative pronoun *ṭV
Line 1,648: Line 1,648:
|dry, burn *gwVlV (cf. also */ḳ/alV)
|dry, burn *gwVlV (also */ḳ/alV)
Line 1,764: Line 1,764:
|edge *PVlV (but cf. also *ṗVlV)
|edge *PVlV (but also *ṗVlV)
Line 1,800: Line 1,800:
|elder male relative, father *ʔVṭV (cf. also *tajV)
|elder male relative, father *ʔVṭV (also *tajV)
Line 2,104: Line 2,104:
|first p. pron. *ŋV
|first person pronoun *ŋV
Line 2,572: Line 2,572:
|hair *ńä[w(ŋ)]a [cf. *ŋVjV]
|hair *ńä[w(ŋ)]a [*ŋVjV]
|hair *ńä[w(ŋ)]a [cf. *ŋVjV]
|hair *ńä[w(ŋ)]a [*ŋVjV]
Line 2,796: Line 2,796:
|hole *HangV (cf. also *wonkV)
|hole *HangV (also *wonkV)
Line 2,908: Line 2,908:
|I, myself; we [first p. pronoun] *ʔVkV (*ʔVgV)
|I, myself; we [first person pronoun] *ʔVkV (*ʔVgV)
|I, we [first p. pronoun] *mV
|I, we [first person pronoun] *mV
Line 2,952: Line 2,952:
|interrog. or relat. pronoun *ŋiV
|interrogative or relative pronoun *ŋiV
|interrog. or relative pronoun *ŋiV
|interrogative or relative pronoun *ŋiV
Line 3,552: Line 3,552:
|mouse, squirrel *CVḳV (cf. also *cwVkV ( ~ čw-))
|mouse, squirrel *CVḳV (also *cwVkV ( ~ čw-))
Line 3,932: Line 3,932:
|palm *caʷlǝʒǝ- hand, Nivgh. *cälmǝ palm
|palm *caʷlǝʒǝ- hand, *cälmǝ palm
Line 3,976: Line 3,976:
|peg, nail *ḳUjḳV peg, nail (cf. also *kikV 'bite', *ḳVkV 'break, peck')
|peg, nail *ḳUjḳV peg, nail (also *kikV 'bite', *ḳVkV 'break, peck')
Line 3,996: Line 3,996:
|penis *ṗaćV ( ~ -ć`-, -č-) (cf. also *pVjcV ( ~ -č-))
|penis *ṗaćV ( ~ -ć`-, -č-) (also *pVjcV ( ~ -č-))
Line 4,088: Line 4,088:
|rain, pour *HVrćV ( ~ -ć`-) (cf. also *rVCV)
|rain, pour *HVrćV ( ~ -ć`-) (also *rVCV)
Line 4,632: Line 4,632:
|small. child *pVwjV
|small; child *pVwjV
|small. child *pVwjV
|small; child *pVwjV
Line 4,700: Line 4,700:
|smth. sharp *CVNV
|something sharp *CVNV
Line 5,132: Line 5,132:
|that, this *ʔa (*ʔe) (prob. *Ha that, *He this)
|that, this *ʔa (*ʔe) (probably *Ha that, *He this)
Line 5,188: Line 5,188:
|thing; interrog. stem *HVdV
|thing; interrogative stem *HVdV
Line 5,228: Line 5,228:
|thou (obl. forms?) [second p. pronoun] *χwV
|thou (oblique forms) [second person pronoun] *χwV
|thou [second p. pronoun] *nV thou
|thou [second person pronoun] *nV thou
|thou [second p. pronoun] *ṭ[u]
|thou [second person pronoun] *ṭ[u]
Line 5,936: Line 5,936:
|to go, come *ŋēni (cf. also *ŋāńi)
|to go, come *ŋēni (also *ŋāńi)
Line 6,084: Line 6,084:
|to lead, to go *wetV (cf. also *dwVwV 'run')
|to lead, to go *wetV (also *dwVwV 'run')
Line 6,220: Line 6,220:
|to plait, smth. plaited *zVḳV
|to plait, something plaited *zVḳV
Line 6,404: Line 6,404:
|to scrape *ḳirV; cf. also *gVrV scratch, *gVrVbV notch, sign
|to scrape *ḳirV; also *gVrV scratch, *gVrVbV notch, sign
Line 6,464: Line 6,464:
|to see, perceive *ʔVwCV(HV) (cf. also *ʔincV)
|to see, perceive *ʔVwCV(HV) (also *ʔincV)
Line 7,212: Line 7,212:
|we, I [first p. pronoun] *wV we
|we, I [first person pronoun] *wV we
|weak *HalV (cf. also *lVjV)
|weak *HalV (also *lVjV)


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