Proto-Atlanto-Mediterranean/Lexicon: Difference between revisions

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|a kind of bird *kVṗV
|a kind of bird
|a kind of bird *kwVtV
|a kind of bird
|a kind of bird *kwVtV
|a kind of bird
|a kind of bird *ĺVkĺVkV
|a kind of bird
|a kind of bird *sVgV
|a kind of bird
|a kind of bird *SVlwV
|a kind of bird
|a kind of bird *SVlwV
|a kind of bird
|a kind of bird *ṭVrV / *ṭVṭVrV
|a kind of bird
|*ṭVrV / *ṭVṭVrV
|a kind of bird (gallinacean) *KVwrV
|a kind of bird (gallinacean)
|a kind of bone *c`iŋu
|a kind of bone
|a kind of cereal *lVnṭV
|a kind of cereal
|a kind of cereal *lVnṭV
|a kind of cereal
|a kind of duck *ṭVḳV
|a kind of duck
|a kind of duck or hen *ṭVḳV
|a kind of duck or hen
|a kind of fish *č`VHmV
|a kind of fish
|a kind of fish *kećä 'kind of fish'
|(a) kind of fish
|a kind of fish *kVrV
|a kind of fish
|a kind of fish *kVrV
|a kind of fish
|a kind of fish *ńowŋa salmon
|a kind of fish; salmon
|a kind of fruit *mVsV
|a kind of fruit
|a kind of fruit *mVsV
|a kind of fruit
|a kind of gallinacean bird *KVwrV
|a kind of gallinacean bird
|a kind of grass *wVĺV
|a kind of grass
|a kind of grass *wVĺV
|a kind of grass
|a kind of grass? *cVmV
|a kind of grass
|a kind of horned animal *mula
|a kind of horned animal
|a kind of horned animal *mula
|a kind of horned animal
|*tʃjuːppa *tʃjuːppu
|a kind of insect *či̯ū́ p𝑖̯ū́𝑝a ( ~ -u)
|a kind of insect
|*či̯ū́ p𝑖̯ū́𝑝a ( ~ -u)
|a kind of insect *KUmV
|a kind of insect
|a kind of insect *KUmV
|a kind of insect
|a kind of insect *ḳUṭḳV
|a kind of insect
|a kind of insect *ḳUṭḳV
|a kind of insect
|a kind of insect *lVŋV
|a kind of insect
|a kind of insect *m[a]ŋi
|a kind of insect
|a kind of insect *mVḳV
|a kind of insect
|a kind of insect *mVḳV
|a kind of insect
|a kind of insect *pUḳV
|a kind of insect
|a kind of insect *pVN(T)V
|a kind of insect
|a kind of insect *ṗVnǯV
|a kind of insect
|a kind of insect, louse *ṗVnǯV
|a kind of insect, louse
|a kind of liquid *c`UtV
|a kind of liquid
|a kind of onion *sUŋV
|a kind of onion
|a kind of predator *bVrV
|a kind of predator
|a kind of predator *KVrdV
|a kind of predator
|a kind of rodent *[xq̇]wĕ[l]ʕǝ́
|a kind of rodent
|a kind of sack *lVmV
|a kind of sack
|a kind of tree *jVwV (*ʔVjwV)
|a kind of tree
|*jVwV (*ʔVjwV)
|a kind of tree *jVwV (*ʔVjwV)
|a kind of tree
|*jVwV (*ʔVjwV)
|a kind of tree *kojw[a]
|a kind of tree
|a kind of tree *NEḳrV
|a kind of tree
|a kind of tree? *ʔilVmV
|a kind of tree
|a kind of ungulate *cVHnV ( ~ *c`-)
|a kind of ungulate
|*cVHnV ( ~ *c`-)
|a kind of ungulate *CVxnV
|a kind of ungulate
|a kind of ungulate *mVnV
|a kind of ungulate
|a kind of vessel *ḳVwKV
|a kind of vessel
|a kind of vessel *pVNV
|a kind of vessel
|a kind of water bird (gull?) *sVgV
|a kind of water bird (gull)
|a part of leg, foot *lVlV
|a part of leg, foot
|a small animal *cwVkV ( ~ čw-)
|a small animal
|*cwVkV ( ~ čw-)
|a stinging insect *mVwć`wV
|a stinging insect
|a stinging insect *pUḳV
|a stinging insect
|all *eli
|all, join *kalV
|all, join
|an insect *čă k𝑎̆𝑘i 'a kind of insect'
|an insect; a kind of insect
|*čă k𝑎̆𝑘i
|an insect *mVwcwV
|an insect
|an internal organ *CV(n)CV
|an internal organ
|an ungulate *morV
|an ungulate
|angry *jVrV
|animal hair *mVńCV
|animal hair
|animal hair *mVńcV ( ~ -c`-)
|animal hair
|*mVńcV ( ~ -c`-)
|antelope *gujrV
|antelope *gujrV
|arm *gara
|arm *küjnV
|arm *lVlV
|arm, leg *ćVḳV
|arm, leg
|armpit *ḳVwVŋV
|army, people *čVbV
|army, people
|ashes, burn *ṗVdwV; also *pi̯ŏ t𝑖̯𝑜̆𝑡e ( ~ -t-, *pi̯ă t𝑖̯𝑎̆𝑡u) 'light'
|ashes, burn 1; light 2
|*ṗVdwV 1; *pi̯ŏ t𝑖̯𝑜̆𝑡e ( ~ -t-, *pi̯ă t𝑖̯𝑎̆𝑡u) 2
|ashes, dirt *ṗVlV
|ashes, dirt
|back *dVgV
|back *gedV
|back *gedV
|back *sVrV
|back *tVbV
|back *tVbV
|back *ʔarV
|back *ʔarV
|back, rear *kuNṭV
|back, rear
|back, side *ṗVŋV
|back, side
|bad *bVHCV
|bad *ʔVkV
|bad *ʔVkV
|bad, dirty *darV
|bad, dirty
|bad, dirty *darV
|bad, dirty
|bad, evil *bVHCV
|bad, evil
|bad, harm *sogwV ( ~ š-)
|bad, harm
|*sogwV ( ~ š-)
|bark *ḳerV
|bark *ḳerV
|bark *ḲopV
|bark *ḲopV
|bark *ḳuLV
|bark *ḳVrṗV
|bark, cover *ṭUgV ( ~ -H-)
|bark, cover
|*ṭUgV ( ~ -H-)
|bark, peel *ḳuLV
|bark, peel
|bark, skin *ḳVrṗV
|bark, skin
|basket *ḳocV
|basket *ḳoćV
|be angry *kwVrV (~ gw)
|be angry
|*kwVrV (~ gw)
|be angry *kwVrV (~ gw)
|be angry
|*kwVrV (~ gw)
|be destroyed, fall apart *HVŕV
|be destroyed, fall apart
|be full *ḳOṗV
|be full
|be full, complete *ḳOṗV
|be full, complete
|be ill *lVχV
|be ill
|be ill *lVχV
|be ill
|be satiated *HVwV
|be satiated
|be smooth *gVlV
|be smooth
|be visible, see *nVkV
|be visible, see
|beat *biχV
|beat *biχV
|beat *ṭoḳV
|beat *ṭoḳV
|beat, break *buṭV
|beat, break
|beat, hit *SUTV
|beat, hit
|beat, hit *SUTV
|beat, hit
|beat, hit *ṭapħa
|beat, hit
|beat, hit *ṭapħa
|beat, hit
|bee *ṗVrV
|bee, insect *ṗVrV
|bee, insect
|behind, buttock *[šw]VtV
|behind, buttock
|behind, buttock *SVtV
|behind, buttock
|belly *wa[n]čV
|belly *wa[n]ʒ́wV
|belly, entrails *gwVlV
|belly, entrails
|belly, heart *kuŋV
|belly, heart
|belly, heart *kuŋV
|belly, heart
|belly, intestines *gUtV / *kUtV
|belly, intestines
|*gUtV / *kUtV
|belly, intestines *gUtV / *kUtV
|belly, intestines
|*gUtV / *kUtV
|belly, liver *gwVlV
|belly, liver
|belly, stomach *Ḳarbi
|belly, stomach
|belly, stomach *Ḳarbi
|belly, stomach
|below *HalV
|below *HalV
|bend *ḳVlV
|bend *ḳVŋV
|bend *ṭoŋV
|berry *mVrV
|big *mVkV
|big *t`VwjV
|big *wol[a]
|big *wol[a]
|big fish *ḳUlV
|big fish
|big fish *ḳUlV
|big fish
|big tree *dVnwV
|big tree
|big tree *dVnwV
|big tree
|big, full *tVdV
|big, full
|big, heavy *pVKV
|big, heavy
|big, large *mVkV
|big, large
|big, thick *č`oḳV ( ~ -q̇-)
|big, thick
|*č`oḳV ( ~ -q̇-)
|big, thick *č`oḳV ( ~ -q̇-)
|big, thick
|*č`oḳV ( ~ -q̇-)
|big, thick *tVdV
|big, thick
|big, very *ʔVnV
|big, very
|big, very *ʔVnV
|big, very
|bile *bišV ( ~ -č`-)
|*bišV ( ~ -č`-)
|bind *KuTV
|bind *KVrV
|birch *kojw[a]
|bird *[č`w]VHḳV
|bird *HVwjV
|bird *HVwjV
|bird's tail *ṗVńcwV ( ~ -c`w-)
|bird's tail
|*ṗVńcwV ( ~ -c`w-)
|bite, chew ? *käjwV (?-b-)
|bite, chew
|*käjwV (-b-)
|bite, tear *ḳVCV
|bite, tear
|biting insect *CVnCV
|biting insect
|bitter *gVcwV(~-čw-)
|bitter *sVbV
|bitter, gall *bišV ( ~ -č`-)
|bitter, gall
|*bišV ( ~ -č`-)
|bitter, sour *gVcwV(~−č𝑤𝑉(~-čw- )
|bitter, sour
|*gVcwV(~−č𝑤𝑉(~-čw- )
|black *ḳarV
|black *ḳarV
|black *ʔVbV
|black *ʔVbV
|black, dark *ḳUmV
|black, dark
|black, dark *ḳUmV
|black, dark
|black, dark *mVCHV
|black, dark
|black, dark *nal- 'black'
|black, dark; black
|black, night *sVrV
|black, night
|black-cock *ṭVrV / *ṭVṭVrV
|*ṭVrV / *ṭVṭVrV
|blade, awl *ʔVlV
|blade, awl
|blade, whetstone *ʔVlV
|blade, whetstone
|blister, abscess *HVlVḳV
|blister, abscess
|blister, wound *HVlVḳV
|blister, wound
|blood *bUjlV
|blood *bUjlV blood
|blood *ḳVnV blood
|blood *wirV
|blood *ʔVsxV
|blood, blood vessel *ḳVnV
|blood, blood vessel
|blood, breath *HwinV
|blood, breath
|blood, breath *ʔVsxV
|blood, breath
|blood, red *ḳurV
|blood, red
|blood, red *ḳurV blood, red
|blood, red
|blood, spirit *cwVnV spirit; blood
|blood, spirit; spirit; blood
|blood; marrow *mVLV
|blood; marrow
|blood; red *wirV
|blood; red
|blue *swVNV
|blue *swVNV
|board, stick *ṭVlV
|board, stick
|body *bVdV
|body, belly *bVdV
|body, belly
|boil *borV, *buŕa
|*borV, *buŕa
|boil *borV, *buŕa
|*borV, *buŕa
|boil, burn *ḳVju
|boil, burn
|bone *girV
|bone *girV
|bone *HV(w)[č`]V
|bone *HV(w)čV
|bone *ḳač`V
|bone *ḳaCV
|bone *ʒ́VmV ? (also *c`iŋu)
|*ʒ́VmV (*c`iŋu)
|bone, tooth *ṗVjNV
|bone, tooth
|bone, tooth *ṗVjNV
|bone, tooth
|bosom *ʔVṗV


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