Cannasacian: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Infobox language |name = Cannasacian |nativename = Kannasakus |pronunciation = kanːasakus |pronunciation_key = IPA for Cannasacian |setting = Arhet Equestria |familycolor = Equestrian | ancestor = Old Cannasacian |creator = The Ramosian |script1 = Latin, Cannasacian Script |nation = Equestria |notice = IPA }} ==Etymology== ==Phonology== ==History== ...")
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|notice            = IPA
|notice            = IPA
Cannasacian is a [[Equestrian Language]] spoken as a minority in Equestria. The earliest known records of Cannasacian were written in Old Cannasacian on tree bark in the Cannasacian Script around 100 C.E.

The name of the language comes from the Old Cannasacian words ''kafma'' and ''sakus'' meaning "high" and "mountain"



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