Contionary:alving: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "==Jokelang 2== ===Pronunciation=== {{jl-two-ipa|ˈælvɪŋ}} ===Noun=== {{jl-two-n|us}} # chipmunk, marmot, suslik, prairie dog, groundhog, {{taxon|ground squirrel|Marmotini}} sp. #: {{ux|jl-two||}} ===Derived terms=== {{col-auto|jl-two|alving no runnough}}")
Line 6: Line 6:

# chipmunk, marmot, suslik, prairie dog, groundhog, {{taxon|ground squirrel|Marmotini}} sp.
# chipmunk, marmot, suslik, prairie dog, groundhog, {{taxon|ground squirrel|Marmotini|alt2=Marmotini spp.}}
#: {{ux|jl-two||}}
#: {{ux|jl-two||}}

===Derived terms===
===Derived terms===
{{col-auto|jl-two|alving no runnough}}
{{col-auto|jl-two|alving no runnough}}


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