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Pronominal Objects
(→‎Consonants: Added restriction on the distribution of alveolar stops)
(Pronominal Objects)
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It can be used with 1st, 2nd and 3rd person
It can be used with 1st, 2nd and 3rd person
subjects. It is marked with the prefix dla-.
subjects. It is marked with the prefix dla-.
<h3>Voice and Object Marking</h3>
Grammatical voice is very important in
Antarctican. It is conflated with pronominal object marking, both only
affecting transitive verbs and usually using infixes that come immediately after
the first consonant of the verb base. In each case there are two forms of the
infix, one that contains a hard consonant that is used with verbs beginning
with hard consonants, and another that contains a soft consonant that is used
with verbs beginning with soft consonants. These are listed together in pairs,
with the hard version coming first and then the soft version.
<h4>Pronominal Objects</h4>
As with elsewhere in the language, these
are not differentiated for number, although there is an inclusive and exclusive
“us”. Note that for the purposes of the syntax, using one of these affixes on a transitive verb changes it to intransitive:
1PS Exclusive: &lt;iek&gt; /ek/,
&lt;ich&gt; /ic/
1PS Inclusive: &lt;us&gt; /us/, &lt;ahl&gt;
2PS: &lt;at&gt; /at/, &lt;iet&gt; /et&#620;/
3PS: &lt;ar&gt; /a&#641;/, &lt;iel&gt; /el/
(if the object is topicalised, no affix is used)
Reflexive: &lt;as&gt; /as/, &lt;iehl&gt; /e&#620;/
(used when the subject is doing something to themself, see
These come immediately after the first
consonant of the verb base e.g.
damaehlu /dam&#603;&#620;u/ - to scam /
swindle, mirative
dusamaesi /dusam&#603;&#620;u/ - to scam /
swindle me (including you), mirative (the infix /us/ is inserted)
All of the usual rules about phonation
spreading apply e.g.
pyùu /p&#690;u&#720;&#614;/ - to purify,
pyietlùu /p&#690;et&#620;u&#720;&#614;/ -
to purify you, noun-focus (the breathy voice is blocked by the /t&#620;/ of the
pyèlùu /p&#690;&#600;&#614;lu&#720;&#614;/
- to purify him / her, noun-focus (the breathy voice spreads onto the infix
/el/, changing it to /&#600;&#614;l/)
The infixes with non-back vowels and
voiceless consonants also undergo vowel mutation if the following vowel has
modal voice. This is the exact same as has been described before e.g.
damaehlu /dam&#603;&#620;u/ - to scam /
swindle, mirative
dekamaehlu /d&#600;kam&#603;&#620;u/ - to
scam / swindle me / us (not including you), mirative (the /e/ centralised to /&#600;/)
daetamaehlu /d&#603;tam&#603;&#620;u/ - to
scam / swindle you, mirative (the /a/ raises to /&#603;/)
daesamaehlu /d&#603;sam&#603;&#620;u/ - to
scam / swindle oneself, mirative
If the first vowel of the verb base has
breathy or tense voice, and the infix inserted would contain /&#620;/ (which
can only occur before modal voice vowels), then this becomes /l/. However it
still blocks the spread of the voicing e.g.
pyùu /p&#690;u&#720;&#614;/ - to purify,
pyalùu /p&#690;alu&#720;&#614;/ - to purify
ourselves (including you), noun-focus
pyielùu /p&#690;elu&#720;&#614;/ - to
purify oneself, noun-focus
Note that the last example this is distinct
from pyèlùu /p&#690;&#600;&#614;lu&#720;&#614;/ - to purify him / her,
noun-focus, which has breathy voice spreading onto the infix.
<h5>Irregular 2nd Person Inflection</h5>
Alveolar stops are never found before /i/
and /&#616;/ (with any phonation), nor before tense voice /e&#660;/ and /&#600;&#660;/
nor before diphthongs starting with these. If because of the second person
object infix /at/, such a forbidden sequence would
occur, the infix &lt;áes&gt; /&#603;&#660;s/ is used instead e.g.
qinyieliqaa /&#660;i&#626;eli&#660;a&#720;/
- to pierce, mirative
qáesinyieliqaa /&#660;&#603;&#660;si&#626;eli&#660;a&#720;/
- to pierce you, mirative
However, before a
vowel with tense voice, the /s/ becomes an ejective /ts&#700;/ instead e.g.
qíeypyiqiiey /&#660;ei&#660;p&#690;i&#660;e&#720;i/
- to spit out, mirative
/&#660;&#603;&#660;ts&#700;ei&#660;p&#690;i&#660;e&#720;i/ - to spit you out,
<h5>Irregular 1st Person Exclusive Inflection</h5>
A few verbs form the 1st
Person Pronominal Object forms differently.
<h6>&lt;íey&gt; Substitution</h6>
If the verb base begins with a soft consonant, followed by modally
voiced /i/ or /&#616;/, followed by a voiceless obstruent (possibly with /&#628;/
intervening), followed by a vowel with modal or tense voice, then instead of
using an infix, the initial vowel changes to &lt;íey&gt; /ei&#660;/ e.g.
shuetlun /ç&#616;t&#620;un/ - to count, mirative
yíeytlun /jei&#660;t&#620;u&#628;/ - to count me / us (not
including you), mirative (remember that &lt;sh&gt; is only permitted before
vowels with modal voice, so it becomes &lt;j&gt; before the vowel with modal
likù /liku&#614;/ - to turn something / someone around,
líeykù /lei&#660;ku&#614;/ - to turn something / someone
around, noun-focus
puehliliqin /p&#690;&#616;&#620;ili&#660;i&#628;/ - to
squeeze, mirative
píeyliliqin /p&#690;ei&#660;lili&#660;i&#628;/ - to squeeze me
/ us (not including you), mirative (remember that fricatives other than /s/ are
only phonemic if either of the adjacent vowel (s) have modal voice, so
&lt;hl&gt; /&#620;/ changed to &lt;l&gt; /l/)
If the verb base begins with a soft consonant, followed by
tense voice &lt;íey&gt; /ei&#660;/, followed by a voiceless obstruent (possibly
with /&#628;/ intervening), followed by a vowel with tense voice, then the
voiceless obstruent (that begins the second syllable) becomes ejective e.g.
yíeykátù /jei&#660;ka&#660;tu&#614;/ - to tie up, noun-focus
yíeykkátù /jei&#660;k&#700;a&#660;tu&#614;/ - to tie me / us
up (not including you), noun-focus


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