User:Nicolasstraccia/Minhastid: Difference between revisions

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Line 222: Line 222:
! f
! f
|ff | ff
|pp | pf
|pp | ff
|fk | fk
|fx | fx
|fk | fk
|ft | ft
|ft | ft
|fs | fs
|ff | pš
|fs | fs
|fl | fl
|fr | fr
|fm | fm
|fn | fn
|ff | pħ
|fw | fw
|fy | fy
! p
! p
|pfV, ppC
|pp | pfV, ppC
|pp |
|pp |
|pk |
|fx |
|pk |
|pt |
|pt |
|ps |
|ħp | pʼš
|ps |
|pl |
|pr |
|pm |
|pn |
|ħp |
|pw |
|py | pç
! b
! b
|pp |
|pp |
|bb |
|pk |
|xp |
|mg |
|pt |
|mb |
|ps |
|ħp | pʼš
|ps |
|bl |
|br |
|mb |
|mb |
|ħp |
|bw |
|by |
! k
! k
|kf |
|kp |
|kp |
|kk |
|kx |
|kk |
|kt |
|kt |
|ks |
| | kʼš
|ks |
|kl |
|kr |
|km |
|kn |
|ħk |
|kw |
|ky |
! x
! x
|xf |
|xp |
|xp |
|kk |
|xx |
|gg |
|xt |
|xt |
|ss |
|šš |
|ss |
|xl |
|xr |
|xm |
|xn |
|xx |
|xw |
|xy |
! g
! g
|kf |
|kp |
|gb |
| | ŋk
|kk |
|gg |
|kt |
|gd |
|ks |
|ħk |
|zg |
|lg |
|gr |
|gm |
|gn |
|ħk |
|gw |
|gy |
! t
! t
|ft |
|pt |
|pt |
|kt |
|xt |
|kt |
|tt |
|tt |
|st |
|št |
|st |
|tt |
|rt |
|mt |
|nt |
|ħt |
|wt |
|šš |
! d
! d
|ft |
|pt |
|bb |
|kt |
|xt |
|gd |
|tt |
|dd |
|st |
|ħt |
|zd |
|ld |
|rd |
|mb |
|nd |
| | ʤ
|dw |
| | d͡ɟ
! s
! s
|sp |
|sp |
|sp |
|sk |
|xs |
|sk |
|st |
|st |
|ss |
|šš |
|ss |
|sl |
|ss |
|sm |
|sn |
|ħs |
|sw |
|šš | ʂ͡ʝ
! š
! š
|šf |
|šp |
|šp |
|šk |
|šš |
|šk |
|št |
|št |
|ss |
|šš |
|ss |
|šl |
|šš |
|šm |
|šn |
|ħš |
|šw |
|šš |
! z
! z
|sp |
|sp |
|zb |
|sk |
|ss |
|zg |
|st |
|zd |
|ss |
|šš |
|zz |
|zl |
|zz |
|zm |
|zn |
|ħs |
|zw |
|zy |
! l
! l
|lf |
|pp |
|lb |
|lkV, kkC
| | lkV, kkC
|xl |
|lg |
|tt |
|ld |
|ls |
| | ɬɬ
|zl |
|ll |
|rr |
|lm,mm |
|nn |
| | ɮ͡h
|lw |
| | ʎʎ
! r
! r
|rf |
|rp |
|rb |
|rk |
|rx |
|rg |
|rt |
|rd, dd
|rd, dd |
|rs, ss
|rs, ss |
|rš, šš
|rš, šš |
|zz |
|ll |
|rn, nn
|rn, nn |
|rm, mm
|rm, mm |
|nn |
|rħ, ħr
|rħ, ħr |
|rw |
|ry |
! m
! m
|mf |
|mp |
|mb |
|nk |
|xn |
|mg |
|mt |
|md |
|ns |
|šm |
|nz |
|ml |
|mr |
|mm |
|nn |
|mh |
|ww |
|my |
! n
! n
|mf |
|mp |
|mb |
|nk |
|xn |
|mg, ng
| | ŋk
|nt |
|nd |
|ns, sn, ss
|ns, sn, ss |
|nš, šn, šš
|nš, šn, šš |
|nz |
|ll |
|rr |
|mm |
|nn |
|nħ |
|nw |
|ny, yy | ɲ, ɲɲ
! h
! h
|ff |
|ħp |
|ħp |
|ħk |
|xx |
|ħk |
|ħt |
|ħt |
|ħs |
|ħš |
|ħs |
|ħl |
|ħr |
|ħm |
|ħn |
|ħħ |
|ħw |
|ħy |
<li>Vowels are classified according to a "weak-strong" gradient, where the "strong" vowels are more resistant to syncope than neighboring "weak(er)" vowels. All long vowels are by definition "strong", so the weak-strong gradient really applies to short vowels:
Table X: Vowel Gradients In Order of Increasing Strength
<li>The shape of a -CVCVC- syllable may contract either to a -CCVC- or -CVCC- pattern, depending on the strength gradients of the vowels with respect to one another. The -CaCaC- syllable pattern is the only one that does not contract. Syllables consisting of the same vowels may appear in either -CCVC- or -CVCC- patterns; the pattern they resolve to is influenced by interactions from surrounding syllables. These contractions are summarized in the following table:
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg mw-collapsible mw-collapsible"
! Initial Pattern
! Final Contraction
!  -CaCaC-
|  (no change)
!  -CaCuC-
|  -CaCC-
!  -CuCaC-
|  -CCaC-
!  -CuCuC-
|  -CuCC-
!  -CuCuC-
CeCuC- <br/>
|  -CCuC-
!  -CeCeC-
|  -CeCC-
!  -CeCeC-
|  -CCeC-
!  -CiCiC-
|  -CCiC-
<li>A verb root or an incorporated noun tends to lose one or more vowels to form at least one biconsonant cluster. The vowel that is lost depends on its strength gradient in relation to the noun of the neighboring syllable.</li>
<li>With the exception of pattern -CaCa-, when two adjoining syllables have vowels within the same gradient, vocalic syncope resolves to CVCC. </li>
<li>The pattern (C)VVCC always resolves to (C)VCC</li>
<li>Compared to nominal and verbal roots, inflectional morphemes (e.g. theme, aspect, tense, person, etc) are resistant to syncope because this may lead to the inflectional morpheme to be changed beyond recognition. For example,-šp-irak- he informed (him) (lit. "he caused him to know") does not resolve to -šip-rak-, even though this would prevent the impermissible CCV pattern from occurring. Instead, an epenthetic vowel is added before the causative affix to prevent this impermissible consonant cluster from occurring. </li>
<li>Although inflectional morphemes do not experience syncope, they still may experience phonological changes in the form of metathesis and devoicing.</li>
<li>Vowel devoicing occurs in C'VħC, C'VxC', C'VsC', or C'VC' syllables, where C' is any of the unvoiced consonants listed in Table X. </li>
<li>The initial consonant in syllables with devoiced vowels are strongly aspirated.</li>
<li> Liquids and nasals devoice in the word-final syllabic patterns CVC'l, CVC'r, CVC'm, and CVC'n, where C'  is any of the unvoiced consonants listed in Table X. </li>
<li>Two consecutive syllables with the pattern CVħCVħ resolves to CVCCVħ, due to the difficulty of pronouncing the allophone in two consecutive closed syllables. Additionally, the vowel in the previous syllable may be devoiced if its adjacent consonants are voiceless, as in Example A, where the verb root vowel -a- which occurs the voiceless consonants -k- and -h- devoices to -ạ-. Note also the epenthetic vowel -i- appearing between the verb root and the 1st person incl. pl. affix ,-ħk- e.g.:
nattiħkemkaraban >> *naħtiħkemaraban >> *naħt-hkem-ar-ab-an "We were (being) annoying" (lit.:[past]-[ imperf.]-[intrans])
nekạħtikemaraban >> *nekạħtịħkemaraban >> *nekạħt-ħkem-ar-ab-an "I was avoiding..."
<li>Dissimilation occurs in CVC-patterns involving š-Vš, resolving to s-Vš. A prime example is the number "twenty", e.g.*šan-šentāz >> *san-šentāz > > saššentāz</li>
<li>Dissimilation occurs in CVC-patterns involving mVm, resolving to nVm.</li>

=== Orthography ===
=== Orthography ===

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