Page history
8 February 2021
21 January 2021
→Parts of Speech
→Parts of Speech
→Parts of Speach
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→What & Why Jaŋatil?
→What & Why Jaŋatil?
→Writing Systems
→Parts of Speach
→Writing Systems
→What & Why Jaŋatil?
→Writing Systems
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→Writing Systems
→What & Why Jaŋatil?
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18 January 2021
→Writing Systems
→What & Why Jaŋatil?
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→What & Why Jaŋatil?
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→What & Why Jaŋatil?
→What & Why Jaŋatil?
→What & Why Jaŋatil?
→Writing Systems
→What & Why Jaŋatil?
→Sounds & Letters
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