Page history
8 February 2021
7 December 2020
24 June 2020
27 February 2020
8 February 2020
→Articles & Determiners
→Imperfect / L'imperfeit
→Future Subjunctive / O Futuro del Subjuntif
→Contractions and Hypostrophes
2 February 2020
28 January 2020
23 January 2020
22 January 2020
no edit summary
→Object Pronouns
→Conversational Words
→Relative Pronouns
→Interrogative Pronouns
→Future and Conditional / O Futuro Simplice E Lo Condijonal
→Present Subjunctive / O Present del Subjuntif
→Subjunctive / O subjuntif
→Imperfect Subjunctive / L'imperfeit del Subjuntif
→Imperative / L'imperatif
→Imperative / L'imperatif
→Imperative / L'imperatif
→Imperative / L'imperatif
→Present Subjunctive / O Present del Subjuntif
→Subjunctive / O subjuntif
→Compound Tenses and Periphrastic Constructions / Tempos Perifrastijos
→Past Tenses / Los Tempos del Pasat
→Future and Conditional / O Futuro Simplice E Lo Condijonal
→Present / O present
→Reflexive Pronouns
→Object Pronouns
→Articles & Determiners