Tsimulh languages: Difference between revisions

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***[[Idosian]] (''tsim'' > ''tsam'', ''ido'' > ''izu'')
***[[Idosian]] (''tsim'' > ''tsam'', ''ido'' > ''izu'')
**Some retroflexy language
**Some retroflexy language - get retros from assimilation to uvulars


Revision as of 16:28, 9 July 2018

Tsimulh languages/Lexicon

The Tsimulh languages (Eevo: bo brits Tsimyx, Rhythoed: fi imbrits Tsimăł, from Sacred Swutsim tsiməσ, 'tribe', pl. of ʔiməσ 'tribesman') are a Trician language family mainly spoken in Txapoalli. The proto-language is Proto-Tsimulh, which is inspired by Bantu, Old Chinese, and the Salish languages.


  • -s: past tense, genitive
  • -əσ: some adjectival suffix
  • t-...-t for abstract nouns
  • -iyad = augmentative
  • Reduplication
  • relativizer/relative forms for verbs
  • m n > Sf. v dh? (-tsiv in Talman Swutsim ~ Tsimulh?)
  • N.tugəŋ = water (as a liquid) - Sf. tüdjo
  • k.tugəŋ = body of water - Sf. tjtüdjo
  • Work on Talman Swutsim first
  • Some Tsimulh langs should gain liquids only to lose them again



Somewhere in Txapoalli



Tsimulh phonotactics is dominated by CV syllables. Coda consonants are only allowed word-finally.


A lot of consonants, but no liquids!

Bilabial Alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
central lateral plain labialized plain labialized
Nasal m n ŋ
Stop plain p t k q ʔ
voiced b d g ɢ ɢʷ
ejective kʷʼ qʷʼ
Affricate plain c ξ
voiced z
ejective ξʼ
Fricative s σ h
Approximant y w


i u e a į ų ę ą /i u ə a ĩ ũ ə̃ ã/


Proto-Tsimulh was a tonal language: Every syllable had either high or low tone. The low tone is marked with a grave accent.



Noun classes

Proto-Tsimulh had a noun class system like the Bantu languages. There were 12 noun classes, which are numbered as follows:

  1. ʔə́-, pl. cə́- = humans, spirits
  2. bú-, pl. də́- = animals and other things that move on their own
  3. pà-, pl. pí- = plants and mushrooms; things that grow, food
  4. sə̀-, pl. sì- = collections or large things
  5. sù-, pl. σə́- = roughly round, compact objects
  6. má-, pl. wə́- = long objects; tools, instruments, devices, food item
  7. kə̀-, pl. bí- = places, locations, slots
  8. gú-, pl. nə̀- = various... including fluids (powder, water, liquids, fire, light, waves, wind, ...)
  9. σí-, pl. wí- = time periods; events; things that are temporary (e.g. ice)
  10. tì- = abstractions, manner, way
  11. t’ímə̀- = infinitives, verbal nouns
  12. pə̀dá- = -ness, -hood

In Proto-Tsimulh, verbs and determiners agreed with their head nouns in number and noun class. The descendant Tsimulh languages can be divided into 5 types depending on the type of agreement system they have:

  • Type A: Traditional, strictly formal (e.g. Sacred Swutsim)
  • Type B: Traditional with general animate concords (e.g. Pelhyys)
  • Type C: Animacy-based SG/PL-marking (e.g. Talman Swutsim)
  • Type D: SG/PL-marking only
  • Type E: No concords at all


  • Nominative: -0
  • Genitive: -s


(Same as verbal concord affixes)

  • I = kʷə-
  • you (sg) = xʷə-
  • we = wə-
  • you (pl) = cu-
  • Noun class prefixes:
  1. ʔə́-, pl. cə́- = humans, spirits
  2. bú-, pl. də́- = animals and other things that move on their own
  3. pà-, pl. xə̀- = plants and mushrooms; things that grow
  4. sə̀-, pl. dú- = collections or large things: scʼaσ 'forest'
  5. sù-, pl. σə́- = roughly round, compact objects
  6. má-, pl. wə́- = long objects; tools, instruments, devices
  7. kə̀-, pl. yí- = places, locations, slots
  8. gú-, pl. nə̀- = various... including fluids (powder, water, liquids, fire, light, waves, wind, ...)
  9. σí-, pl. wí- = time periods; events; things that are temporary (e.g. ice)
  10. tì- = abstractions, manner, way
  11. t’ímə̀- = infinitives, verbal nouns
  12. pə̀dá- = -ness, -hood


Noun class prefixes

TODO: Some of the class markers should be different from class markers on nouns.

  • I = kʷə-
  • you (sg) = xʷə-
  • we = wə-
  • you (pl) = cu-
  • Noun class prefixes:
  1. ʔə́-, pl. cə́- = humans, spirits
  2. bú-, pl. də́- = animals and other things that move on their own
  3. pà-, pl. xə̀- = plants and mushrooms; things that grow
  4. sə̀-, pl. dú- = collections or large things: scʼaσ 'forest'
  5. sù-, pl. σə́- = roughly round, compact objects
  6. má-, pl. wə́- = long objects; tools, instruments, devices
  7. kə̀-, pl. yí- = places, locations, slots
  8. gú-, pl. nə̀- = various... including fluids (powder, water, liquids, fire, light, waves, wind, ...)
  9. σí-, pl. wí- = time periods; events; things that are temporary (e.g. ice)
  10. tì- = abstractions, manner, way
  11. t’ím- = infinitives, verbal nouns
  12. pə̀dá- = -ness, -hood

Tense affixes

Some verbal infix, like n


The numerals 1-9 inflected for noun class; 10 and higher units did not.

(Sacred Swutsim)

1: *-an

2: *-xʷiš

3: *-ʔiyəm

4: *-udzuq

5: *-t'uŋ

6: *-čayədz

7: *-buč'əŋ

8: *-gwiməʔ

9: *-anay

10: *-kʷ'in