User talk:Waahlis

From Linguifex
Revision as of 18:42, 12 November 2012 by Waahlis (talk | contribs) (→‎Hey, YOU!)
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Welcome to Linguifex!
If you have any questions you are welcome to leave a message at one of the administrators talk pages!
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From all of us on the wiki:
The best of luck with your language!
Admin.png Chrysophylax (talk) Zelos.png Emperor Zelos (talk) PMOB.png Pá mamūnám ontā́ bán (talk) Waahlis.png Waahlis (talk)

Default message aside, thanks for dropping by! There is no intrusion, only welcoming! ;) - Chrysophylax (talky talk) 23:55, 4 November 2012 (CET)


I always liked the blue-ish button theme. They are quite awesome.

On another note, I like the idea embodied in your draft for a new logo, although I can't say I really approve of the Castellar font. It feels a tad out of place. I appreciate the Latinate origin of the word and the connection with the font family of Roman style letters but I don't know. Castellar and Trajan don't feel particularly welcoming to me. Perhaps something more modern but still classy? Adobe Caslon Pro is quite similar to Castellar in its capital shapes and conveys class without straying into dusty old books territory… hmm besides that, I think it's quite classy without being cheesy (like the current one, lol) - Chrysophylax (talky talk) 22:06, 8 November 2012 (CET)

File:A few fonts.png

Hm, it seems it changed the three first bottom lowercase examples to the same font. Ah, sigh. - Chrysophylax (talky talk) 22:17, 8 November 2012 (CET)

Oh dear! Couldn't find a bigger one could you?

I actually suspected you wouldn't, I suppose that's obvious from your personality. I am not sure about the current one though... My aesthetic senses itch when I see it... But I'm sure I'll come up with something that you'd prefer!

Éstas, ¿qué te parecen: File:Linguifex 2.0.png y File:Linguifex 3.0.png?

Waahlis (talk) 22:31, 8 November 2012 (CET)

Oh! Qué decisión más difícil. Tertia versio tua oculos meos delectat. Tranquilitassecuritasque incarnat, inquit Chrysophylax. Placetne tibi ista "Castellar"? Fortasse tibi placebit altera versio cum capitalibus? Si Caslon tibi displicet alteram scripturam invenire possumus.

- Chrysophylax (talky talk) 22:52, 8 November 2012 (CET)

So I temporarily switched the site logo to the th ird one you suggested to see how it felt with the site layout. I think it looks lagom snyggt. Vad tycks? - Chrysophylax (talky talk) 23:02, 8 November 2012 (CET)

Me alegra que si.Non mihi placet valde multum, malo tertia versio, et non credo alteram versionem cum capitalibus mihi placeam. Ignosce linguae meae...

Μου αρέσει, αγκαλά είναι άσημι, εγώ θέλω κάτι πολύ... framträdande. --Waahlis (talk) 16:27, 9 November 2012 (CET)

Mégan semeiophoron hemeteron theleis; Hmm... fortasse tibi litterae factae cum coloribus in nomine nostro placebit? sý ʿara tó theleis; egō ʿellenika tēn glōssan oʾu fēmi :( - Chrysophylax (talky talk) 21:47, 9 November 2012 (CET)
Aha! ʿeureka! What about a more framträdande förstasida? Det vill säga, Main_Page skulle kunna ha något mer imponerande som en banner. You know, something that says awesomeness and is visually attention-grabbing. I'd personally prefer it on the first page than always drawing your attention like the irk…wikia-logo. What do you think of this? - Chrysophylax (talky talk) 21:50, 9 November 2012 (CET)

Oooh, that's a very archaic Greek. I'll avoid writing it then. Colours.... Well, not exactly to recommend in a logo... And yes of course! You wouldn't know because you can't read minds, but I am actually sketching on a front page right now, and yes, it'll draw attention! And by the way... 08? Allvarligt talat? Stön... ;P --Waahlis (talk) 00:19, 10 November 2012 (CET)

Well, the only Greek I've ever taken is Ancient Greek (which I'm in the process of commencing to learn. My grasp of it is proto-proto-proto-existent.) I must admit, I'm not a very successful Roman aristocrat, what with my limited command of the noblest of tongues. Thus, I propose to temporarily abandon the old sermones for some English! As we've seem to have done already.
Hehehehe. True, colours tend to look a bit nasty in logos. I think the logo looks quite nice with the recently changed skin though. What do you think? Also, I've started fixing up Dhannuá here, seeing as its one of the most developed languages I have on paper (technically Word/PDF documents scattered over my harddrives) but yes, irrelevant rambling aside, it's good to see some corpus developing. Your Attian has me most intrigued!
On another note, have you heard anything from anyone on the Wikkii-wiki? Nothing against your company (it's most enjoyable! :D) but it sure does feel a little empty. That, and I'd be elated if more people actually started using this, because if there's one thing I like almost as much as conlanging itself, it's reading about well-thought out conlangs! /sad phylax.
Vadan denna antipati mot caput nationis? ;)
- Chrysophylax (talky talk) 02:11, 10 November 2012 (CET)

The only Greek I have extensively studied is Modern. Other, archaic forms were sort of included... At least it is better than my Latin, which I can only read properly. Excellent, you've switched to Vector as well? Or have you somehow standardised it, because if you have, my preferences tell the sote to override any other skin... And you know I like Dhannuá! It is very aesthetic, and very faithful to its Indo-European heritage! Why thank you!

Well, we conjecture that the hurricane Sandy is to blame for the down-time, as it seems to have coincided fairly well with the date Wikkii went down. I don't really have the contact info on anyone on wikkii except the admins, and MOB has been alerted where this wiki is. :D He'll probably come join us!

Let's just say I prefer the framsida before the baksida... ;P Will you have more time to edit today? Waahlis (talk) 07:46, 10 November 2012 (CET)

Ah, I see! And yes, vector is the new standard until someone overrides it. Thanks for the praise. ^^. And ah, sadness. And, I might later, much later today. I have to attend certain events tonight… but bis bald! - Chrysophylax (talky talk) 17:36, 10 November 2012 (CET)


How are you importing stuff? Google cache? Pá mamūnám ontā́ bán 19:04, 10 November 2012 (CET)

Actually, I don't think code's possible to import by Google cache... :/ I just used wikia for the documentation templates. For Nāmic as well (which made it slightly unupdated). We could give it a try at the caches though. Waahlis (talk) 19:17, 10 November 2012 (CET)

No, the source code is messed up but it's still better than nothing. I don't think anything significant will have been lost but anything that is is still annoying. Pá mamūnám ontā́ bán 19:40, 10 November 2012 (CET)

I suppose. I'm sure the site will get back to its usual self eventually, but I do find this site better, more reliable. --Waahlis (talk) 19:56, 10 November 2012 (CET)

I read through some comments online and people that have contacted Wikkii have had no response - but I hope you're right. I don't know how he would know but Rostov said the data aren't lost. Pá mamūnám ontā́ bán 20:07, 10 November 2012 (CET)

I did that as well, on Facebook. I am fairly sure they wouldn't just shut down it all. Well, he wouldn't. There's a strong indication though, that loosing the data when the server collapses seems to be rather uncommon. Granted that the server comes back online, that is... Waahlis.png Waahlis 20:16, 10 November 2012 (CET)


Purple. Blue. Orange.

Also, on another note, are we doing away with the "Create a language"-box on the main page? - Chrysophylax (talky talk) 03:22, 11 November 2012 (CET)

Would you mind getting a blue administrator sphere then? :D Of course not, as I said: a very preliminary draught of a Main page.

By the way, would you mind not answering my messages to you on my talk page? :P It gets rather cluttered, I think! Waahlis.png Waahlis 12:05, 11 November 2012 (CET)

Apologies, I should've continued the conversation on my own talk page per convention. I understand the cluttered argument fully :P… I get confused when I haven't slept well. A blue administrator sphere would be cool. Is purple out of the question though? - Chrysophylax (talky talk) 20:36, 11 November 2012 (CET)

Of course, I understand! Hehe, well, I think that if EmperorZelos'd come back, he'd have a lot stronger feelings about that colour than you... :P Your choice though! Nevertheless, the code for a signature like the one administrators' had on Wikkii is: [[File:Admin.png|35px|link=Linguifex:Administrators]] '''[[User talk:Chrysophylax|<span style="color: #3366BB ;">Chrysophylax</span>]]''' Which looks like this: Admin.png Chrysophylax
--Waahlis.png Waahlis 20:44, 11 November 2012 (CET)

Ah. I see. What with that emperor title. Hmpf... If he does not object to sharing the colour (after all: In omnio anno rei publicae duo consules fuerunt, qui in toga picta vestiebantur) I'd opt for purple myself. Purple is the colour of magistrates after all. If he would be completely averse to sharing then… we shall have that discussion when/if it comes. ;) But hey, thanks for awesoming up the wiki! That admin symbol is quite impressive too. Thanks for it :)
Btw, I saw you added some links to…, so I added some shtuff to the db. w: should work for interwiki linking. - Chrysophylax (talky talk) 21:05, 11 November 2012 (CET)

I don't know whence the name, actually... :/ Sí, sí, supongo que si. Let's just say that he's not very big on sharing... I can't think of any awesoming so far...! I've imported one or three templates, categorised a bit. But I do think it'd be fun should you use the admin symbol! It gives us a bit of consitency! :D Waahlis.png Waahlis 22:36, 11 November 2012 (CET)

Hey, YOU!

Hi :3 Just imported loads of stuff EmperorZelos (talk) 17:49, 12 November 2012 (CET)

Hi there! Välkommen! :D Excellent, I'll give you a hand. Don't forget to consult the domain owner! --Waahlis.png Waahlis 19:42, 12 November 2012 (CET)