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Irta (Hivantish for "Earth") is an alternate history of IE and nearby cultural regions created by Âthi Trydhen and Inthar. The premise is "different diachronic evolutions of English, Māori and a few other languages". Some other languages like French and Arabic are a bit more different from our timeline. Some names refer to completely different languages: for example "Yiddish" is not a Judeo-German but a Judeo-Gaelic, with native name ăn Yidiș [ən 'jɪdɪʃ] (the name we will use to avoid confusion).

The proto-branch of English in this universe is set in what would be Spain and Portugal in our timeline.

The only IE branches in Irta not directly inspired by any real life IE languages are Mixolydian, Thurish and Hivantish.

See also Verse:Irta/CF Tricin.


Hivantish can be dominant in the British Isles and most of continental Europe while English is mostly spoken in former colonies?

South America is mainly French- and secondarily Irish-speaking?


Emmy Pafnoether /paf'nouθə/ (via a language with dental stops, from Coptic pafnu:tə, from pa-p3-nťr 'he of the god', ~ Pafnuty. -r was added back when her ancestors were Azalic). She shortened it to Noether, unaware of the etymology


Lule Vriyastukte, a Riphean avant-garde composer


"Standard Average Euro-African"

general features: definite articles, SVO word order

Western Europe and North Africa

Large vowel systems

This sound shift/sprachbund began with the development of Proto-Azalic itself.

The Maghrebi sprachbund is considered the "core" of this sprachbund. Languages outside of the Maghrebi sprachbund:

  • Ăn Yidiș
  • Proto-Azalic and English
  • French
  • British Hivantish

North African

Khmerization (from RTR/emphaticness > creaky voice, ATR/nonemphatic > breathy voice), resulting in some of the largest vowel systems in Irta.

Uvular R, which vocalizes in some languages

Headedness varies but likes suffixed definite article

  • Irtan Maghrebi Arabic
  • an Azalic language

Central European

Very much like our SAE sprachbund: Hivantish, some Riphic languages, Ăn Yidiș, Romance languages, a Mixolydian dialect

Riphean and Ǎn Yidiș are peripheral members which lack some sprachbund features (e.g. Riphean lacks definite articles)



A satem IE isolate written in the Latin alphabet; pronunciation is quite similar to Pinyin

Inspired by Polish and Albanian (aesthetically); Greek and Latin (grammatically)

z c s zh ch sh r rr j q x = /z ts s ʐ ʈʂ ʂ ɹ/ɽ r ʑ tɕ ɕ/

dz dzh dj = voiced versions of c ch q

Stop aspiration is as in Persian (st sounds like sth etc.)

j from PIE *y, y is used for /j/ in loanwords and from vowel breaking of PIE *e, e.g. yest "is" <- Proto-Mixolydian *esti

today Mixolydian is a small minority language; Mixolydians have almost entirely shifted to local languages (English, Greek, Romance, Iranian, Indian, Chinese)

Latin and Romance

Classical Latin is a tonal language like Greek and Sanskrit

Non-French Romance languages are considered dialects of Modern Standard Latin (survival of medieval Latin as lingua franca)


Standard French is essentially the same as our Parisian French; Hyperfrench is an Irtan vernacular

French through Proto-Slavic -> Russian sound changes (nasal vowels get denasalized etc.), plus a lot of Irish influence

r -> h consistently; a four way stop distinction as in Hindi


A language actually named after a cognate of "Latin" spoken in Latium; it has a roughly Catalan/Romanian/Occitan aesthetic

L should usually be dark L like Classical Latin l

Should be close to Southern Italian lects (that gave us "capeesh")?

Irta Sardinian

Similar to our Sardinian (modulo some loans) but also has register from Irtan Latin tone

Modern Greek

Written in a version of Linear B, roughly Syllabics + katakana inspired

a lot more ways to write /i/ depending on PIE etymon? maybe *i and *iH can use different glyphs?


Some sound splits conditioned by PIE etymon which are merged in Proto-Greek but do not affect intelligibility for a Modern Greek speaker

Portuguese gibby Hellenic


Irtan Yevanic

should be similar to our Modern Greek but with way more Arabic loans

The Yevanim bring Arabic culture to Jews in Irta, whereas in our world it was the Sephardim.


Weirdest interpretation of Mitanni cuneiform


Most in-universe English dialects don't merge some PIE sounds, like *ei and *ī, which are merged in Proto-Germanic. Otherwise they sound a lot like English accents from our timeline.


an English accent with lots of non-Germanic sound splits as well as General American sound mergers

LOT ~ THOUGHT, but PIE ey !~ PIE ī


Ăn Yidiş-y Hebraization of Sanskrit

ק כּ אק אכּ נק צ ת׳ אצ את׳ נ׳ ט֨ תּ֨ אט֨ אתּ֨ נ֨ ט תּ אט אתּ נ בּ פּ אבּ אפּ מ י ר ל וו ש ש֨ ס ה א

א for /ə/ is always written with shva

אַ ā

אי אוֹ ע אָ אַי אַוֹ i u e o ai au

vertical line under the initial consonant letter for vowel length in i and u

אקאַוֹטאְמאְ אבּוֹאתּתּאְ Gautama Buddha

Aramaic-ish Pali reading

a ā i ī u ū e o = /a O e i o u E O/; a is [ɑ] next to an emphatic consonant or /ɴ/

t th d dh are /tˁ t~θ̠ d~ð̠ d~ð̠/; tt tth dd ddh are /tˁː tːʰ dː dː/. Single th d dh are stops only when preceded by a homorganic nasal.

retroflexes and dentals merge into alveolars; b and bh are treated the same.

liturgical language of Lõisian Middle Eastern Buddhism? could be part of a "sprachbund" of Aramaic-accented reading traditions, which includes Tiberian Hebrew

samekh with two dots on top = final o?

Manopubbaṅgamā dhammā, manoseṭṭhā manomayā;
Manasā ce paduṭṭhena, bhāsati vā karoti vā,
Tato naṁ dukkhaṁ anveti, cakkaṁ'va vahato padaṁ.

[manɔpˁobːaŋgamɔ ð̠amːɔ, manɔsɛtːʰɔ manɔmajɔ]
[manasɔ tsˁɛ pˁað̠otːʰɛna, vɔsɑtˁe vɔ qɑɾɔtˁe vɔ]
[tˁɑtˁɔ nɑɴ ð̠okːʰɑɴ anvɛtˁe, tsˁɑqːɑɴva vahɑtˁɔ pˁɑð̠ɑɴ]



Main article: Verse:Irta/Hebrew

Though in-universe Tiberian Hebrew is identical to that in our timeline, Paleo-Hebrew in this universe distinguishes most consonants of Proto-Semitic, unlike in our timeline. This is reflected in some in-universe Hebrew accents which preserve distinctions like צׁ (tsadi w/ right dot) /ts̠/ vs צׂ (tsadi w/ left dot) /ts/, cognate with Arabic emphatic S/Z and D.

Some in-universe reading traditions, such as the earliest stratum of Hebrew loans in Ăn Yidiș, distinguish

  • cholam from Proto-Semitic *u and *aw = /o/
  • cholam from Proto-Semitic *ā = /u/ (/uə/ in some other reading traditions)
  • Proto-Semitic *ū = Swedish u (/u/ in some other reading traditions)

Standardized Tsarfati Hebrew still distinguishes samekh = /tsʰ/ and sin = /s/ to this day, unlike any Hebrew reading tradition in our timeline.


Standardized Classical Arabic, Hijazi Arabic, and Egyptian Arabic are the same as in our timeline. Arabic is not spoken in our Maghreb, but is spoken in Turkey (with lots of Turkic and Greek loans).

There is a heavily Irish-influenced Arabic variety spoken in Corsica.

Modern Standard Arabic doesn't exist; though Classical Arabic is still used in Islam, it's considered a different language from vernacular Arabic lects (like Latin and Romance in our timeline).


get "Noether" or "Paf-Noether" from *nāťar 'god', via a divergent descendant of Old Egyptian


Proto-Austronesian in Irta has the same urheimat as in our timeline but a very different phonology and morphology; its phonology is small like Finnish and its morphology is Altaic-ish; its evolution into Māori as we know it, a VSO language, is analogous to PIE's evolution into Irish.


PCel is basically the same as ours, but we're taking the liberty to derive more hypothetical words cognatizing directly from PIE. Corsican Irish keeps the invented word soicheall 'common sense; intelligence' and its antonym doicheall (from Proto-Celtic su-kʷēslā; kʷēslā is the PCel source of Irish ciall).

Alternate history Canadian Gaelic

Can date back to Primitive Irish times, incorporates Algonquian loanwords

or should it be a Celtic-Algonquian creole?


Proto-Brythonic should be the same as ours

A priori

Drug names


The phonology is a simplified version of Irish phonology:

/k g x ğ č dž š j t d s n p b f v m r l/ c g ch gh ť ď š y t d s n p b f v m r l; /a e i o u/ a e i o u

č dž š are treated as slender t, d, s in Irish.

There's a restriction on the set of initial consonants, because of Irish initial mutation. The only permissible initial consonants are:

k č t p m n r l

All drug names are treated as masculine in Irtan Irish.


The Irtan drug naming system tends to be prefixing rather than suffixing, unlike our timeline's drug names.

Sinitic and Sino-Xenic


In-universe Mandarin has two scripts: an alternate history Pinyin and a Hebraization invented by __.

East Asian languages in Irta generally use the Roman alphabet

Alternate history pinyin: uses Zhuang tone letters

b p m f, d t n l, z c s, zr cr sr r, ź ć ś (or otherwise unmarked; clear from context), g k h

a, ae, au, an, ang

y for Pinyin e

"z" by itself is used for Pinyin "zi", Pinyin "ji" is written "zi" or sometimes "gi" (this alternate history Pinyin is introduced during Early Modern Mandarin times so literate users keep older distinctions though spelling mistakes are common nowadays)

Trician Mandarin orthography

bó pó mó fó do to no lo go co cho zí/gí tzí/cí sí/chí draoi traoi sraoi raoi zaoi tzaoi saoi

a o i ó u (i)ü adh odh abh obh an in ang ong ung ar/-r (broad)

ea é en in ebh eobh eng ing iung

bha bhó bhadh bhudh bhan bhon bhang bhong

bhé bhen iűn

tone letters 0 x v q '

Ronxronx srong arx zaoiqeobhx, zadhq zbhon.enx chox cbhenxliq srangq iluq pingxdongv. Tamon' fuqeobhv livsingq chox lengxsin, bingq ing iv chiungdiq gbhanchiq do zingsronx huqseng dbhudhqdadhq.

Rénrén shēng ér zìyóu, zài zūnyán hé quánlì shàng yīlù píngděng. Tāmen fùyǒu lǐxìng hé liángxīn, bìng yīng yǐ xiōngdì guānxì de jīngshén hùxiāng duìdài.


A form of Zhongyuan or Southwestern Mandarin

used in the Jewish Autonomous Region of Irta China


באָ פאָ מאָ ףאָ טא תא נא לא קא כא חא ק'י כּ'י שי זרי צרי שרי רי זי צי סי


אַ א אי אָ אוֹ אוּ a e i/(i after retros and dentals) o u ü; the dot in יִ can be omitted.

אַי עי אַל' אָל' אַן אן אַנק אנק אוֹנק אר/-ר ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong er/-r

ל'אַ אָ ל'אַי ל'עי ל'אַן ל'אן ל'אַנק ל'אנק wa o wai wei wan wen wang weng

ייאַ ייע ייאל' ייאָל' ייען ייִן ייאַנק ייִנק ייוֹנק ya ye yao you yan yin yang ying yong

אוּע אוּען אוּן yue yuan yun

ole telisha-gedola etnahta darga = Tones 1 2 3 4 (not motivated by similarity to cantillation melodies; important thing is visual distinguishability)

should use tone letters instead, Hmoob style


ר֠אן־ר֠אן ש֫ראנק א֠ר ז֧י־י֠אָל׳, ז֧אַי ז֫ל׳אן־י֠ען ח֠א ק֠׳וּען־ל֧יִ ש֧ראַנק י֫יִ־ל֧וֹ פ֠ינק־ט֑אנק. ת֫אַ־מאן ף֧וֹ־י֑אָל׳ ל֑יִ־ש֧יִנק ח֠א ל֠יאַנק־ש֫יִן, ב֧יִנק י֫יִנק י֑יִ ש֫יוֹנק־ט֧יִ ק֫ל׳אַן־ש֧יִ טא ק֫׳יִנק־ש֠ראן ח֧וֹ־ש֫יאַנק ט֧ל׳אי־ט֧אַי.

Rénrén shēng ér zìyóu, zài zūnyán hé quánlì shàng yīlù píngděng. Tāmen fùyǒu lǐxìng hé liángxīn, bìng yīng yǐ xiōngdì guānxì de jīngshén hùxiāng duìdài.


ch, j written as slender t d/z

Subete no ningen va, umarenagara ni site ziıụ de ari, catsu, songen to cenli to ni tsuite bioηdoη de aru. Ningen va, liseη to lioηsin to o sazucerarete ori, tagai ni doηhọ no sẹsin o motte cọdọ sinacereba naranai.

R in native words, L in sino words

η for historical -ng

-ts, -c for final -tsu, -ku in sino words

ceu /kjo:/ "today" <- *kefu?

English words and wasei-eigo are written in italics; this isn't true of Romance words, e.g. pan "bread"

the word for thank you is written "obligatọ" by folk etymology


Irta Japanese can distinguish slender d and slender z


Standard Korean is the same as our timeline's Seoul Korean but is written in the following orthography invented by Samuel McAbram, inspired in part by Ăn Yidiș orthography.

Motyn incanyn θea̞nar depuθa̞ tzaıuroumıa̞ cy tzona̞mcva cva̞nrie̤ issa̞ toηtyηhata. Incanyn θza̞nputza̞cyro isa̞ηcva ıaηsimyr puıa̞patassymıa̞ sa̞ro hıa̞ηtze̤eỵ tza̞ηsinyro heηtoηhaıa̞ıa hanta.

/e/ was marked with a tsere-like diacritic under the e (e̤) and /E/ was written with e with a segol under it, but today only tsere is used.

eu eui written y ỵ

alt-history Sinitic languages

Swedish/Icelandic inspired Sinitic

Second-largest Chinese lect in Irta

Develops its own version of erhua (transcribed -r) from Cuam influence but it means something different

  • njem 'to think' > njemr (the m is lenited) 'thoughts'

Sinospheric IE

Indosphere and Austroasiatic

Tamil can use Cyrillic

Vietnamese can use an abugida based on the Far East Semitic abugida

Religions of Irta


  • French, Latzial and Irish: Catholicism
    • French: a "Reformation" which results in something very much like our Unitarianism but it's started by ex-Catholics
  • Azalic: another Reformation (called Remonition/Remonitionist Reformation in universe; "remonish" is an obsolete in-universe synonym for "protest". Very different from our Protestantism, more like "Christianity turned Buddhist"), minority Catholicism (the King James Bible does not exist as we know it but another text is used)
    • The two Remonitions (which are both anti-Trinitarian; the second is overtly maltheist) trigger migration to America; in Crackfic Irta they also spark a wave of migration to Tricin.
    • Similar movements in the Hivantish and Muslim worlds
  • Hivantish: Hivantish paganism, Remonitionists are a minority
  • Balkan Romance and Greek: Greek Orthodox
  • Ăn Yidiș and Irta Yevanic: Judaism (obviously)


  • Maghreb: Buddhist, Catholic


  • Tamil, Indian Austroasiatic: druids; Catholic, Remonitionist, Sufi (various levels of syncretism)
  • Togarmite: Sufi, various Hellenistic
  • Far East Semitic: Sufi, druids, animist, Jewish