
From Linguifex
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Inherited. The meaning to want is a Calque of Soc'ul' xeý



  • (Standard) IPA(key): [x̟ɛʔ̞k̟ɹ̩˥]
  • (Royal) IPA(key): [xɛʔ̞qɹ̩˥]
  • (Urban Anajrn) IPA(key): [s̺e̞ʔ̞k̟ə˥ɹ]
  • (Ufhewat) IPA(key): [xʲe̞ːkʲə˥]
  • (Zjiiama) IPA(key): [ʃəʔ̞t͡ʃə˥z]



  1. to need, to require
    (please add the primary text of this usage example)
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)
  2. (informal) to want
    (please add the primary text of this usage example)
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)
siacŕ inflection
IND SUBJ IMP JUS Lua error: not enough memory. Lua error: not enough memory. Lua error: not enough memory. Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 1.
Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 1./Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 1. >Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 1./Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 1. siacŕ siacrhá hu siacŕ siacr̂ siacrhâ hu siacr̂
>Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 1. siacráj siacŕj ju siacŕj siacrâj siacr̂j ju siacr̂j
Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 1. >Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 1./Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 1. msiácr yisiácr siacŕ hu msiâcr yisiâcr siacr̂ hu
>Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 1. srsiácr ysiácr ysiácr yu srsiâcr ysiâcr ysiâcr yu


  • Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 1.

Derived terms

Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 1.