Module:getn: Difference between revisions

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It converts a gender specification into Wiki/HTML format.
It converts a gender specification into Wiki/HTML format.
A gender specification is a list of one of the elements listed below,
A gender/number specification consists of one or more gender/number elements, separated by hyphens.
separated by hyphens. Examples are: "c", "n", "f-p", "m-an-p"
Examples are: "n" (neuter gender), "f-p" (feminine plural), "m-an-p" (masculine animate plural),
"pf" (perfective aspect). Each gender/number element has the following properties:
1. A code, as used in the spec, e.g. "f" for feminine, "p" for plural".
2. A type, e.g. "gender", "number" or "animacy". Each element in a given spec must be of a different type.
3. A display form, which in turn consists of a display code and a tooltip gloss. The display code
  may not be the same as the spec code, e.g. the spec code "an" has display code "anim" and tooltip
  gloss "animate".
    4. A category into which lemmas of the right part of speech are placed if they have a gender/number
  spec containing the given element. For example, a noun with gender/number spec "m-an-p" is placed
  into the categories "LANG masculine nouns", "LANG animate nouns" and "LANG pluralia tantum".

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local codes = {}
local codes = {}

-- A list of all possible "parts" that a specification can be made out of.
-- A list of all possible "parts" that a specification can be made out of. For each part, we list
-- the class it's in (gender, animacy, etc.), the associated category (if any) and the display form.
-- In a given gender/number spec, only one part of each class is allowed.

codes["?"] = {type = "other", display = '<abbr title="gender incomplete">?</abbr>'}
codes["?"] = {type = "other", display = '<abbr title="gender incomplete">?</abbr>'}

-- Genders
-- Genders
codes["m"] = {type = "gender", display = '<abbr title="masculine gender">m</abbr>'}
codes["m"] = {type = "gender", cat = "masculine POS", display = '<abbr title="masculine gender">m</abbr>'}
codes["f"] = {type = "gender", display = '<abbr title="feminine gender">f</abbr>'}
codes["f"] = {type = "gender", cat = "feminine POS", display = '<abbr title="feminine gender">f</abbr>'}
codes["n"] = {type = "gender", display = '<abbr title="neuter gender">n</abbr>'}
codes["n"] = {type = "gender", cat = "neuter POS", display = '<abbr title="neuter gender">n</abbr>'}
codes["c"] = {type = "gender", display = '<abbr title="common gender">c</abbr>'}
codes["c"] = {type = "gender", cat = "common-gender POS", display = '<abbr title="common gender">c</abbr>'}

-- Animacy
-- Animacy
codes["an"] = {type = "animacy", display = '<abbr title="animate">anim</abbr>'}
codes["an"] = {type = "animacy", cat = "animate POS", display = '<abbr title="animate">anim</abbr>'}
codes["in"] = {type = "animacy", display = '<abbr title="inanimate">inan</abbr>'}
codes["in"] = {type = "animacy", cat = "inanimate POS", display = '<abbr title="inanimate">inan</abbr>'}
-- Animal (for Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish)
codes["anml"] = {type = "animacy", cat = "animal POS", display = '<abbr title="animal">animal</abbr>'}
-- Personal (for Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish)
codes["pr"] = {type = "animacy", cat = "personal POS", display = '<abbr title="personal">pers</abbr>'}
-- Nonpersonal not currently used
codes["np"] = {type = "animacy", cat = "nonpersonal POS", display = '<abbr title="nonpersonal">npers</abbr>'}

-- Personal
-- Virility (for Polish)
codes["pr"] = {type = "personal", display = '<abbr title="personal">pers</abbr>'}
codes["vr"] = {type = "virility", cat = "virile POS", display = '<abbr title="virile">vir</abbr>'}
codes["np"] = {type = "personal", display = '<abbr title="non-personal">npers</abbr>'}
codes["nv"] = {type = "virility", cat = "nonvirile POS", display = '<abbr title="nonvirile">nvir</abbr>'}

-- Numbers
-- Numbers
codes["s"] = {type = "number", display = '<abbr title="singular number">sg</abbr>'}
codes["s"] = {type = "number", display = '<abbr title="singular number">sg</abbr>'}
codes["d"] = {type = "number", display = '<abbr title="dual number">du</abbr>'}
codes["d"] = {type = "number", display = '<abbr title="dual number">du</abbr>'}
codes["p"] = {type = "number", display = '<abbr title="plural number">pl</abbr>'}
codes["p"] = {type = "number", cat = "pluralia tantum", display = '<abbr title="plural number">pl</abbr>'}

-- Verb qualifiers
-- Verb qualifiers
codes["impf"] = {type = "perfectivity", display = '<abbr title="imperfective aspect">impf</abbr>'}
codes["impf"] = {type = "aspect", cat = "imperfective POS", display = '<abbr title="imperfective aspect">impf</abbr>'}
codes["pf"] = {type = "perfectivity", display = '<abbr title="perfective aspect">pf</abbr>'}
codes["pf"] = {type = "aspect", cat = "perfective POS", display = '<abbr title="perfective aspect">pf</abbr>'}
-- Combined codes that are equivalent to giving multiple specs. `mf` is the same as specifying two separate specs,
-- one with `m` in it and the other with `f`. `mfbysense` is similar but is used for nouns that can be either masculine
-- or feminine according as to whether they refer to masculine or feminine beings.
local combined_codes = {}
combined_codes["mf"] = {codes = {"m", "f"}}
combined_codes["mfbysense"] = {codes = {"m", "f"}, cat = "masculine and feminine POS by sense"}
-- Categories when multiple gender/number specs of a given type occur in different
local codetype_cats = {}
codetype_cats["gender"] = "POS with multiple genders"
codetype_cats["animacy"] = "POS with multiple animacies"
codetype_cats["aspect"] = "biaspectual POS"

-- Version of format_list that can be invoked from a template.
-- Version of format_list that can be invoked from a template.
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-- Format one or more gender specifications, in the form of a table of specifications.
function export.format_list(list, lang)
-- Older entry point; equivalent to format_genders() except that it formats the
local is_nounclass = nil
-- categories and returns them appended to the formatted gender text rather than
-- returning the formatted text and categories separately.
-- Iterate over each specification and format it
function export.format_list(specs, lang, pos_for_cat, sort_key)
for key, spec in ipairs(list) do
local text, cats = export.format_genders(specs, lang, pos_for_cat)
local nc
if #cats == 0 then
list[key], nc = export.format_specification(spec, lang)
return text
-- Ensure that the specifications are either all noun classes, or none are.
if is_nounclass == nil then
is_nounclass = nc
elseif is_nounclass ~= nc then
error("Noun classes and genders cannot be mixed. Please use either one or the other.")
if is_nounclass then
-- Add the processed codes together with slashes
return "<span class=\"gender\">class " .. table.concat(list, "/") .. "</span>"
-- Add the processed codes together with commas
return "<span class=\"gender\">" .. table.concat(list, " or ") .. "</span>"
return text .. require("Module:utilities").format_categories(cats, lang, sort_key)

-- Format the sub-parts of a single gender specification.
function export.format_specification(spec, lang)
local categories = ""
local ret = ""
local is_nounclass = false
-- If the specification starts with cX, then it is a noun class specification.
-- Format one or more gender/number specifications. Each spec is either a string, e.g. "f-p", or
if spec:find("^[1-9]") or spec:find("^c[^-]") then
-- a table of the form {spec = "SPEC", qualifiers = {"QUALIFIER", "QUALIFIER", ...}} where `.spec`
is_nounclass = true
-- is a gender/number spec such as "f-p" and `.qualifiers` is a list of qualifiers to display before
code = spec:gsub("^c", "")
-- the formatted gender/number spec. `.spec` must be present but `.qualifiers` may be omitted.
-- The function returns two values:
if code == "?" then
-- (a) the formatted text;
ret = "<abbr class=\"noun-class\" title=\"noun class missing\">?</abbr>"
-- (b) a list of the categories to add.
-- If `lang` and `pos_for_cat` are given, gender categories such as "German masculine nouns" or
ret = "<abbr class=\"noun-class\" title=\"noun class " .. code .. "\">" .. code .. "</abbr>"
-- "Russian imperfective verbs" are added to the categories. Otherwise, if only `lang` is given,
-- the only category that may be returned is "Requests for gender in LANG entries". If both are
-- omitted, the returned list is empty.
function export.format_genders(specs, lang, pos_for_cat)
local formatted_specs = {}
local categories = {}
local seen_types = {}
local category_text = ""
local all_is_nounclass = nil
local function do_gender_spec(spec, parts)
local types = {}
local types = {}
-- Split the parts and iterate over each part, converting it into its display form
local parts = mw.text.split(spec, "-")
for key, code in ipairs(parts) do
for key, code in ipairs(parts) do
-- Is this code valid?
-- Is this code valid?
if not codes[code] then
if not codes[code] then
error("The gender specification \"" .. spec .. "\" is not valid.")
error('The tag "' .. code .. '" in the gender specification "' .. spec.spec .. '" is not valid.')
if codes[code].type ~= "other" and types[codes[code].type] then
-- Check for multiple genders/numbers/animacies in a single spec.
local typ = codes[code].type
if typ ~= "other" and types[typ] then
--require("Module:debug").track("gender and number/multiple")
--require("Module:debug").track("gender and number/multiple")
--require("Module:debug").track("gender and number/multiple/" .. spec)
--require("Module:debug").track("gender and number/multiple/" .. spec)
error("The gender specification \"" .. spec .. "\" contains multiple tags of type \"" .. codes[code].type .. "\".")
error('The gender specification "' .. spec.spec .. '" contains multiple tags of type "' .. typ .. '".')
types[typ] = true
parts[key] = codes[code].display
if spec.qualifiers and #spec.qualifiers > 0 then
types[codes[code].type] = true
parts[key] = require("Module:qualifier").format_qualifier(spec.qualifiers) .. " " .. codes[code].display
parts[key] = codes[code].display
-- Generate categories if called for.
if lang and pos_for_cat then
local cat = codes[code].cat
if cat then
table.insert(categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " " .. cat)
if seen_types[typ] and seen_types[typ] ~= code then
cat = codetype_cats[typ]
if cat then
table.insert(categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " " .. cat)
seen_types[typ] = code
-- Add the processed codes together with non-breaking spaces
-- Add the processed codes together with non-breaking spaces
ret = table.concat(parts, "&nbsp;")
if #parts == 1 then
return parts[1]
return table.concat(parts, "&nbsp;")
-- Do some additional checks if a language was given
for _, spec in ipairs(specs) do
if lang then
if type(spec) ~= "table" then
-- Is this an incomplete gender?
spec = {spec = spec}
if spec:find("?") then
local m_utilities = require("Module:utilities")
local is_nounclass
categories = m_utilities.format_categories({"Requests for gender in " .. lang:getCanonicalName() .. " entries"}, nil)
-- If the specification starts with cX, then it is a noun class specification.
if spec.spec:find("^[1-9]") or spec.spec:find("^c[^-]") then
is_nounclass = true
code = spec.spec:gsub("^c", "")
local text
if code == "?" then
text = '<abbr class="noun-class" title="noun class missing">?</abbr>'
text = '<abbr class="noun-class" title="noun class ' .. code .. '">' .. code .. "</abbr>"
if lang and pos_for_cat then
table.insert(categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " class " .. code .. " POS")
local text_with_qual
if spec.qualifiers and #spec.qualifiers > 0 then
text_with_qual = require("Module:qualifier").format_qualifier(spec.qualifiers) .. " " .. text
text_with_qual = text
table.insert(formatted_specs, text_with_qual)
-- Split the parts and iterate over each part, converting it into its display form
local parts = mw.text.split(spec.spec, "%-")
local extra_cats = {}
local has_combined = false
for _, code in ipairs(parts) do
if combined_codes[code] then
has_combined = true
if not has_combined then
table.insert(formatted_specs, do_gender_spec(spec, parts))
local all_parts = {{}}
for i, code in ipairs(parts) do
if combined_codes[code] then
local new_all_parts = {}
for _, one_parts in ipairs(all_parts) do
for _, one_code in ipairs(combined_codes[code].codes) do
local new_combined_parts = mw.clone(one_parts)
table.insert(new_combined_parts, one_code)
table.insert(new_all_parts, new_combined_parts)
all_parts = new_all_parts
if lang and pos_for_cat then
local extra_cat = combined_codes[code].cat
if extra_cat then
table.insert(extra_cats, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " " .. extra_cat)
for _, one_parts in ipairs(all_parts) do
table.insert(one_parts, code)
for _, parts in ipairs(all_parts) do
table.insert(formatted_specs, do_gender_spec(spec, parts))
if #extra_cats > 0 then
for _, cat in ipairs(extra_cats) do
table.insert(categories, cat)
if lang then
-- Do some additional gender checks if a language was given
-- Is this an incomplete gender?
if spec.spec:find("?") then
table.insert(categories, "Requests for gender in " .. lang:getCanonicalName() .. " entries")
-- Check if the specification is valid
--elseif langinfo.genders then
-- local valid_genders = {}
-- for _, g in ipairs(langinfo.genders) do valid_genders[g] = true end
-- if not valid_genders[spec.spec] then
-- local valid_string = {}
-- for i, g in ipairs(langinfo.genders) do valid_string[i] = g end
-- error('The gender specification "' .. spec.spec .. '" is not valid for ' .. langinfo.names[1] .. ". Valid are: " .. table.concat(valid_string, ", "))
-- end
is_nounclass = false
-- Ensure that the specifications are either all noun classes, or none are.
if all_is_nounclass == nil then
all_is_nounclass = is_nounclass
elseif all_is_nounclass ~= is_nounclass then
error("Noun classes and genders cannot be mixed. Please use either one or the other.")
if lang and pos_for_cat then
for i, cat in ipairs(categories) do
categories[i] = cat:gsub("POS", pos_for_cat)
-- Check if the specification is valid
--elseif langinfo.genders then
-- local valid_genders = {}
-- for _, g in ipairs(langinfo.genders) do valid_genders[g] = true end
-- if not valid_genders[spec] then
-- local valid_string = {}
-- for i, g in ipairs(langinfo.genders) do valid_string[i] = g end
-- error("The gender specification \"" .. spec .. "\" is not valid for " .. langinfo.names[1] .. ". Valid are: " .. table.concat(valid_string, ", "))
-- end
return ret .. categories, is_nounclass
if is_nounclass then
-- Add the processed codes together with slashes
return '<span class="gender">class ' .. table.concat(formatted_specs, "/") .. "</span>", categories
-- Add the processed codes together with " or "
return '<span class="gender">' .. table.concat(formatted_specs, " or ") .. "</span>", categories

return export
return export