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jung is a syllable in Dan'a'yo that is a verbal suffix, or the prefix meaning "great-" (as in, 'great-grandfather').


  • (suff) - a verbal suffix indicating ongoing action
    • as a standalone word, this would mean "center" (noun), but that requires 中央(중양)
  • (pre) - 'great-'
  • (noun) - 'public, crown', requires 大衆(대중)
  • (noun) - 'end', requires 終了(중럇)
  • (v.intr) - 'increase', requires 増加(중가)
  • (adj) - 'noble, lofty', requires 崇高(중갓)
  • (他動詞) - 'to hate', requires 憎悪(중악)
  • ( - 'present, bestow', requires 贈与(중요)
  • (name) - holly osmanthus, requires 柊木(중목)
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