Fifth Linguifex Relay/Kharrash

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Kharrash transliteration

zhok djayor
Dorrilj Gorrot

di hashe helj njarheng rok gadj ngikh
di zhok djayor hazhad helj falh chalh
heng falh zhid zhagh hashe djod.
hashe chogh ghar shogh yang
ljazh ezh helj tot heng yegh chalh
hazhad zhod zhogh shogh gadj zhe.

Interlinear gloss

zhok djayor (title of poem)
enjoy int
Dorrilj Gorrot (name of author)
[dɤɹˀiʎ gɤɹˀɤtʰ]
di hashe helj njarheng rok gadj ngikh
1s know 2s die end temp although
di zhok djayor hazhad helj falh chalh
1s like int stay 2s fire loc
heng falh zhid zhagh hashe djod.
dem fire cau.v want know because
hashe chogh ghar shogh yang
know nom leaf pl go (to)
ljazh ezh helj tot heng yegh chalh
flower land 2s put dem world loc
hazhad zhod zhogh shogh gadj zhe.
stay fut epoch pl temp also


  • Kharrash is SVO.
  • The demonstrative "heng" precedes the noun it modifies.
  • Adjectives precede the nouns they modify.
  • Adverbs follow the word or clause they modify. An adverb at the end of a sentence is often modifying the entire preceding clause.
  • Other grammatical particles follow the word or clause they modify.
  • Possessive "X's Y" is formed by Y directly following X, e.g. "di falh" for "my fire" (lit. "me fire").