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'''{{SUBPAGENAME}}''' (''omokwoȝiłtséenofin'') is a language isolate spoken in the Iseenof province in Sgewla. It is inspired by Arapaho and [[Wiobian]].
'''{{SUBPAGENAME}}''' (''omokwoȝ Iłtséenofin'') is a language isolate spoken in the Iseenof province in Sgewla. It is inspired by Arapaho and [[Wiobian]].


Ceroneȝ ełeptséewoneȝ d-oseejełtóosocinkwi. = Once there was a childless king who wanted a son.
Ebéeȝ ceron ełeptséewon d-oseejeł tóos ocin-kwi. = Once there was a childless king who wanted a son.



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