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Please note that all retroflex consonants and the dental trill rhoticise the surrounding consonants. The pronunciation of <span style="font-size: 125%;">⟨</span>v<span style="font-size:125%;">⟩</span> is considered dialectal.

===Consonant allophony===
The Ris phonology utilises a variety of sandhi procedures, collectively called ''saṃdhi'' in Ris. Sandhi refers to alteration of sounds at morpheme boundaries, that assimilate due to adjacent sounds.
====Retroflex sandhi====
Retroflex sandhi, ''raṛisaṃdhi'', occurs at the morpheme boundaries or clusters containing a retroflex consonant.
|script = वृत
|phrase = vṛta
|IPA = /ˈvɚtɑ/ → /ˈvɚʈɑ/
| morphemes = vṛta-∅
| gloss = land.INAN.SG-PAT
| translation = land
|script = इणदर
|phrase = iṇdra
|IPA = /ˈɪɳdɹɑ/ → /ˈɪɳɖɹɑ/
| morphemes = iṇdra-∅
| gloss = earth.INAN.SG-PAT
| translation = Earth
|script = हरनटि
|phrase = hranṭi
|IPA = /ˈxɹanʈɪ/ → /ˈxɹaɳʈɪ/
| morphemes = hranṭi-∅
| gloss = to_run.VN.INAN.SG-PAT
| translation = running
====Nasal sandhi====
The nasal sandhi, or ''anaśisaṃdhi'', works in a similar way to the retroflex one. The nasal stops assimilate to the place of articulation of the adjacent sound, including to retroflex consonants.
|script = अमभिल
|phrase = ambhiḷa
|IPA = /anˈbʱɪɭɑ/ → /amˈbʱɪɭɑ/
| morphemes = an-bhiḷa-∅
| gloss = re-to_word.VN.INAN.SG-PAT
| translation = rewording
|script = हरनटि
|phrase = hranṭi
|IPA = /ˈxɹanʈɪ/ → /ˈxɹaɳʈɪ/
| morphemes = hranṭi-∅
| gloss = to_run.VN.INAN.SG-PAT
| translation = running
|script = अनखूति
|phrase = ankhūti
|IPA = /anˈkʰʊːtɪ/ → /aŋˈkʰʊːtɪ/
| morphemes = am-khūti-∅
| gloss = down-to_run.VN.INAN.SG-PAT
| translation = downfall
In addition to the consonants above, Nāmic suffers from severe allophony, '''lenition''', caused when:
In addition to the consonants above, Nāmic suffers from severe allophony, '''lenition''', caused when:

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