Literature:The Tower of Babel: Difference between revisions

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# Ta hat, Adim fohiz res bi hatwai en toizat zab zat, es res haz nu teuz hat kinizh
# Ta hat, Adim fohiz res bi hatwai en toizat zab zat, es res haz nu teuz hat kinizh
# Ta hat bi, hat hozreh re men ez bez Babel; Ta Adim hatwai madoz toizat itak re nuzh fohiz res bi hatwai en toizat zab zat.
# Ta hat bi, hat hozreh re men ez bez Babel; Ta Adim hatwai madoz toizat itak re nuzh fohiz res bi hatwai en toizat zab zat.
== Kah ==
:'''Tau yula kwambe le yuka kwa'''
:now world whole have language one
:'''ai aka nyoshi.'''
:and speech common
:'''Eta uyu nudora tinuno,'''
:when people migrate east
:'''henyun huan la Shinaran ai nudora lai.'''
:find plain be at Shanar and migrate there
:'''Yunyo ka noyom:'''
:they say each other
:'''"Lo, om jam duzu ai shanzu tuntu."'''
:foc, adh make brick and bake thorough
:'''Za duzu yompo adu, ai toisau yompo doshum.'''
:take brick instead of stone, and tar instead of mortar
:'''Tai ka: "Lo, om jando walonyo dola'''
:then say: foc, adh build ourselves city
:'''ya le wendo ya deche tilan,'''
:it have tower it reach heaven
:'''eno jam walonyo senka'''
:in order to make ourselves name
:'''ai eno al nong membe wanyo'''
:and in order imps not scatter us
:'''tunu kuchi na yula kwambe,"'''
:across surface of world whole
:'''Esto Tifa vunu'''
:"but lord descend
:'''eno yun dola ai wendo be uyu jando ya.'''
:in order to look city and tower top people build it
:'''Tifa ka: "Tonto shi unyo kwa'''
:"lord say: if like people one
:'''la kaza yuka kwashi,'''
:be at speak language same
:'''yunyo nuku jam awau,'''
:they start do this
:'''tontoye yayang be yunyo jankuren jam ya teneng tos yunyo.'''
:in that case nothing top they plan do it be impossible considering them
:'''Lo, om vunu ai moren yuka na yunyo.'''
:foc, adh descend and confuse language of them
:'''eno nong ke jebo noyom,"'''
:in order that not opt understand each other
:'''Echu Tifa membe yunyo chu lai tunu yula kwambe,'''
:so lord scatter them from there across world whole
:'''ai yunyo bas jando dola.'''
:and they stop build city
:'''Amun chumunye en al kaka Babal --'''
:reason because of that that imps call Babel
:'''chumun lai Tifa moren yuka na yula kwambe.'''
:because there lord confuse language of world whole
:'''Chu lai Tifa membe yunyo tunu kuchi na yula kwambe.'''
:from there lord scatter them across surface of world whole.
# Mattim šūmī min kirim šarraktī, irriyērum kastarmaharaban, wa'attim.
# Wahēk, redad wayyaħna min ambunistikī yalkikmiraban, Šinarkī takušš naħkisaššiatikkenaru.
# Indikirišmattararannamā: "Iggar išpisaxtakyatapirmannēruš."  Mattim iggar, hambin banak. Mattim issik, hambin nayyapi.
# Indikirišmattararannamā: "Hawassabummurratħakaš, šuxtānaran tuyye amandimahampinaft hawassaptirħakuš.  Hintirissakšarmakkakannimmāš šarratim suharaktikī tandikaħsaħptarikmaš."
# Wahēk,  Šuxtānim Ikkūne hārannimā, ummurrat sut tuyyēran sararampi, išpiħyimannarunaft sarmannaru.
# Wahēk,  Šuxtānim Ikkūne kirimarannamā: "Sapim redad šūmikman, šūmī min kirimaran ittaħšikman,  indikanawikmabampi, rearan markanawikminesampiš."
# "Wahēk,  iknahakmannimāš, kirinseššente haradaknesunimmāš, kirimtarseššentēran ikšempihikminesampiš."
# Wahēk,  Šuxtānim Ikkūnē išpiknatarkennarunimmā ummurratiyār iknikmaran.
# Attim waggabgabalaram hittinristirħaku, Šuxtānim Ikkūnē kirimseššente išpikšempiharu, šarrat min suharaktillidēran išpiknatarkennaru.
('''Genesis 11: 1-9''')
# ''A lavre er oll vit oun yeth ag er oun lavrant.'' <br> And the whole earth was of one language and of one speech.
# ''A pann deythyent dhiamm er dooren, oo cassant wostat in tir Shinar a thrigent enayth.'' <br>  And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
# ''A gwoat poap du'y gilidh "Dowit, gwraem bridhveyn ag ow pebi in tan". Ag aidh pridhveyn in'le meyn a fik in'le morhtell.'' <br /> And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar.
# ''A gwedent "Dowit, adeylem dhin a thur a estinn i benn du'r nev; a chuhaitthem an anuw rak an skaro truw oll diredh er bit.'' <br />  And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
# ''A diskennas er Reen du welet er dhin a'r tur a adeylent vebyon Adhav.'' <br /> And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men built.
# ''A gwoat "Sleman! Edh int oun bobul ag ema oun yeth dudhou; a ru chuhwinnsant i wreyth a ne difegyant ow emchen cuhit e cuwlheir ow gweyth."'' <br /> And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
# '' "Dowit, diskennen ag adrisso ow yeth mal nar jalht poap lavrant i gilidh."'' <br /> Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.
# ''Mal hunn es skaras er Reen o'r le hunnedh truw oll diredh er bit; a difegsant adeylet er dhin.'' <br /> So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
# ''Mal hunn edh aidh Babel i hanuw, in'edrip edh adrissas er Reen yeth er oll vit ag o'r le hunnedh es skaras er Reen troas enep pop wladedh.'' <br> Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
#''sertib pretricib ampazone esofos luxedanium esofos serotinazole.''
#''ampazin docelone distusermin, Sinar:ib elcalocine pidezolast flufib letazole.''
#''ampazin aferone epazilin: "capline galelukast gadotovacacog." fluzin capline uldac epsozolast cispine braxistac epsozole.''
#''cefast epazilin: "benzine fexolukast cesopladib vexafulven mixicil piroline fexocog. ezastiline rupacalukast pretricosetron amitilitucog."''
#''beta tropin ampazin fexozil benzium piroline carsapropirdine binizole.''
#''tropin epazilin: "esofos metin esofos luxedane serolukast cefcastim draxorovir. cefkalant fluzin glicapromab elucaine octatecaforcept."''
#''binilukast fluluxedane nivalukast, fluzin aferine mavritumab cacog."''
#''cefast tropin flufisant fluzine pretricosetron amitizolast, fluzin benzine fexocine idozole.''
#''cefase flubenzone "Bavel" epatinib. calan tropin flufib pretricol luxedane nivarotidine eparin. flufisant tropin fluzine pretricosetron amitizole.''
:''sertib pretricib ampazone esofos luxedanium esofos serotinazole.''
:sertib pre-tric-ib amp-az-one esofos luxedan-ium esofos sero-t-ina-zole
:time-LOC all-world-LOC person-PL-DAT one language-and one speak-NOMZ-COP-PST.IND
:''ampazin docelone distusermin, Sinar:ib elcalocine pidezolast flufib letazole.''
:amp-az-in docel-one distu-sermin, Sinar-ib elca-loc-ine pide-zolast fluf-ib let-azole
:person-PL-NOM east-DAT move-PST.while Shinar-LOC flat-land-ACC find-PST.CONJ there-LOC settle-PST.IND
:''ampazin aferone epazilin: "capline galelukast gadotovacacog." fluzin capline uldac epsozolast cispine braxistac epsozole.''
:amp-az-in afer-one epa-zil-in: capl-ine gale-lukast gado-tovaca-cog. fluz-in capl-ine uld-ac epso-zolast cisp-ine braxist-ac epso-zole
:person-PL-NOM each_other-DAT say-PST.ATTR-NOM brick-ACC make-PRES.CONJ well-fire-COHORT that.PL-NOM brick-ACC stone-as use-PST.CONJ tar-ACC cement-CONJ use-PST.IND
:''cefast epazilin: "benzine fexolukast cesopladib vexafulven mixicil piroline fexocog. ezastiline rupacalukast pretricosetron amitilitucog."''
:cefast epa=zil-in: benz-ine fexo-lukast ceso-pladib vexa-fulven mixi-cil pirol-ine fexo-cog ez-astili-ne rupa-ca-lukast pre-trico-setron amiti-li-tu-cog
:then say-PST.ATTR-NOM city-ACC build-PRES.CONJ that.SG.INAN-inside sky-until rise-FUT.ATTR tower-ACC build-COHORT 1PL-name-ACC hear-CAUS-FUT.CONJ whole-world-throughout scatter-PASS-NEG.IRR-COHORT
:''beta tropin ampazin fexozil benzium piroline carsapropirdine binizole.''
:beta trop-in amp-az-in fexo-zil benz-ium pirol-ine carsa-pro-pirdine bini-zole
:but god-NOM person-PL-NOM build-PST.ATTR city-and tower-ACC observe-DES-PST.QUOT descend-PST.IND
:''tropin epazilin: "esofos metin esofos luxedane serolukast cefcastim draxorovir. cefkalant fluzin glicapromab elucaine octatecaforcept."''
:trop-in epa-zil-in eso-fos met-in eso-fos luxeda-ne sero-lukast cef-ca-stim draxo-ro-vir cef-kalant fluz-in gli-ca-promab elucaine octa-teca-for-cept
:god-NOM say-PST.ATTR-NOM one-CLF tribe-NOM one-CLF language-ACC speak-PRES.CONJ this-do-RES start-PERF-PRES.IND this-in_view_of that.PL-NOM what-do-DES.PRES.SUBJ regardless_of that.PL-ACC prevent-can-NEG-FUT
:''binilukast fluluxedane nivalukast, fluzin aferine mavritumab cacog."''
:bini-lukast flu-luxeda-ne niva-lukast fluz-in afer-ine mavri-tu-mab cacog
:descend-PRES.CONJ their-language-ACC confuse-PRES.CONJ that.PL-NOM each_other-ACC understand-NEG.IRR-SUBJ do-COHORT
:''cefast tropin flufisant fluzine pretricosetron amitizolast, fluzin benzine fexocine idozole.''
:cefast trop-in fluf-isant fluz-ine pre-trico-setron amiti-zolast fluz-in benz-ine fexo-cine ido-zole
:then god-NOM there-from that.PL-ACC whole-world-throughout scatter-PST.CONJ that.PL-NOM city-ACC build-VN-ACC stop-PST.IND
:''cefase flubenzone "Bavel" epatinib. calan tropin flufib pretricol luxedane nivarotidine eparin. flufisant tropin fluzine pretricosetron amitizole.''
:cefase flu-benz-one B. epa-tinib cala-n trop-in fluf-ib pre-tric-ol luxeda-ne niva-ro-tidine epar-in fluf-isant trop-in fluz-ine pre-trico-setron amiti-zole
:hence that-city-DAT B. say-GNOM.IND reason-NOM god-NOM there-LOC whole-world-GEN language-ACC confuse-PERF-GNOM.QUOT saying-NOM there-from god-NOM whole-world-throughout scatter-PST.IND
