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# Foṭê pu il <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">Sinyuri</span> sparsit-rus ex ivi incopa suprifixi dâ tiara universa, i pu ilus cissoirunt cu aḍ eḍifihori lu chastr.
# Foṭê pu il <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">Sinyuri</span> sparsit-rus ex ivi incopa suprifixi dâ tiara universa, i pu ilus cissoirunt cu aḍ eḍifihori lu chastr.
# I an cunsefil pu lûric loh cîssil di Babel, pupro ivi cunfusa fuch la nimba dâ tiara universa, i ex ivi il <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">Sinyuri</span> sparsit-rus incopa suprifixi dâ tiara universa.
# I an cunsefil pu lûric loh cîssil di Babel, pupro ivi cunfusa fuch la nimba dâ tiara universa, i ex ivi il <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">Sinyuri</span> sparsit-rus incopa suprifixi dâ tiara universa.
== Oscanez ==
* ''' E tot o munt tenea una yenua ei era d'una palara.'''
and entire the.MAS.SG world have-INDIC.IPFV.3RD.SG one-FEM.SG language and be.INDIC.IPFV.3RD.SG of-one-FEM.SG word
* '''E pasó, con elos partiron d'orient, che trobaron un campo na terra de Xinar, e s'estayeciron elaz.'''
and happen-INDIC.PFV.3RD.SG when they.MAS.PL leave-INDIC.PFV.3RD.PL of-east that find-INDIC.PFV.3RD.PL one.MAS.SG plain in.the.FEM.SG land of Shinar, and REFL.3RD-establish-INDIC.PFV.3RD.PL there
* '''Se dijeron los uns a los otros, "Ir, fagamos selos e cuijinemos-os con fuiz. E utiyisaron selos como piela, e bedún como mortar.'''
REFL.3RD-say-INDIC.PFV.3RD.PL the.MAS.PL one-PL to the.MAS.PL other.MAS.PL go-IMP.2ND.PL make-IMP.1ST.PL brick.PL and cook-IMP.1ST.PL-it.ACC.MAS.PL with fire and use-PFV.3RD.PL brick.PL as stone and bitumen as mortar
* '''E dijeron, "alemos, constramos-nuis una cibdat e una torre, de che la cabeja toca o cielo. E fagamos-nuis un nonye, poraché no nos siamos dispersats sóbel tot o munt.'''
and say-INDIC.PFV.3RD.PL go-IMP.1ST.PL build-IMP.1ST.PL-we.DAT.PL one-FEM.SG city and one-FEM.SG tower of which the.FEM.SG head touch-INDIC.PRES.3RD.PL the.MAS.SG sky and make-IMP.1ST.PL-we.DAT.PL one.MAS.SG name so-that NEG we.REFL be.SUBJ.PRES.1ST.PL disperse-PST.PTCP.PL over entire.MAS.SG the.MAS.SG world
* '''Vinye Lo Senyor pol veer la cibdat constrida polos fiyos de los honyes.'''
come-INDIC.PFV.3RD.SG the.title.MAS.SG lord to see.INF the.FEM.SG city build.PST.PTCP.FEM.SG by-the.MAS.PL son.PL of the.MAS.PL man.PL
* '''Dije Lo Senyor "veer ací, la gent en una, e tienen son mesma yenua, e comenjan fajel est. E agora no será imposible rená ch'elos alen voyer fajel."'''
say-INDIC.PFV.3RD.SG the.title.MAS.SG lord see-IMP.2ND.PL here the.FEM.SG people be.INDIC.PRES.3RD.SG one.FEM.SG and have-INDIC.PRES.3RD.PL their same.FEM.SG language and begin.INDIC.PRES.3RD.PL do.INFV this.NEUT and now NEG be-INDIC.FUT.3RD.SG impossible nothing which-they.MAS.PL go-SUBJ.PRES.3RD.PL want-INF do-INF
* '''Ir, decenamos e confonamos son yenua poraché no puida entener negún la yenua del otro."'''
go-IMP.2ND.PL descend-IMP.1ST.PL and confuse-IMP.1ST.PL their language so-that NEG can-SUBJ.PRES.3RD.SG understand-INF nobody the.FEM.SG language of-the.MAS.SG other
* '''E os dispersó Lo Senyor sóbel la faja da terra, e cesaron constrel la cibdat.'''
and they.ACC.MAS.PL the.title.MAS.SG lord over the.FEM.SG face of-the.FEM.SG earth and stop-INDIC.PFV.3RD.PL build-INF the.FEM.SG city
* '''Elo en polché se xame Babel, polché Lo Senyor elaz confonuí la yenua de tot o munt, e os dispersó d'elaz sóbel tot la terra.'''
it be-INDIC.PRES.3RD.SG why REFL.3RD call-SUBJ.PRES.3RD.SG Babel because the.title.MAS.SG lord there confuse-INDIC.PFV.3RD.SG the.FEM.SG language of entire the.MAS.SG world and they.ACC.MAS.PL disperse-INDIC.PFV.3RD.SG of-there over entire the.FEM.SG earth


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