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=== Particles ===
=== Particles ===
=== Derivational morphology ===
=== Derivational morphology ===
Stems can have other suffixes attached. These suffixes will occur between the stem and the number suffix. Productive suffixes include:
:-'''anen''' practitioner of noun, as in '''anālte''' 'health' → '''māltanen''' 'healer, practitioner of healing'
:-'''ēl''' person who has quality noun, as in '''ankēra''' 'holy' → '''makērēl''' 'holy person'
:-'''īhen''' device associated with noun, as in '''annītte''' 'fried in oil' → '''janīttīhen''' 'frying pan'
:-'''īk''' artificial kind associated with noun, as in '''sakīwa''' 'skin' → '''ankīwīke''' 'leather'
:-'''īñ''' diminutive, as in '''malāca''' 'girl' → '''malācīñ''' 'little girl'
:-'''īw''' opposite or lack of noun, as in '''ansēña''' 'harmful' → '''ansēñīwe''' 'harmless'
:-'''ōn''' augmentative or agent, as in '''jatāena''' 'story' → '''matāenōn''' 'storyteller'
Common non-productive suffixes include:
:-'''eran''' guild associated with noun, as in '''jālteran''' 'healers guild'
:-'''ienāl''' set of four of a noun, as in '''jaxāelienāl''' 'set of four nights'
:-'''isse''' diminutive, as in '''jēwānisse''' 'small pond'
:-'''(n)non''' male practitioner of noun, as in '''mērānnon''' 'hunter'
There are also a few prefixes, none of which are productive:
:'''āl'''- an older augmentative, as in '''jāllōhen''' 'feast'
:'''we'''- an older negation prefix, as in '''anwetēla''' 'unknown'

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