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809 bytes added ,  9 February 2022
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The following text illustrates the incorporation of a nominalization with the Gerundial:
The following text illustrates the incorporation of a nominalization with the Gerundial:
|phrase = tankuryār izzesparaktirekt išpisaxmatti<u>nn</u>išpisaxxalamiħyišattima<u>xx</u>iššaru
|phrase = tankuryār izzesparaktirekt išpisaxmatti<u>nn</u>išpisaxxalamiħyišatti<u>xx</u>iššaru
| IPA =  
| IPA =  
| morphemes = tankūr=yār izzesparak-tirek=de šp-saxt-matti-n-[šp-saxt-kalam-iħy-šatt-mah-x]-rti-ar-u
| morphemes = tankūr=yār izzesparak-tirek=de šp-saxt-matti-n-[šp-saxt-kalam-iħy-šatt]-x-rti-ar-u
| translation = My hovercraft is full of eels, <span style="font-style:normal">lit.</span> "My canoe, my flying one is filled with eels."
| translation = My hovercraft is full of eels, <span style="font-style:normal">lit.</span> "My canoe, my flying one is filled with eels."

Deverbals formed by the Gerundial can serve as modifiers to the head of an NP:
Deverbals formed by the Gerundial can incorporate nouns, and serve as modifiers to the head of an NP.  Thus, a truly complex word form can be created, as in the following example:
|phrase = išpisaxxalamiħyišattima<u>xx</u>im izzesparaktirekte
|phrase = išpisaxxalamiħyišattima<u>xx</u>im izzesparaktirekte
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They can even form compounds:
Interestingly, it appears that noun incorporation can occur recursively in these deverbals formed by the Gerundial, such as in the following example, the result of a speech game between two speakers:
|phrase = Nireppa nišwakanaft kalluntinnuspanniyaxpaxinnipsaspeksespiriškissartahabuš
| IPA =
| morphemes = Nireppa nišwak-∅-an=naft kallut-n-[[n-ruspar-niyaxpa-x]-n-[n-psa-subek-sespir-šk-x]]-x-sar-tah-ab-u=š
| gloss = little.bear.ABS be.white-3MS.NOM-INTR=NMLZ eat-LNK-[LNK-play-in.fountain.grass-GER]-LNK-[LNK-[MIT-hold-in.hand-PARTIAL.CTRL]-GER]-look-3MS.ACC+2S.NOM-IMPF-TRNS=IRR
| translation = Watch the white cub eating on the grass playing with the stick he's barely holding onto.
As a deverbal, they can also form compounds:
|phrase = išpisaxturasmiħyišattimaššumbat
|phrase = išpisaxturasmiħyišattimaššumbat


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